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Help with my fps and game performance please.


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Hi all, ive posted about this issue in customer service and havnt heard anything so I will try here. Im recently upgraded my graphics card with hope that it would improve my ability to run swor but it hasnt seemed to help at all. I am running the game on all low settings and windowed with shadows off and my fps drops to 10-20 in warzones. The game is playable for pve at the moment but i have yet to reach any large instances. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can improve performance for this game? The new card cost me 150 and seems like a waste as I only needed it for this. Im shamefully bad with technology so please be patient if I havnt provided all the necessary info for a fair computer assessment



AMD Phenom 9150 quad core proc 1.80ghz

Geforce gt 545 (just purchased)

4 gm ram

64 bit windows 7 op


my comps windows index score is 5.9 with the lowest scoring area being my hd at 5.9

everyone else is about 6.5.



Thanks in advance for any help or tips on how to improve gameplay!

Edited by DekarSisk
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Hi all, ive posted about this issue in customer service and havnt heard anything so I will try here. Im recently upgraded my graphics card with hope that it would improve my ability to run swor but it hasnt seemed to help at all. I am running the game on all low settings and windowed with shadows off and my fps drops to 10-20 in warzones. The game is playable for pve at the moment but i have yet to reach any large instances. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can improve performance for this game? The new card cost me 150 and seems like a waste as I only needed it for this. Im shamefully bad with technology so please be patient if I havnt provided all the necessary info for a fair computer assessment



AMD Phenom 9150 quad core proc 1.80ghz

Geforce gt 545 (just purchased)

4 gm ram

64 bit windows 7 op


my comps windows index score is 5.9 with the lowest scoring area being my hd at 5.9

everyone else is about 6.5.



Thanks in advance for any help or tips on how to improve gameplay!


Warzones in general seem to have low FPS. 4 GB of ram is plenty for this game. the GT 545 is not a great card. there are 2 different models of those cards as well. DDR3 and DDR 5 ver. If you spent $150 on it I would take it back. you can get a 550TI for that price. If you want to compare cards here are some links.








just looking at the raw numbers you can see a huge difference. The 545's are not much better than a 520.


also a link with current 550 Prices:




also you may want to check your local best buy. I picked up a GTX 460 on clearance for $100 about 2 weeks ago.


hope this helps ya.

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So basically without getting a new computer im doomed to lag even at the lowest possible settings?


Honestly i would just say wait and see. Ive read many threads about the programming of the game not enabling 100% of GPU performance which is a software issue more than "my computer sucks" mindset.


Your computer isnt terrible its probably just fine running the game but be warned that in warzones it WILL drop in fps.

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Thanks for the help and suggestions so far. Would it be worth it to upgrade my processor to a 2.5ghz? So far from what ive read online it seems to be a fairly inexpensive upgrade of 125-175 depending on where i buy it. Also, thanks for the vid card info. I think I will return this as I purchased it from best buy and can return within 30 days. Perhaps they will have one of the recommended cards.
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Thanks for the help and suggestions so far. Would it be worth it to upgrade my processor to a 2.5ghz? So far from what ive read online it seems to be a fairly inexpensive upgrade of 125-175 depending on where i buy it. Also, thanks for the vid card info. I think I will return this as I purchased it from best buy and can return within 30 days. Perhaps they will have one of the recommended cards.


You can never go wrong with an upgrade. Be it ram, cpu, vid card, hard drives etc. If you can upgrade your cpu for a reasonable price then i would say do it but make sure you know what youre doing. Since i dont know your tech level and experience with building computers, i wouldnt get in over my head but installing a cpu is fairly painless.

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the game has ****** optimization (and an utter lack of customiztion in the settings), there is nothing wrong with your rig. i run on a crap laptop with a phenom triple-core, 8gb ram (which has done literally nothing since adding 4gb a month ago), and a mobility radeon 5650. i usually get 40-60fps, but as soon as i enter a room with any kind of smoke/fog/particle effects, i tank to like 10 fps or less. i can run bf3 with a pretty consistent 40fps on similar graphics settings with little to no performance drop even in heavy firefights with explosions and destructible terrain.
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You should look at the subscore. Your processor and memory should be adequate. Hard disk is not a real factor, probably longer load up time. Most important is your "Gamiing graphics" subscore. If yours is 5.x, it'll be bad. Same as my 2nd gen i3 laptop. I'm on GTX460 with a "Gamiing graphics" subscore of 7.6 for my gaming desktop.
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i usually get 40-60fps, but as soon as i enter a room with any kind of smoke/fog/particle effects, i tank to like 10 fps or less. i can run bf3 with a pretty consistent 40fps on similar graphics settings with little to no performance drop even in heavy firefights with explosions and destructible terrain.


