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50 rage full champ gear what relic should i get for big smash crits


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I like this one; http://www.torhead.com/item/1rQhEI2/matrix-cube-m7-g0


but its a bit of pain in the butt to get, you need 3 green matrix shards, google/youtube search for it and you'll find loads of guides.


No "On use" but great stat boost;


also, if you are biochem (if not concider rerole) you can get a +136 str and 56 power permanent stat boost from the rakata stim pack:






Forgot the packs arent bop/bio chem only, they do require a alloy so they will be expensive to get.


apart from that you have all the datacrons that you can gather with +str and +end around the galaxy, havnt really done the math, but you can close to +100 str more in base stats just by getting these.


pop your power trinket, frenzy and bloodthirst and watch those 6k smash crits :)


funny how you can destroy any class with charge, crush, batter, smash, scream, vt if your lucky :p

Edited by zoranporan
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You'll want to use stims constantly as well as Adrenals.


I prefer to have the Power and Crit/Surge on-use trinkets as opposed to pure stat boosts. Being able to time burst trinkets with such a burst spec (I play Carnage however you're an idiot if you don't think Rage is bursty) is extremely powerful. Straight stat trinkets will probably tend to be more useful for Annihilation.

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You'll want to use stims constantly as well as Adrenals.


I prefer to have the Power and Crit/Surge on-use trinkets as opposed to pure stat boosts. Being able to time burst trinkets with such a burst spec (I play Carnage however you're an idiot if you don't think Rage is bursty) is extremely powerful. Straight stat trinkets will probably tend to be more useful for Annihilation.


good point with the adrenals forgot about those, but dont forget that this str gives +crit aswell as +power for us. and for pvp the extra endurance isnt that bad either. I just mentioning that relic as an example to a pvp relic.


You also might want to use the 15% expertise "pots" you get off pvp vendor.


clearly our friend here has seen klindas vid's and wondering how hes able to get 6k smash crits, dont forget that he has battlemaster gear and gets these on lowbies, + does all that we just mentioned !

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good point with the adrenals forgot about those, but dont forget that this str gives +crit aswell as +power for us. and for pvp the extra endurance isnt that bad either. I just mentioning that relic as an example to a pvp relic.


You also might want to use the 15% expertise "pots" you get off pvp vendor.


clearly our friend here has seen klindas vid's and wondering how hes able to get 6k smash crits, dont forget that he has battlemaster gear and gets these on lowbies, + does all that we just mentioned !



Very true. I really, really wish he didn't release that video. It's extremely misleading considering the 50 bracket is coming and nothing like that will ever be seen again.


The Expertise stim is extremely important - more so as you get more gear, obviously.


While Strength gives Power and Crit, I'm not sure about the exact ratios off the top of my head but I'm fairly certain having both the Power and Crit trinkets (obviously not on at the same time) would be more of each stat in the end. You do have me on the Endurance part, however recruiting a Guard and a pocket healer will go a long way to solve that problem :p

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no argument there; but the 50 prototype relic should get replaced once/if you have full champ/battlemaster gear, no real need for it, and as you say the relic put out a great deal of asswhoppin'n when used :)


great contributions to the community kiba; keep it up man :)

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um the lowbies does not really effect it too much light armor with no def buffs going will get pulverized at level 50 also. I hit level 50's for 4500-5500 on a regular basis when they don't have a bubble up or some def buff going. Also smash shouldn't yield high damage unless you are in the rage tree because it's the only tree that gives the 100% critical + the damage bonus to force attacks. If you use the carnage tree it give bonuses to melee attacks and the anihilate tree gives bonuses to bleed attacks so make sure you have the right tree for your play style. I rolled rage from the beginning and everyone told me that it was terrible and that anihliate was supperior but I stuck with rage and it seems to be becoming the PvP tree for most marauders. I believe that the DPS is comperable plus the abiltty to hit multiple targets at the same time for mass damage and extra survivabilty in the shin-cho form. The other 2 trees are much better for single target assault. I have now respecced to try all three trees and I still can't bring myself off the rage tree.
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