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The reason people complain about Tracer missle spam.


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If it does rely on tracer, then maybe lower the damage so people have to actually use more abilities to be effective.


Sure, just as soon as they give us more useful abilities, then fine. As it is now, we have 3 strong abilities with a 15 second cooldown each, and tracer missile. You do the math...

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I don't always have to use all abilities, sometimes people just fall over from 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker missile.

So you tell us that you need to use three Abilities instead of one: Stun, Heatseeker missile and Tracer Missile? And you believe this is a good argument for Tracer Missile being not OP?




You don't seem to get it. If HSM and rail shot are on cooldown (which they always should be) and we are interrupted, the only thing we can do is white attack, electro dart, and a weak unload unless proc'd.

J/K, just spam Charged Bolts 2-3x, doing the same dmg as Tracer Missile without the armor penetration debuff and the benefits for the other skills.

Edited by Lidasel
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So you tell us that you need to use three Abilities instead of one: Stun, Heatseeker missile and Tracer Missile? And you believe this is a good argument for Tracer Missile being not OP?


This does not make tracer missile OP. It makes it bad design. Those two things are entirely different and you seem to be blurring the two together.

Edited by crrypto
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Sure, just as soon as they give us more useful abilities, then fine. As it is now, we have 3 strong abilities with a 15 second cooldown each, and tracer missile. You do the math...


You should understand I'm not on the bandwagon of "whaaa I can't kill tracer missile spamming classes"

Like I said, I'm mostly noticing player just spamming that skill.


I'm personally perfectly fine with the class getting multiple other useful skills, as you've mentioned.


I'm not asking for them to be nerfed, I'm asking for them to become more versatile. Which should be good for the class itself too, if not better.


The only ones it will hurt are the tracer spamming noobs.

People who understand their class is more than just that skill will probably benefit from the change.

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It is kinda funny to face spam BHs

You interrupt them and they get clueless xD

of course you have 4 seconds before the bombardment begins once again


Snipers still do way more burst damage tho

Edited by Dinams
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You should understand I'm not on the bandwagon of "whaaa I can't kill tracer missile spamming classes"

Like I said, I'm mostly noticing player just spamming that skill.


I'm personally perfectly fine with the class getting multiple other useful skills, as you've mentioned.


I'm not asking for them to be nerfed, I'm asking for them to become more versatile. Which should be good for the class itself too, if not better.


The only ones it will hurt are the tracer spamming noobs.

People who understand their class is more than just that skill will probably benefit from the change.


Reay my post that you quoted again, and you'll see that I agree:


"Sure, just as soon as they give us more useful abilities..."


If you don't like it, go complain to BW. The players can only use the tools they are given.

Edited by crrypto
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Pheelin long time, a whole game release? ;p


Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the majority of your damage still come from tracer missile? I know most of your class all I do is interrupt that and your damage just kinda becomes a joke. Perhaps it is the only thing people complain about because it's the only cast we see, however, if it IS the majority of your damage, then the complaint is kind of justified considering it's your main spam ability.


As a lvl 50 BH merc I can assure you that no it does not account for the majority of damage :) At lower levels it is probably the best damaging ability and I think thats why you see it used so much. But I rarely use it in PvP, and really only use it to open up my rail shot ability. If you see a lvl BH spamming tracer missile then hes either bad or is nearly capped on heat.


That being said I think it could use a little bit of tweaking, i.e. making it a 2 sec channel vs 1.5. That or costing more heat.


The majority of my damage comes from my unload/dart DoT/heatseeker missile/missile blast/railshot rotation.

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As a lvl 50 BH merc I can assure you that no it does not account for the majority of damage :) At lower levels it is probably the best damaging ability and I think thats why you see it used so much. But I rarely use it in PvP, and really only use it to open up my rail shot ability. If you see a lvl BH spamming tracer missile then hes either bad or is nearly capped on heat.


That being said I think it could use a little bit of tweaking, i.e. making it a 2 sec channel vs 1.5. That or costing more heat.


The majority of my damage comes from my unload/dart DoT/heatseeker missile/missile blast/railshot rotation.


or make it istant cast,with a 4cd attached to it,and of course increase slighty the damage


no offense but your suggestions are terrible,mercenaries alredy struggle a lot in pvp,melee classes can eat us alive,and sorcerers/sages on 1v1 can interrupts us and shut us down immediately


keep in mind that there are a lot of classes out there that can do more damage than us instantly,if you really want a nerf on tracer missile,i demand an HUGE buff on our survivability skills,it's alredy hard playng this class knowing that i lose every 1v1 with any class of my own gear level,if im gonna get nerfed,i can assure that im gonna delete my character instantly.

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or make it istant cast,with a 4cd attached to it,and of course increase slighty the damage


no offense but your suggestions are terrible,mercenaries alredy struggle a lot in pvp,melee classes can eat us alive,and sorcerers/sages on 1v1 can interrupts us and shut us down immediately


keep in mind that there are a lot of classes out there that can do more damage than us instantly,if you really want a nerf on tracer missile,i demand an HUGE buff on our survivability skills,it's alredy hard playng this class knowing that i lose every 1v1 with any class of my own gear level,if im gonna get nerfed,i can assure that im gonna delete my character instantly.


Eh I would argue that those are skill issues. I eat melee classes alive - you have to use your jetblast and rocket punch knockbacks to your advantage, as well as your stun. I can knockback a melee class and burn down half their health before they reach me. I do agree with you with have a hard time against sage/sorc because of the lack of a ranged interrupt skill to stop their channels.


If you're losing 1v1 to any class of your gear level then you're just not playing right - sorry. I demolish people and consistently do in the neighborhood of 300k damage.

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