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Swoop Bikes and Pod Raceing


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Ok, SWTOR is AWSOME. We all know that (if you don't, you don't know what a MMORPG is :p)


However, there is one thing mising from the game. Swoop bikes and Pod raceing.


Swoop Bikes:


For refrence, here are some videos so you can see what I am on about if you have not played KOTOR or KOTOR2:


I can see this being set up so Nar Sharddaa and Corecont, and other city like plants, have Swoop bikes. The way they I think they would work is more what they where in KOTOR2, with obsticals and the like. Maybe have upbrads like you do with your ship, and have differnt Swoop looks for sale and so on.


As Swoop traks are narrow tunnles, rather than have Player v Player, you would have a Score Board, that would show timesdone on the track, and what equipment they where uesing, and a few other things.


Pod Raceing:


Now, Podracing is a much more interesting afaire. You would make these PvPs, with maybe, 8-10 players in it. It would be a race of 3 laps around the 'track', and rachers would be able to 'nuge' other players in to walls and so on, making it VERY dangeres. :p


There are differnt pods that would have differnt stats. For example, you would have Light Pods that would be fast, but would not be able to take much of a beating, midrange pods that where a tad slower, but had a bit more amor on them, and Heavy pods, wiych would be lower than the other two, but would able to take a lot of damige, and there for, be able to biff other players.


Also, with Pod tracks being more open, they would be on the more open planets, like Tat, and so on.


For Both:


Additanly, you could have a Tear system, where people have to be eather a serten lvl before being able to race a trake (probubly close to the lvl of the planet) or they have there own system, where you have to start from the ground up, and ern a carrer, making it its own thing.



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Other than the spelling issues (apologies if you are ESL, otherwise use the spell check feature in the text editor) I agree 100%. Swoop racing for sure is a Bioware / Old Republic staple from the first two games - and it could be a one-on-one PVP system perhaps.


Pod Racing is probably a lot more complex but would be fun.

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I absolutely would like Swoop Racing, and Pod Racing if they could swing it. Swoop racing wouldn't be too hard to implement i would think; they have space combat on rails, swoop racing is just a linear version of that. Pod racing would be trickier, but I'd still love to see it.

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Would love to see pod racing on tatooine, would really add something fresh to the mmorpg world, they should really make it like the N64 version, not on rails, and also let people bet on the racers, and maybe even let guilds start a racing team so they can challenge other guilds and so on, they could add so much to this game :D
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The straight line race smells for me like another space-combat-minigame joke.

But I'm all in if we could race against other players on tracks.


One big hope though:

Don't implement anything like Expertise BS. Make this require SKILL not dedicated gear/speeder. Everyone should have same, fair chance to achieve victory.


We really need something skill based.


What could be rewards for this? Race Valor, XP, money. Perhaps also few different and differently painted speeders (or even better: allow us to manually pick painting scheme and colors used) BUT let them all have same statistics.

Perhaps also add option to get one and customize flag carrier like it's at the beginning of Pod Races (maybe let the companion carry the flag? and than let us customize flags?)

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High quality thread with no trolls, oh how I've missed you so!


I support this, adding mini games to break away from the normal gameplay helps a games lifespan more than most would realize. Especially if it could be turned into a form of PvP (racing head to head on the same track or something). I loved it in Kotor, and it could be so awesome in an MMO!


I approve of this thread!

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