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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Umm this is the actual conversation. The one floating around about a bonus wave is false.


DrewIAHWK @DrewIAHWK 1h · Details

@Rockjaw Why are you guys still advertising up to 5 days EGA? No way will anyone post November get more then 1 day, seems kinda deceitful.


Stephen Reid @Rockjaw Close

@DrewIAHWK It's a little early to be saying that.

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you would hope that since the waves went out so fast and smooth this morning, that they would do a few extra ones this afternoon, since yesterdays ran all the way to what.. 4 pm?



so... heres to hoping...



NOV 8th.. come on!!.. i wanna play with my friends tonight!

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so what is the latest date to get in the 4th wave?


Most sources say really early October, cut off being sometime on the 2nd I've gathered.


These sources are people saying they personally got in and I even did a bit of checking and they haven't done troll posts beforehand.


Anyone that says November or late October is just trolling and I can say that personally as I'm 24th October

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First to those who want to dis the almighty Bioware... You all whine like a 5 year old girl. You should be grateful that they are doing this at all. Most games you have to wait until their actual release date to start playing. I think that Bioware should give into their dark side and ban all the negative nancys.


Second.... Come on bonus wave. Otherwise see ya all on tomorrow in the am! Oct 16th preorder here.



And that would be preferable tbh.... its a damn carrot on a stick atm, gate early access, no grace period, yeah its all peachy. Like a car that every 5 miles you need to get out and spin its crankshaft....

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Most sources say really early October, cut off being sometime on the 2nd I've gathered.


These sources are people saying they personally got in and I even did a bit of checking and they haven't done troll posts beforehand.


Anyone that says November or late October is just trolling and I can say that personally as I'm 24th October


Yeah. Oct 4th here and not in yet. Checked launcher and account - code redemption. I've heard some Oct 3rds say the same as me.

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I can't believe I have to play WoW again today! *shudders*


been raiding DS in wow for the last hour while i wait and pray i can tell /w to screw off as soon as i get my code... im sooooo done with wow


i think thats whats making it so hard to wait to get in here.. the thought of having to do deathwing again .. and again... and again... and again... and again while i wait on my email =(

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And we are now still living through the 14th of December. Amazing!


Think about it for a moment - the original plan was to begin the waves _tomorrow_, we got our EA two full days ahead and already some from 2nd or 3rd of October are happily diving in! Say whatever you will about "failed launch" or "worst idea ever" on this staggered system, we're actually getting a tremendous head start, and even those who are latecomers get a taste of bliss if this speed keeps up. :D


BioWare, ElectronicArts, LucasArts, I tip my imaginary top hat to you!


This ^. Just... this. :)

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I understand their reason for doing this wave stuff and it's not all that bad except for the huge name disadvantage and the fact their will be lvl 50's when you first login. None of this makes me mad at all, because what theyre doing can be worth that in a way. But what i can't live with, is the fact that they do waves for 4 hours and that's it.. 4hours/day. Ofcourse it's to give the server some time etc. w/e your reasons are but 4 hours/day are just ridiculous imo, they could atleast do twice as much waves. I've watched quite a few livestreams while waiting and have seen no reason not to do it. What's your opinion on this?



Edited by MrJoswa
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You know they dont have to do this early access, you couldv'e been waiting till the 20th but instead your complaining that they dont want to crash their servers.


But they did early access doesn't matter if they had to or not. They just droped the ball and sadly the real fans will pay for it in a few months when the game hits free2play. =(




EDIT: well it doesn't really matter atm, but come the 15th and everyone isn't in then its "cry time"

Edited by Wickedchick
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