I'm having similar issues; game will run fine (PvE) for a few mins in the 55-65 fps range and then suddenly drop to sub 10's for maybe 30s-1m and then right back to 55-65, over and over. I too have set all available setting as low as possible with no improvement (changing settings actually don't seem to matter much). This happens no matter what I'm doing (can be staring at the floor, not moving).


I also have run other games that were more graphic intensive without this kind of fps issue. Is this more of a coding problem with so many people having issues? If I can't get this solved with in the next few months, I don't know how long I can put up with it. Sad, because it is a really nice game.

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You should look at the subscore. Your processor and memory should be adequate. Hard disk is not a real factor, probably longer load up time. Most important is your "Gamiing graphics" subscore. If yours is 5.x, it'll be bad. Same as my 2nd gen i3 laptop. I'm on GTX460 with a "Gamiing graphics" subscore of 7.6 for my gaming desktop.


Thanks for the input. How do you go about viewing your subscore?

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I only have a 300w supply but I plan on switching to 500w this week. The card I have in only requires 300w and meets the recommended requirements for the game. I was under the impression that your power supply does not effect performance as it will either be enough power or not. If having more power will "juice" up my graphics performance please confirm.



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Yeah, thats what I thought but it doesnt effect actually running performance correct? My comp came with the 300w unit and ive upgraded the card but the requirements said it only needed 300. I plan on upgrading the power unit anyway just curios if I will see any performance changes in game with that upgrade alone.
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Anyone else with any other suggestions? I find this to be extremely frustrating as I am able to run all games on this computer with the exception of this one. Im very hesitant to keep pouring money into my computer if I dont have a legit shot at fixing the issue. Also, my fps seems to stay the same even if i max the graphics out vs playing on low level. Are there any other small adjustments I might be able to make to improve performance? I read on here that people have uninstalled and re-installed to improve performance? Maybe this is an option since the game was installed before I purchased a new card?
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Go for 2 more gigs of Ram


Play swtor and use chrome or something similar and som other small apps that we use.. Lie antivirus.. wait 1 hour and see how much ram u use.. im sure you are pretty close to 4 gig at that time... Go for more ram my friend...


Do you know if you can get your cpu any faster???

Edited by Jujjan
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When I view the task manager and look for memory usage what is the important stat im looking for? I have kaspersky, chrome and the game running for several hours now and it says i have 66 processes running and i fluctuate between 40-60% cpu usage with 79% physical memory.


Physical memory stats are

total 4095

cached 830

available 830

free 12

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Start> Right click My computer> Look at> Window's Experience.

That number is rating hardware from a scale 0-7 Higher is better but it will also show you what bottle necking (slowest and needs upgraded first) I had a similar problem. My motherboard was so out of date though that it could not really upgrade past a Duel Core. I would defiantly look into a higher Prossesser (CPU) and more Ram.

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I just restarted the game as I was trying another solution. Right now my cpu commit is 3900 of 8100. My fps in game is green and always around 10 even when im just playing normally. The lag and poor performance gets particularly bad in warzones but is playable for pve to this point.
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If I missed this, I apologize, but what resolution are you running at?


You do NOT need more RAM. More RAM will do nothing for you in this game.


I agree that there's a possibility that your CPU could be limiting you, but that graphics card you bought is not worth $150. And don't buy from Best Buy, because their prices are horrendous.


If you're capped at $150, get one of these cards:




At that price point, AMD is your best bet. nVidia cards just cost way more at that level.


You absolutely need a better power supply, at least 500, and a good name brand like Seasonic, Antec, or Corsair. Many companies make terrible PSUs that only pump out a fraction of the wattage that they claim.


For those of you running laptops, if you notice intermittent FPS drops, it is most likely having to do with overheating. When your CPU/GPU gets maxed, your system will throttle down performance until the components cool down. Then you will get your performance back. There's really very little you can do except perhaps apply really good thermal paste to your heatsink and put a giant box fan facing your computer and turn up the AC in your room. And blow out all the dust in and around the case. Otherwise, you'll just need to upgrade. And I recommend upgrading to a desktop. Cheaper and the components can be upgraded down the road.

Edited by Ringzero
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