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Tired of spamming 1/LFG


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Hmm...look at the forums: Well, seems to me, I'm doing that right now and checking out YOUR thread and from what I've read here; its still a "YOU" problem or "YOUR machine" problem.


As far as fanboy; first i think to be derogatory its really supposed to be spelled "Fanboi" , second just because i enjoy the game doesn't me a 'fanboi' and last what I posted was my own personal experience (which seems to coincide with most others).


And to add to this, Smuggler should be changed to "Rouge".

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What this game should have, and what every other future mmo should have is World of Warcrafts automated LFG tool. It's amazing, because shouting looking for group in a chat channel is so stupid and annoying...and after 10 years of shouting LFG in various mmo chat channels, it's time to stop doing that.




I hate the lack of LFG tools in this game. The actual tool they have in place is crap. C.R.A.P.


I spent 30 minutes LFG as a tank. /fail

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I don't think I have ever had a problem finding a group. Unless it was like 4am in the morning.


It sounds to me like you are doing something wrong. This is an MMO, not WoW. There is event a centralized place you go to in order to go to any Flashpoint (the fleet) and you still fail at finding a group? Maybe you are just so bad that no one wants to join you anymore?

Edited by Vidrak
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I think people are tired of WoW because they realize they only log on to do 2 or 3 things.


1. Dailies

2. LFD for valor cap

3. Raid


And since most new MMO games are only WoW clones, people feel trapped. So they respond with venomous hatred to people who want to important unneeded crap from WoW.

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Anyone who has played an MMO before WoW knows what a community actually is.--Anyone who has any experience in any mmo community anywhere knows how much of a retard you make yourself look like by typing without any facts, this your first game?


You think joining some lamer group using LFG/LFM spam, not saying one word to eachother the ENTIRE instance and then leaving, again, not saying a word to anyone is building community? Not to mention, that these dungeon groups are formed cross-server with people whom you will never have a chance to play with again most likely.


You don't know anything about it(YOUR opinion and ZERO fact, flamebait poster), so stop posting like you do. Thanks. - Tell you what, you pay for my game and THEN you get to dictate what and when I can post, til then s.t.f.u..


If anything, they need to add an IQ test to allow people to post on the forums at all. That would fix a lot of problems.---(including your own...sanctimonious much? or sorry...I'll use your own language: U MAD BRO?? if you had any more IQ than a chicken you wouldn't be so assuming)


E-rage much? I been playing since pong was a home console. So you are ignorant at best.


I corrected your post.. don't thank me.


"not saying one word to each other... not saying one word to each other" (good one there zoolander)happens in ANY group no matter how you got it. So in your opinion, How you get into a group = whether people chat to each other during it? Your lack or grasping the obvious is astounding.


I'll post how I see fit, don't like it? Then don't read it, troll.

Edited by MandraMoody
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it is as easy as starting your own group ...


I actually had this yesterday. I came to a point where i needed to do a 4 man heroic quest. I saw in chat 3 people in general asking for the same quest. I figured they grouped up so i shouted i was starting a group for the quest.


those three people sent me a whisper asking if they could join. I sat there thinking "you three saw each other were looking for the SAME quest and all of you were too lazy to start sending invites?!?!"


so i didn't invite them either :D



Morale of the story ... stop being lazy and start a damn group.

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I hate this, but I totally agree. Nobody uses LFG past level 40. Everybody just skips over the heroic quests. Also, nobody past 40 does flash points.


Let me repeat again; I have been looking solidly and consistently for a few weeks as a personal experiment.


Nobody uses the LFG flag whatsoever, and this is not an exaggeration.


I haven't seen one other person flagged, EVER outside of the Imperial Fleet.

Edited by ryanvward
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I concur - we need a true LFG tool.


I have followed the advice of people here in order to find groups. Last night we needed two DPS for a run and the only two people had LFG comments set - one for Black Talon and one that was informing everyone that "I Like Turtles". We gave up after 20 minutes of spamming without finding another person - this was at prime time and we already had a tank/healer so just needed two dps.


We do friend/guild runs sometimes when we can get together, but that is not always an option and trying to run any kind of PUG is extremely painful in this game.

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E-rage much? I been playing since pong was a home console. So you are ignorant at best.


what does that have to do with MMO's community? FACT is communities were actually built in games like EQ1, SWG, UO, DAOC ... hell any game before WoW. then WoW killed the community feature by catering to the lazy ******* console gamers who wanted everything "NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"


I hope when SWTOR adds all the ******** that dumbed down WOW(addons, cross server LFD/LFR) they will leave a couple servers without that crap.

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