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POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


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I think it has been rushed.



But 2012 is quite a heavy year,



Diablo 3


Guild Wars 2


Mists of Pandaria





are very likely to become the Top-Selling and Top-Playing games of the year, with MoP just breaking the previous sales record held by Cataclysm.


And I think SW:TOR can't stand Guild Wars 2.

Edited by LovarBoy
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What is your point, you played those games at launch? Becuase i notice you're not really addressing my points at all. Is that because you understand that those games were all released in a state that you would call rushed?


I suspect so. Lets face it, you're just another QQ'er, QQ'ing


I would have to agree.

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Now this makes me laugh.:D


Originally Posted by TheHirogen

Ok you win, I promise from now on to be subservient to my american overlords, all hail EA and thank you master for letting me pay more and get worse service than your children master.




Originally Posted by TheHirogen

I did quit, I did issue a poll, thelist is MY reasons and MY opinions as to why I think it was rushed and should not have been released.


Feel free to vote, comment, disagree, agree whatever, but please read my OP before you go off.



Also for the record I did not buy Bioware products since the mid 90's and even EA stuff since a kid including this game in order to "troll" because I hate americans, how stupid can you get? I love US, I lived there before, have family there, all I said was, GIVE EU SEPERATE DOWNTIMES


At least you are old enough and have had enough experience to know what sarcasm is and joking on the internet, or so called, tongue in cheek?! Now do you have anything to addother than your esteemed prescense?

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the communtiy is great .. in game.. cause the trolls wont touch the in game with thir complaints cause they are illogical: and more than likely will be ingored. so the minority come here to watch them...

thats pretty much it.. and if it a actully complaint..... dont put it in the genral fourms . thereis one called custermer service they are the ones able to fix your probs...


You're correct, I've found nothing but helpful people in the actual game, never an issue finding a group and everyone I've teamed up with has been easygoing and good company.

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You haven't been in many MMO launches if you think TOR is rushed. I suggest you read up on what WoW, DAoC, Asheron's Call 2, AO, Dark and Light, and Mourning were like on launch day.


Blizzard spent a month adding enough servers that overpopulation didn't cause a given server to come to a complete standstill for fifteen minutes. The original patcher for WoW was freaking bittorrent!


DAoC was so buggy you would think it was a pre-Alpha build.


AC2 at launch was so buggy that it never recovered and Turbine had to pull the plug on it.


Anarchy Online was so bad that it's developers nearly went bankrupt.


D&L was just awful, laggy, buggy, horrible graphics.


Mourning was so bad that even moderators and developers were openly decrying that the game was being released in the condition that it was in and that it was at best an Alpha-build.


TOR is missing some minor features that Bioware are addressing, but it's a playable game.


Very true.


From what I have seen on these forums, people don't remember the truth, only what they can remember seeing with there rose tinted glasses on.

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Your OP made me lol and half the stuff you just made up. Down time at 8am usually, if you had a job this would not be an issue.


You mention SWG but that game was one of the most broken MMO's of all time, Jedi with blaster lol, 1000000000 of bugs that never got fixed in 8 years, Im guessing you never played it.


You also say TOR is a WoW copy, that means WoW is an SWG copy and CoD is a Doom copy ROFL.

Your OP fails on so many levels it hurts to read.


Not contructive, being a wow copy is a good thing in certain ways, love it or hate it it got so many things right. Wow was a copy and conglomeration of all the MMO's that came before it. ALL THE GOOD BITS thats why it succeeded. SW:TOR is an odd mixture, that may well find a niche (if you have the patience to stick with it), a story driven MMO lite with old concepts not particularily well implemented that may improve over time, and it has some nice in game voices\cutscenes. Stop being personal in posts, put forward a constructive case don't just insult someone for a view, all it does is open you up for being flammed...

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Not contructive... Stop being personal in posts, put forward a constructive case don't just insult someone for a view, all it does is open you up for being flammed...


Someone give this man a medal!


I'm serious, though. Personal attacks over the internet are just low.

Edited by Knickerus
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You're correct, I've found nothing but helpful people in the actual game, never an issue finding a group and everyone I've teamed up with has been easygoing and good company.


