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Price fix scam...


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i was actually thinking about this the other day :)


Its awesome that the servers are all merged since we are all (i assume) technologically aware, and since we all (i assume) can use the internet to shop for things, it means instead of being stuck with a single price we can shop around for the cheapest option according to our exchange rate and our credit/debit cards. Plenty of places sell time cards on line. Go buy them there and rejoice that you just saved 2 quid a month on your sub.

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Sorry not part of the EURO, if you refer to a central bank in general, learn economics from something other than zeitgeist perhaps?! we are, fact, best and most well of country in the EU. Oh and our central bank is run by swedishpeople not some greenberg greedy corrupted shell, not everyone is like USA.


It is actually very nice there ... I'd debate best as that rather subjective but the average standard of living is much higher than the US/UK for example.... That being the case I have no sympathy for you ... (British here by the way) :p

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Why do Biofail charge the uk £8.99 for 1 month sub and sweden 119.00 sek (£11.19)?

in todays currency market thats an extra £2.20 ...

This is from my current sub..

Current Subscription: One Month Recurring Subscription Next billing date: 4 Feb 2012 for 119.00 kr


also.. when i bought the game on the SWTOR website it clearly stated 500sek.... so i click the link witch took me to Origin.. witch decided to charge me 550sek !!


these ppl are robbing hoods... and ofc i will complain to the apropiate ppl...


Have you accounted for the fact that there is a VAT difference between the countries?

Swedeen has 25% VAT, the UK has only 20%, in addition tho that it is also depended additional regulation because no in all countries all services especially online services have VAT on them, and even then it is not always the same rate as other products.

Also if they charge in SEK, but for eg EA Europe is located in the UK which means they have to exchange all the SEK charges into GBP they will pay exchange commission since even EA is not a bank and cannot trade in CLS exhange rates.

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Have you accounted for the fact that there is a VAT difference between the countries?

Swedeen has 25% VAT, the UK has only 20%, in addition tho that it is also depended additional regulation because no in all countries all services especially online services have VAT on them, and even then it is not always the same rate as other products.

Also if they charge in SEK, but for eg EA Europe is located in the UK which means they have to exchange all the SEK charges into GBP they will pay exchange commission since even EA is not a bank and cannot trade in CLS exhange rates.


there is no comission charge over £250... so this in void...and 5% of 8.99 is not over £2.20

myabe you should check figures before posting such rubbish.


and all charges in relation to card usage abroad are at the cost of the user not the recipiant.

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there is no comission charge over £250... so this in void...and 5% of 8.99 is not over £2.20

myabe you should check figures before posting such rubbish.


and all charges in relation to card usage abroad are at the cost of the user not the recipiant.


Lol this is not the local currency exchange place, all currency exchanges have rates, bank trade CLS currencies between them selves at a "current" exchange rates, all other institutions including even your own government buys foreign currency at higher exchange rates than cross bank trading.


Also don't forget that the GBP went down quite a bit even for the past couple of weeks, and it pretty much crashed down over the past 18 months.

If the GBP drops more you would be paying more "GBP" but still the same amount of SEK, and when it bumps up again to its normal traded value you would be paying less GBP for the same amount... i wonder how much you would like it if they charged you in GBP and then discover that you have to pay more SEK a month every time i gets a couple of % to its value back...

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