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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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That's so wrong man... check out some of the threads for December buyers (myself being one of them). 95% cool and collected... no QQ.


Real Talk.


There's always a few to give the rest of us a bad name of course.


Indeed i feel everyone has calmed down now, and has excepted their place. I just hope that us december buys can play sometime tomorrow :)

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Originally Posted by Sateck

bioFAIL you will not get away with what has conspired this week! your ega is as fail as your creativity to implement alien races into a game based on ALIENS


You know they dont have to do this early access, you couldv'e been waiting till the 20th but instead your complaining that they dont want to crash their servers.

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People wont calm down. The biggest moaners have been the November/December accounts who still aren't in. These are the people that ordered last but expect to be at the front of the queue.


More like the poeple moaning there is a que to begin with :rolleyes: whatever i still think this whole thing is record book worthy BS, BUT EA is surprising me by learning from the WAR fiasco (for those that dono, yeah WAR had big frontloaded population so there were alot of scantly populated servers , you'd be on a "full" server and not see another person to quest with for hours at a time) in moderating the servers, i gues its a necesary satanic evil if it leads to the game not dying in a month.....

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I wouldnt expect a bonus wave or a wave 5. Most likely they just didn't want to word it in a way that would make people RAGE. They want us to have hopes for a bonus, but the truth is they are most likely done for the day :(. They stated 4 waves would occur today anyways, so why expect more. You will only get your hopes up.
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"Wave Four was sent at 11AM CST (9AM PST / 12PM EST / 5PM GMT / 6PM CET)."



The fourth wave of Early Game Access emails has been sent!



Sorry guys, got to put down the Twitter periscope for now. Back later.




Looks like more will be going out today.


Hopefully its something like

"All pre-orders prior to December 14th will be playing swtor today"


Explain how ANY of this proves that there will be another wave today?

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Wave One was sent at 8AM CST (6AM PST / 9AM EST / 2PM GMT / 3PM CET).


Wave Two was sent at 9AM CST (7AM PST / 10AM EST / 3PM GMT / 4PM CET).


Wave Three was sent at 10AM CST (8AM PST / 11AM EST / 4PM GMT / 5PM CET).


Wave Four was sent at 11AM CST (9AM PST / 12PM EST / 5PM GMT / 6PM CET).


Thank you for pointing out that this is a global game so technically they aren't stopping at lunch time. Actually most of the world has got into evening/night by now and so this allows running the systems to run whilst letting them moniter it during office hours.

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First to those who want to dis the almighty Bioware... You all whine like a 5 year old girl. You should be grateful that they are doing this at all. Most games you have to wait until their actual release date to start playing. I think that Bioware should give into their dark side and ban all the negative nancys.


Second.... Come on bonus wave. Otherwise see ya all on tomorrow in the am! Oct 16th preorder here.

Edited by DeathsRider
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First to those who want to dis the almighty Bioware... You all whine like a 5 year girl. You should be grateful that they are doing this at all. Most games you have to wait until their actual release date to start playing. I think that Bioware should give into their dark side and ban all the negative nancys.


Second.... Come on bonus wave. Otherwise see ya all on tomorrow in the am! Oct 16th preorder here.


Most people at this point would probably them have NOT did early access at all lol. SO much rage in these forums, and people wonder why there is more Empire then REpublic.

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And we are now still living through the 14th of December. Amazing!


Think about it for a moment - the original plan was to begin the waves _tomorrow_, we got our EA two full days ahead and already some from 2nd or 3rd of October are happily diving in! Say whatever you will about "failed launch" or "worst idea ever" on this staggered system, we're actually getting a tremendous head start, and even those who are latecomers get a taste of bliss if this speed keeps up. :D


BioWare, ElectronicArts, LucasArts, I tip my imaginary top hat to you!

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"Overheard" at Bioware HQ:


BW Dude: "Well, fourth wave is out"

BW Boss: " Cool, Lunch break, who's down for Kerbey Lane?"

Bw Dude: "But we need to update the community."

BW Boss: "They'll whine either way, I'm hungry now!"



Hhahahaha :D

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