I'm yet to Group up with people I did not like. The in game peeps are a good crowd.

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The main issue here is the rotten community and the inability to understand the process of making games of this magnitude.


To start off, no MMO in history will ever release perfectly, i'm 100% sure about this statement and you can call me out whenever you want on it, if it ever happens (yea right).


Second of, the bigger the game the more resources and time it requires. This game is huge. That is a fact. Wether you (ignorant person) aknowledge it or ignore parts of the game because it fits your "argumentation" doesnt change it. You have almost everything a traditional MMO has nowadays plus 8 different storylines + complete voiceover and immersion.


People are too used to WoW and its "bad" success. WoW tried to please everyone with Wrath and Cataclysm, and because of that people kept demanding for more and more, eventually crashing under its own promises. That is not to say wow is a bad game/its dying/ it can't recover,but that is a different story.


The problem is that by doing that ,blizzard try to make something that in our world doesn't really work. Something that makes everyone happy. Blizzard's success with wow redifined the MMO industry and what it means to be successful, and they're suffering under their own unintended mistake as well.


Everyone want's everything and if they don't get it they complain and threaten to leave. Subs drop and flamers and QQ'ers become doomsayers and so forth.


Games for the most part still follow the basic concept of "target audience" and its what makes games good. Because they try to deliver something to a certain type of people. WoW broke that nieche' by trying to do it all.


On the other hand, because Blizzard did so many things, and because they are continuously trying to sqeeze in more money/subs/players/whateveritistheywant they continue to implement new features or "quality of life" options as you guys call it, which in turn as we've seen so far people aknowledge on a very large scale as "the norm".


It is NOT the norm. Each company is its own team, and with their own ideas. Some features will be implemented, sooner or later depending on the case.


A game of this magnitude does not simply work in a month. It takes a long time. it took WoW 7years to come where it is now, and STILL there are class imbalances, bugs,exploits,etc. Please use reasoning when demanding a plethora of things from a newly released game and make the difference between obligatory and optional. Also take into account that there is a certain priority for bugs, as well as a certain development time required to fix some larger bugs.


A game company of this size with a lot of success does not simply refuse to fix issues on a whim. You should know by now that some bugs take longer to fix.


As a last major note i like to touch the idea irrational idea of PTS. Just because people were able to play the PTS doesn't mean the game had "time to be perfect". It had time to figure out bugs and issues. But these issues need to be tracked on a very large scale. You don't just change one number and everything becomes pink. One fix can create 100 new bugs as such fixing things becomes a very difficult task.


Patience is something most people lack these days and it is this that actually breaks most games nowadays. It's not that the games are bad, its the people that don't have reasoning, understanding and patience. It's also because of these people's patience that sometimes games get rushed. People DEMAND things nowadays and if they don't get it, things get ugly.


In conclusion, i agree that the game needs fixing and issues need to be looked into. But for that to happen faster and more efficiently, bugs and issues need to be reported properly in a good way so that they actually help the programmers. Complaint threads rarely ever give constructive feedback on what exactly needs fixed. The sooner people start to understand that, the sooner we will start seeing a huge increase in quality games.

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What is your point, you played those games at launch? Becuase i notice you're not really addressing my points at all. Is that because you understand that those games were all released in a state that you would call rushed?


I suspect so. Lets face it, you're just another QQ'er, QQ'ing


You know exactly what I mean, I did not have as severe problems with any of those games I mentioned as I have had with this game.


You wanna use memes and "QQ's" as retort, fine, just don't go QQing in a month when you realise how bad of a state this game is in and the novelty of questing is over and there are only so much to do, I give it half a month if you have to contact customer support, they usually bring a player over the edge faster than any bug so far in this game.

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OP: I agree on a good third of your rethorical list. Another third is agreeable but not sign of a rush in publishing, just design/manage choices. The last third I just disagree.


The game was claerly rush-published, btw. The right time for its release would probably be April 2012.

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Not I, though it could use some fixing up and some additions.



A bug, all MMOs have them.



Could use some touching up on, but it's not a huge issue.



Most MMOs do not have a LFG. I know everyone here comes from WoW or Rift or whatever, but I've played dozens of MMOs, F2P and P2P, most MMOs do not have an LFG. As such, although it may make a nice feature, it does not count as something missing from the game, or something that makes the game incomplete.



