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Reset all Valor with 1.1


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It's funny because there was a level 24 in one of my hutball games that scored 3 goals. That guy was charging through all sorts of higher levels and he won. Sure, he also had the support of some higher levels too. It sounds like you should try harder. Other than the group that has the premades, you have an equal chance to be carried by the high levels as you do to get beat by them. Play better.


Yeah, I'd tend to agree. I've accomplished things and I'm just a 26 Sage. Sometimes brains beat brawl. But still, on the server I'm on (which is a PVE server, to Mr. Useless Remark up there) there is a very often a big imbalance between Empire and Republic in that regard. As in Empire often has more high levels than Republic. Probably because there is more Imperials at all, first. Also because, and that's a personal theory, open to debate, because people who want to be overpowered and win without challenge also want to be the bad guy. Another interesting fact: the imbalance disappears in the later hours of the day. Cause those leet Imps are all kids?

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50s should not get any valor from farming low levels in WZ. If you can figure out a way and remove valor acquired in this way - go for it, otherwise just reset it with 1.1 to a reasonable level (~40) @ 50 so everyone is at equal footing.


Here is another analogy - if when game came out some people started at level 1 and some at level 20 and more people got to 50, harder it takes to get to 50. That what current situation is like as far as valor acquisition is concerned.

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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.


...Iam not even lvl 50 with my highest chracter and have valor 43..I did level up just doing pvp for a while and I do a lot of pvp in general. Iam not supporting your idea and I guess you can imagine why.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Reset has to happen. BW dropped huge ball allowing 50s to continue farming low levels for so long, allowing exploiters to keep ill-gotten gain is just even worse.


This is not unlike gold dupe - someone got tons of valor points without having to compete for it. This is not unlike using hacks to kill end-game raid bosses on hard modes - someone got tons of PvP gear without having to compete for it.


Reset gear. Reset valor. Do it via hotfix as soon as possible. 1.1 is not soon enough.


Alternative - give _everyone_ rank 60 valor. Ether way, cheaters SHOULD NOT, CAN NOT keep their ill-gotten gains.

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Reset has to happen. BW dropped huge ball allowing 50s to continue farming low levels for so long, allowing exploiters to keep ill-gotten gain is just even worse.


This is not unlike gold dupe - someone got tons of valor points without having to compete for it. This is not unlike using hacks to kill end-game raid bosses on hard modes - someone got tons of PvP gear without having to compete for it.


Reset gear. Reset valor. Do it via hotfix as soon as possible. 1.1 is not soon enough.


Alternative - give _everyone_ rank 60 valor. Ether way, cheaters SHOULD NOT, CAN NOT keep their ill-gotten gains.


So getting to 50 before other people and putting the time in to grind that valor out WITHIN THE GAME SYSTEMS is cheating? Sounds like someone is just straight up bad at PvP. When I was leveling, odds were, I could handle myself against a level 50. Hell, I've seen lowbies top damage or healing before. I know someone who has a toon thats like level 45 with rank 65 valor cause all he did to level was PvP. Should that be taken away too? ****. If they take away gear and valor with a patch the game will die withing a month. Just l2play.

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I agree. I have no trouble killing 50's. Even against premades, it is not that hard to kill 50's. The ONLY way I can see a reset for valor is if 50's were completely unkillable...which they're not....even to a lvl 10. There are still plenty of us hardcore PvPers around, awaiting the change as well. So anyone's claim of "The hardcore PvPers are gone", is blatantly wrong.


This game hasn't even been out a month now. Its not as if this is something that would have come up in beta either. Even the full beta. It takes time to fix this stuff, and the fact that its happening so soon is a good sign. It means they're listening and implementing changes based on the player feedback.


BINGO!!! Not sure why this is so hard to understand...:rolleyes:

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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.


Lol, good luck with that...

