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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Romancing Aric Jorgan


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Ohh.... this sounds interesting. Where do you meet this Jonas? My little trooper just landed on Taris so I'm guessing that it will take some time before she get's to the flirting =)


On Nar Shaadaa (next planet after Taris). He's fun. Flirting with him gives you -1 with Aric (if you forget to dismiss him). I do think I skipped one [flirt] option with Jonas when I was on a Companion Quest for Aric. That just seemed inappropriate. ;-)

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I think Aric is based more on quest completion than affection gains. I'm nearly at 9k affection (lvl 33) and we've flirted once, not counting the SIS agent he repeatedly growled at when I flirted with Jonas. So, I'm playing through the story ASAP to see where it ends up! I can't wait! (P.S. Are Cathar definitely considered furries? Not that it'll change anything....)


Yeah, he growled at the SIS agent when I flirted with him too. I'm hoping (I haven't finished Chapter 1 yet) that it opens up once chapter 1 is done. I currently have him at 5k affection, since I have been using Dorne, but I've started bringing him out at dialogue to up his affection even more. About to start his quest chain on Nar Shadda. And yeah, I like his voice. And well, he has a lot in common with the way I play my commando.....so it's a natural fit.

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On Nar Shaadaa (next planet after Taris). He's fun. Flirting with him gives you -1 with Aric (if you forget to dismiss him). I do think I skipped one [flirt] option with Jonas when I was on a Companion Quest for Aric. That just seemed inappropriate. ;-)


Thank you =)


Well, if the romance starts more in chapter 2, then she might just do a little flirting on Nar Shaadaa. Hmm... I can live with one or two -1 for some fun lines. *sigh* wish it could start a little in chapter 1 as well.

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I find the ingame relationships totally hilarious, kinda awkward too... But hey, everyones gotta get some from somewhere i guess lmao :p


After playing a lot of Bioware games at this point the romances are just par for the course. I remember my first play through of Dragon Age when I realized I could flirt and bed Alistair, my reaction of being a combination of "Holy crap what?" and "YESSSS." I know men like the romances too, but Bioware totally taps into my inner 13-year-old girl with this stuff.


As for Jorgan, you can flirt with him as soon as you finish his first companion quest, but the romance doesn't really start to pick up until the beginning of Act III. Long time to wait for some action, but I'd say he's worth it.


And I also flirted a number of times with Jonas in front of Jorgan, just a couple -1s. Calling Jorgan jealous (well before you ever actually flirt with him) is pretty funny.

Edited by Pubsam
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my reaction of being a combination of "Holy crap what?" and "YESSSS." I know ... Bioware totally taps into my inner 13-year-old girl with this stuff.


Glad to know I'm not the only one! SWTOR is my first Bioware game and when the option first came up to flirt with Jonas I had the same reaction. When I found out a relationship could be had with Aric I squealed like a 13-year-old. My husband laughed.


Sounds like Aric is harder to romance than Elara for the males. Am I right?

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Glad to know I'm not the only one! SWTOR is my first Bioware game and when the option first came up to flirt with Jonas I had the same reaction. When I found out a relationship could be had with Aric I squealed like a 13-year-old. My husband laughed.


Sounds like Aric is harder to romance than Elara for the males. Am I right?


I still blush and cringe at some of the romance conversations and I feel like such an idiot. My first romance in an rpg was NWN2 and that really caught me off guard, I had never even heard of such a thing. I have to remind myself that it's not real, and it doesn't matter what I say! :D I guess they'll stop being fun when they cease to have that affect on me. (:


I'd like to try the Aric Jorgan romance but I just don't enjoy playing the trooper very much. I tried to get my husband to play a female trooper so I could see it, but he refused xP

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Glad to know I'm not the only one! SWTOR is my first Bioware game and when the option first came up to flirt with Jonas I had the same reaction. When I found out a relationship could be had with Aric I squealed like a 13-year-old. My husband laughed.


Sounds like Aric is harder to romance than Elara for the males. Am I right?


I did the same when I first saw Carth Onasi on KOTOR, I couldn't be a bad girl with him around. I really miss him a lot.


I'm in chapter 2 with my trooper, I enjoyed making Aric jealous with Jonas (Jonas would be a great romance companion for the trooper). Now I'm looking forward to flirt more with Aric, I like him ^_^

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