False. I've had issues and although it takes time, they've been dealt with. Bad customer support MAYBE, but not no customer support.



Because MMOs you know, are supposed to look beautiful. Very few MMOs look great, and that was not this game's focus. This game doesn't need to look perfect to provide a moving and gratifying experience, besides I've seen quite a few recent MMO launches that look as bad if not worse than TOR.



That's actually not true. It runs on MOST computers, it runs okay on a lot of computers. There are a lot of computers that have problems with it, but still, more people play it fine than play it with large crippling FPS issues.



MMOs have loads of bugs on launch. I'm shocked. That's the case with EVERY single MMO launch ever, some worse than others. As someone who's experienced multiple MMO launches, I can safely say that this one is smooth that most, though not the smoothest ever.






I disagree on forums being terrible overall. They're missing some nice touches as you mentioned, but they're far from horrible.


Chat bubbles, basic functions for guilds and ability to use chairs etc.




Agreed on the day/night cycle, though that's not something that NEEDS to be here for us to consider the game complete. Do you mean there's no reason to explore or no one can explore? If so that is COMPLETELY false. Holocrons, finding Heroic World Bosses just for fun, searching for Area quests or side quests. It may not be necessary to explore, but there are reasons to. Complete games at launch HAVE to have swimming... really?



That's getting fixed next patch.



That in and of itself is not a downside. It's a missed opportunity, I'll agree on that. But it's the same as any other minigame in existence.



Not character customization? EH? Also, didn't know that about Datacrons, glad I did type 2.



There's actually quite a bit of good endgame. It's simply too easy and broken.



You mean human like races? I'll agree there should be more races, but I think they'd all be human in form anyways.



False. Advanced classes feel drastically different from one another. Assassin and Sorcerer, for example, play different from each other. Then you've got the 2 unique branches in each class, making for some very good customization options. That's quite a bit of choice.



And where did WoW get most of its features? :)



Some companions have glitches, but barely working? Seriously?



Agreed, more love for our Euro comrades!



Ya, but that doesn't make a game incomplete, that's more of a whine on your part.



You can't just flip a switch and fix a glitch. They're trying their very best, but it's a VERY difficult job. You have to first identify the problem (which can take a long time), then you have to figure out a solution, then you have to implement the solution and see if it messes anything else up, if it does, back to finding another solution.



Honestly, this is becoming more and more like your personal issues with the game.



This is COMPLETELY subjective and I disagree with it in it's entirety. The atmosphere for this game is pretty amazing, and if someone is going to bring up how worlds feel "lifeless", they need to understand that observation is completely subjective and again I and many others disagree with it.



I run into people often enough, though not on backwater planets like Quesh or Voss. I personally don't have an issue with this as I'm more of a solo MMO gamer, but I think they should try to help those of you who want to run into more players.



You're getting redundant now. Not everyone has these issues, I most certainly do not, they've acknowledged the problem and now they're working on how to solve it.



They're more worried with fixing things than they are with running around in game doing whatever.



Your point?



Agreed. Though these issues (except the gear one) plague a lot of other MMOs, they do need to be addressed.






So false. Crafting and Space for mini games, heroics, heroic world bosses, operations, and flashpoints for social things.



Ya, really annoying for RPers.



These forums are really populated, so it's hard to find all the dev comments, but there have been quite a few.



I'm going to have to disagree on this as well.



If you disagre feel free to say why, if you agree feel free to offer as to why.




I like TOR better. But a lot of people don't because MMOs are losing their novelty. It used to be something special to be playing with thousands of people in massive games. Galaxies felt better at the time, because it was new and amazing. But if you were to go back in time and play it back then, with the knowledge you have of TOR now, I'm pretty sure you'd look at it as pretty poor in comparison.


To sum it up, I don't think TOR is incomplete FOR AN MMO THAT JUST LAUNCHED. It has some nice mechanics and things missing (a good LFG thing for example), things that are in poor condition that need some fixing or improvements (Flashpoints, Operations, UI), and things that were missed opportunities (Space Combat, Crafting as being more useful, Biochem aside that is).