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all the serious PvPers already cancelled their sub and they arent coming back, so I dont think BW will make the scarce people that still play rage by doing this...they should be desperate to keep subs, and doing that is the polar opposite of having their playerbase content.


I guess you got the number of every serious pvper here huh? Right in your tablet? Just pull it out and be like " Hey what's up serious pvp'er you playin swtor tonight?"


" Nah bro I guess you missed the serious pvp meeting on Thursday, We all took a vote and we quit. Can you do us a favor though? Can you let the forums know for us? You know...since we quit and all?"


"Oh yeah bro! I got you, I'll let em know tonight. Later serious pvp'ers :D!"



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Yes, and reset valor every couple of weeks so newbies can fight off players who played for much longer.




So you want to farm lowbies instead of have a challenge and fight people who are on a semi-gear equal?



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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.


You're... not very bright.


First of all the difference between champion and battlemaster is tiny. 4 item level. I don't think you understand what the word 'huge' or the word 'advantage' means.



Second of all, there's no effort in farming valor whether facing full premades of 50s or 8 level 10s. Know why? Because even if you suck horrendously, worst case scenario is you're making half the valor of the very best players. This game rewards failure in a big way, so quit crying and buck up buttercup.

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Issue with existing approach is that level 50 isn't peak of character power, you get item-levels after that and formula does not account for it. So some level 50s are effectively level 55, or 60 while all low levels are normalized to level 45 or so (~level 50 in crappy greens).


To truly fix the formula couple things need to happen.


#1 - you are scaled up to level 50 + ilevel based on your level + ilevel. So level 20 in fantastic gear (for level 20) gets to be stronger than level 50 in level 40 gear.


#2 - unlock key abilities in WZ for all levels. Some classes simple do not work pre-level X, where level X is when they get key abilities. You can move these abilities to level 10, or you can let characters "sidekick" these powers for WZ use.

Edited by Sinij
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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.


What? People only play the game. Your fault for going with your lowbie character to a warzone when you damn well know that there will be 50's. Or better said, it's BW's fault for not introducing brackets sooner.

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It is really shameful that BW allowed valor farming to go on for so long. It became clear during first week that scaling formula broke down at level 50, yet they didn't attempt to fix it nor separate into brackets until 1.1


Now we will have bunch of 50 that farmed low levels making it difficult for new level 50 to rank up valor. Clearly, reset needs to happen.

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It is really shameful that BW allowed valor farming to go on for so long. It became clear during first week that scaling formula broke down at level 50, yet they didn't attempt to fix it nor separate into brackets until 1.1


Now we will have bunch of 50 that farmed low levels making it difficult for new level 50 to rank up valor. Clearly, reset needs to happen.


Where do you get that level 50's farm lowbies? I have seen plenty of times low levels with the stat bump tank a group (like say with the ball in a huttball match) as long as, just like anyone else, they have healers and tanks guarding them etc etc


The gap is not as big as you make it out to be. This is not like WoW pvp where even a frersh 85 is farm meat for geard pvpers.

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Simple truth is that mixed level WZ is an EPIC FAIL. 50s are effortlessly farming low levels and getting undeserved valor. This not only creates situation where sub-50 WZ gameplay is broken, it also gives huge advantage to 50s who managed to exploit this situation and farm Valor.


Following needs to happen - as of 1.1 all Valor above 40 needs to be reset, so both old and new 50s get to compete on even basis.


Make it happen.


Not sure if trolling or just stupid...


Probably both

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Uhh. No way. I was rank 48 when I hit 50... Just because you got farmed every warzone you went into, and kept queueing anyway, does not mean that the rest of us should get our valor reset.


You can still be useful as a sub-50, assuming you're on of the only ones in your group. If you have 6-7 sub-50's, then you're probably doomed anyway just because if the other side has any more than 3 or so 50's, you won't be able to stay alive long enough to actually play objectives.


Blame the masses on your server who kept queueing only to be farmed, instead of leveling.

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