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POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


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sounds to me like you never played a game at release and ya need a new comp or at least fix/upgrade what ya have better luck on your next game




Sorry but you can't just limp through red penning a response with questions, ill informed theories and conjecture without expecting to get flame grilled!!!! And then have the termerity to sum it up with the ultimate fanboy response of "its your PC"...


Go search on the web for how many people are having huge issues in game with FPS, input lag and the multiple FP bugs. its a badly coded game... you know the best way to tell. alt tab to your task manger see how memory hungry the game is and see how it leaks over time, then see how long the game takes to exit. That my dear friend is it desperately sweeping up the mess it has made of you memory allocation....


the old addage of if it looks like a duck and qucks like a duck, there is a fairly good chance it is a duck can be employed here... just change duck for turkey!!!!

Edited by septusmortis
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They have more than one office? common practise by big companies? EA the owner also has their HQ there? guess what, Microsoft has an office in Sweden, I suppose that makes them... you guessed it, Bill Gates is a viking!


When a companies MAIN headquarters is in Sweden, then yes, it will be Swedish. But when their main headquarters is in California? Guess what that makes them. Especially when they are owned by an American company as well.

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well lets see if you got into beta acess and didnt report buggs and just want to play and try the game out .... well you can only point your finger at your self .. and have you even read any of the patch notes and whats coming ... i dont think so cause alot of the issues are being fixed and/or worked on
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When a companies MAIN headquarters is in Sweden, then yes, it will be Swedish. But when their main headquarters is in California? Guess what that makes them. Especially when they are owned by an American company as well.


Ok you win, I promise from now on to be subservient to my american overlords, all hail EA and thank you master for letting me pay more and get worse service than your children master.

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POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


Yes, it was ready. If you had phrased your question differently and asked if this game was released before it was perfect, I would agree with you on all points.


However, so far as MMO games goes, Star Wars the old republic was ready. There is room for improvement and we get one of our first demands fulfilled soon, level 50 WZ brackets.


It made sense to NOT include or focus on this function for release, since all people will be low levels. Now that game stayed a bit and more players reached level cap, Bioware can implement level 50 brackets without forcing 50's to wait half a hours each time they want to play.

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I feel the need to respond to this thread. Almost everything listed is either dumb, or has been addressed. I'm not going to go over the full list, but many many things have already been confirmed as "base" systems that are going to be built on, which is already in the works, these things include but arent limited to: the legacy system, the space combat system, both the open world and WZ based pvp systems, the end-game gearing systems, the end game PvE instances, the graphics options, the UI, both in terms of addon support, combat log, action bars, scaling, etc. I'm sure i could think of more, but, to me, I'm glad they put basic systems in place and then intend to improve them, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the game evolves. I think doing it that way is better than WoW's system of announcing more than they can produce, and having to cancel things that were promised. i can make a HUGE list of features blizzard promised but never came. player housing, large-scale, objective-based world pvp, the ill0-fated dance studio, the "path of mastery" (not sure about the name there) system they announced for wotlk, archaeology was supposed to be much more rebust, master classes. i could go on. personally, ill take a list of things that are in game and will be worked on over a list of things that never even see the light of day, any day of the week.
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Ok you win, I promise from now on to be subservient to my american overlords, all hail EA and thank you master for letting me pay more and get worse service than your children master.


No one told you to buy it then come QQ on the forums that your inconvenienced when the down time happens. No matter when they do downtime, someone will be inconvenienced. They just choose to do it on US downtime.

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No one told you to buy it then come QQ on the forums that your inconvenienced when the down time happens. No matter when they do downtime, someone will be inconvenienced. They just choose to do it on US downtime.


And me and thousands of other european players want seperate downtimes, we earnedit by paying and playing.If they refuse to give that it will just make people quit, fine, all happy, thanks for the vote.

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And me and thousands of other european players want seperate downtimes, we earnedit by paying and playing.If they refuse to give that it will just make people quit, fine, all happy, thanks for the vote.



And Me and our hundreds of thousand US players would like it on our downtime. Although, this is my uptime, I would rather the downtime be during the day in the US.

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blah, blah, blah, opinion, opinion, opinion


Firstly, as anyone in every single MMO forum that has ever launched will tell you, MMOs do not launch finished. Ever. Please cut the BS where you say such and such a game was launched ready.