I also think we can safely conclude, that most of the things you mentioned were purely subjective. A lot of things you mentioned had nothing to do with rush to develop, and had more to do with you missing a feature that was in another game -- even if that feature isn't in most MMOs. So while we can say it's got a ways to go, I don't believe it was rushed.


It's got a ways to go, and it's most certainly not the best MMO on the market right now. But they've laid the foundation for something truly beautiful. If they can address these issues, and keep a steady stream of endgame content, this game has the potential to be something truly amazing.


/cheer for you fantastic feed back you keep your answers short and to the point .. i hope the troll can under stand it. people say this is wow but they keep trying to turn it into wow for unknown reason...


also that is the main reason alot of us are here we are tired of wow or we dont want panda's and pokemon. just direct the trolls to

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By the way I appreciate everyone who post constructive things even the ones who dissagree with me.


To the ones trolling me and insulting me you should know that the only one you are doing a favor by acting like that is to those you accuseof wanting the game to fail, by coming across as godforbid the games community and appearing as ignorant sheep like the ones swearing by age of conan after everyone had left.

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While it is not finished, I dont find it was rushed. Launch was smooth. There are bugs but not nearly as much as in some MMOs on release. It is good enough as it is and will propably soon be improved regarding some of the missing things you mentioned. Just my opinion so poll


Not rushed

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By the way I appreciate everyone who post constructive things even the ones who dissagree with me.


To the ones trolling me and insulting me you should know that the only one you are doing a favor by acting like that is to those you accuseof wanting the game to fail, by coming across as godforbid the games community and appearing as ignorant sheep like the ones swearing by age of conan after everyone had left.


lmao.. this game is no where NEAR as buggy as AOC was. Its clear from your posts that you're a negative Nancy though. have fun mr doomsayer. :)

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I dont think it was rushed. Hell, how many years in dev?


I do, however, think the designers didn't spend enough time evaluating other MMOs to see what does and does not work.


The UI alone shows this. That they can consider such a rigid, inflexible and ugly UI to be suitable shows they can't possibly have looked at an MMO since 2005.

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Very rushed, sadly I think it will suffer for it.


I used to LOVE Bioware but after the EA acquisition Bioware games have suffered greatly.

They are lacking the polish and quality I had come to expect from Bioware.

DA2 and now TOR are fine examples of the diminished quality since the EA buyout.

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You know exactly what I mean, I did not have as severe problems with any of those games I mentioned as I have had with this game.


You wanna use memes and "QQ's" as retort, fine, just don't go QQing in a month when you realise how bad of a state this game is in and the novelty of questing is over and there are only so much to do, I give it half a month if you have to contact customer support, they usually bring a player over the edge faster than any bug so far in this game.


Lets take WoW for example. Do i have to go and pull up historical patch notes for that game going back to 1.1 to prove my point?!


You are either delusional or deliberately misleading people by claiming that those games launched in a state better than this game. Go look at patch notes 0.12 to 1.5 and see just how much was added to the game and fixed in that short time frame alone. Classes were in a state of flux that made the current cata fix cycle look tame.



All i hear is someone that didn't get what they wanted, and are still complaining about it.

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Well I think the game was rushed on one hand but on the other hand the game turned out great nonetheless.


There of course are a lot of ways how Bioware could improve the game and I hope they are trying to implement as many features as they can to satisfy the gaming needs of as many players as possible. I myself try to think of ways of improvement and I publish them on my blog. Actually I think if all of the people "hating" the game right now would be writing down ideas in a nice manner instead, they could make a huge difference.

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There is a few points which is a big issues, but many just pointed for a sake of a big fat post about many "failures".


But answering on a general question, if i think the game was rushed to release before D3/GW2? - yes it was, and i honestly can say - it's worked, atleast on me :).


I was generaly lured at the beggining (and maybe if i was already in deep D3 adventure, i was probaly did't brough swtor at all), however i did't see any good reason to continue subscription until the major game things will be implemented\fixed.


But i realy hope they will now take a time and fix everything related to a real major issues as ability delay\ui addons, not like this non-existent LFD tool ruining your game playing experience :<


So rushing release work in some way - ill keep my eyes on patchnotes and renew subscription when the game will be truly done :)

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