It wasn't.


MMOs launch not at a finshed state, but at a playable state. This game is in a playable state. It is in far more than a playable state.


Your long and boring list is a mixture of fair points, opnion, gossip, rumour mongering, lies and flat out BS.


The game doesn't feel rushed. I've played every mmo launch of the past 7 years, and despite what a load of moaners would say, this is a good launch. So, Hirogen, why don't you calm down, wait a month or so while they go through the fix cycle, and try and enjoy the game.


If you can't do that, then just go away. No one needs another ill founded QQ post, which is what your post is. Come back in a few months, try it again. If you still don't like it, there's always WoW if you need a finished MMO.

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Yes it was rushed. To be honest you cant blame Bioware for that, it would have been the game killing, cash greedy idiots otherwise known as EA.


I hate EA as a company. Everything is about money, customers mean nothing to them.


Ultima Online, bought by EA and murdered within a year.


EA buy Westwood studios and destroy Command and Conquer by releasing the joke that as Command and Conquer 4.


Then came Origin.........


This game will be dead within a year.


I've cancelled my subscription, might come back if they add some endgame content and actually add some PvP that works.

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Why cry about something just quit. You did not issue a poll just a bunch of opnions. A true poll is to gather information and consist of one question. For example... Do you like to ski.

Not a list of why I don't like sking and what I think should be done about it. I hate snow, I think the skilifts should go slower and even stop till im ready to get on, etc ......

Get it , my first question was a poll, my second example is just me crying as to why I hate skiing.



Ok you win, I promise from now on to be subservient to my american overlords, all hail EA and thank you master for letting me pay more and get worse service than your children master.


and what the bleep is your above quote have to do with anything related to this game. If you hate america sorry for you and all the money and help we give out freely, I am not out to grant you permission to hate america - thats the real reason of your post. You have no reason to hate us , heck I could even put an age on you that I believe is fairly accurate based on your reasoning 23 to 27 , am I right ?

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Firstly, as anyone in every single MMO forum that has ever launched will tell you, MMOs do not launch finished. Ever. Please cut the BS where you say such and such a gameblah blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH.


I played WoW at launch, SWG at launch, EvE Online at launch and FF11 at launch forboth PC and console.

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Where is your poll instead of the ranting and raving. If you wanted a real answer ,instead of a crying post. Post a poll and not a crying thread about why you dont like this game. I and millions of others love it and refuse to let a minority of what appears to be nit picky whining try to influence an excellent game and roll out. No mmo has even come close matching the supperior quality that bioware has put out on this mmo. Do some research next time and put in some researched reasoning behind opnions. Thank you


Oh purleease.... superior quality... no no no. Superior production values and presentation I agree 100% but you can't say superior quality. four game breakers...


1. Input lag... this will kill the game if nothing else silly little things like animations too long for CD's etc show a lot of lazy config and yes people did complain about it in beta and no they did not fix it!!!


2. Horrific\lazy coding efficiency = poor\patchy performance and variable game experience even on recommended hardware


3. very lazy generic quests e.g. kill x of y or defuse\blowup x quests....


4. End game is dead and before you say why rush through etc... the levelling curve is a joke.... even with no spacebarring quest dialogue....


Fix the above and you know what the game would be getting there in terms of playability, without the above fixed it will fail. they may have this in the pipeline lets hope so. and before you flame remember this is how democracy works you complain about something and it gets changed.


Play this as a single player experience with some grouping and it works (just)


This is not nit picking it is the process of improvement jeeps if you played wow remember how the forums lit up in the first few months of release? man it was serious. MMO players know they have to live with a game for a long time if they commit to it, and potentially invest a large amount of time so they have a right to expect things to be as right as they possibly can.... not half completed, buggy and missing basic functionality.

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blah blah blah?


I did quit, I did issue a poll, thelist is MY reasons and MY opinions as to why I think it was rushed and should not have been released.


Feel free to vote, comment, disagree, agree whatever, but please read my OP before you go off.



Also for the record I did not buy Bioware products since the mid 90's and even EA stuff since a kid including this game in order to "troll" because I hate americans, how stupid can you get? I love US, I lived there before, have family there, all I said was, GIVE EU SEPERATE DOWNTIMES!!!

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