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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Yeah, it says "starting on the 16th" well with bioware this mean they will send the keys out in waves , prolly 5 keys a day by email. goodluck!


There's another thread elsewhere where Bioware states that it's the retail key, not the early access key.


I'm willing to bet that the retail key will only work starting on the 20th if you have your payment information submitted. I'm also willing to bet that your early access (pre order) key is only good up until the 20th.


With this being said, those with retail keys probably still cant play today unless they received an email stating that they can due to their pre-order key.

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I acctualy thought attacking the mailman was part of a test. Oh well. time to send some sympathies cards to the local sorting office. I wander if they'll accept cookies for an appology!.


I'm imagining some die-hard SW fan in a Fett helmet making the front page news for beating up a mailman because he didn't get his invite yet.


"He must've dropped it somewhere! This can't be! ...I get a laptop in my cell, right?"

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I'm sorry, are you trying to apologize and tell me that I was right in repeating myself, since you now understand the differences between a launch date and a release date? It looks like it has worked, by the sound of it.


Yeah, you get far by helping others. :D Glad I could help you, by the way.


No, not apologizing, just pointing out a poor choice of words between launch and release. That isn't what I'd call helping, that is belittling others who never asked for your help and enlarging your internet ego. Thanks for proving who you are.

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To bad more people don't actually cancel like I did.


If Amazon got 50k cancellations that they'd have to unbox and not send out, EA/BW would get contacted by the sales rep about what the hell is going on.


That's the ONLY thing that would cause EA/BW to do ANYTHING. BW is basically sitting there going "All these guys are going to stop once they get access, so lets do what we want."


Typically it's a good idea to get your players hooked before you start jerking them around, if this is how the treatment is going on day -3 then I just donno what to expect in the future and I'm not laying cash down on it.


There are already level 40s+ on the servers, why would I want to play like that when I pre-ordered?


There is so much wrong with the way they are doing it, it's just even worse most people who are mad about it are going to take it in the face and deal with it like its ok. The reason CS is like this now a days is because we allow it to be by NOT reacting when things like this go down.


Want actual results, cancel and in the 'why did you cancel' box, put "Staggering release of this product to players" that would actually work, but I don't think more than 1 or 2% of the people have the will to do that.


If I was running a marathon, and I was told I couldn't start the race until six hours after everyone else, what's really the point then?

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If you read a few lines down, it still says they are inviting people to EGA according to when you redeemed your pre-order code.


An interesting sentence because they said "deploy the rest of the EGA during the week".

If they consider that the week ends on Friday... go figure.

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I'm imagining some die-hard SW fan in a Fett helmet making the front page news for beating up a mailman because he didn't get his invite yet.


"He must've dropped it somewhere! This can't be! ...I get a laptop in my cell, right?"


lmfao. As soon as I got this mental pic, It had me in hysterics. Some poor mailman flat on his back with a look of *** did I drink last night.....no more smoke for me.

Edited by Vroraxxas
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To bad more people don't actually cancel like I did.


If Amazon got 50k cancellations that they'd have to unbox and not send out, EA/BW would get contacted by the sales rep about what the hell is going on.


That's the ONLY thing that would cause EA/BW to do ANYTHING. BW is basically sitting there going "All these guys are going to stop once they get access, so lets do what we want."


Typically it's a good idea to get your players hooked before you start jerking them around, if this is how the treatment is going on day -3 then I just donno what to expect in the future and I'm not laying cash down on it.


There are already level 40s+ on the servers, why would I want to play like that when I pre-ordered?


There is so much wrong with the way they are doing it, it's just even worse most people who are mad about it are going to take it in the face and deal with it like its ok. The reason CS is like this now a days is because we allow it to be by NOT reacting when things like this go down.


Want actual results, cancel and in the 'why did you cancel' box, put "Staggering release of this product to players" that would actually work, but I don't think more than 1 or 2% of the people have the will to do that.


If I was running a marathon, and I was told I couldn't start the race until six hours after everyone else, what's really the point then?


The biggest point (and flaw) in your nerd-rage post being..


This isn't a RACE. (Also not a marathon as you put it)


You get NOTHING for getting to 50 faster than someone else.


Your WoW is calling you, please pick up, and leave SWTOR behind..

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No, not apologizing, just pointing out a poor choice of words between launch and release. That isn't what I'd call helping, that is belittling others who never asked for your help and enlarging your internet ego. Thanks for proving who you are.


"My bad, I shouldn't have used launch to mean release as they're clearly different." this is an apology, but call it whatever you want! :D


Also, I am not belittling others. :) You basically said everyone was wrong when in reality it was you! :p It happens! We're all wrong sometimes. Also, enlarging my internet ego? Never heard of that, sounds belittling.. Strange, that's the exact same word you just used. Kind of ironic, isn't it? :D

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I've been offline all day so far.

So how far did they get with today's waves? I put my preorder code in during October.

If I don't have a good chance of getting in tomorrow, I'm cancelling my preorder.


You're definetly getting in tomorrow, they got to the end of september today :)

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To bad more people don't actually cancel like I did.


If Amazon got 50k cancellations that they'd have to unbox and not send out, EA/BW would get contacted by the sales rep about what the hell is going on.


That's the ONLY thing that would cause EA/BW to do ANYTHING. BW is basically sitting there going "All these guys are going to stop once they get access, so lets do what we want."


Typically it's a good idea to get your players hooked before you start jerking them around, if this is how the treatment is going on day -3 then I just donno what to expect in the future and I'm not laying cash down on it.


There are already level 40s+ on the servers, why would I want to play like that when I pre-ordered?


There is so much wrong with the way they are doing it, it's just even worse most people who are mad about it are going to take it in the face and deal with it like its ok. The reason CS is like this now a days is because we allow it to be by NOT reacting when things like this go down.


Want actual results, cancel and in the 'why did you cancel' box, put "Staggering release of this product to players" that would actually work, but I don't think more than 1 or 2% of the people have the will to do that.


If I was running a marathon, and I was told I couldn't start the race until six hours after everyone else, what's really the point then?


ok sorry but i have had enough.. you where told since july the way it would work you knew it when you made a pre order. you have zero leg to stand on and going QQ just shows what the american kids have become.. this is starwars not obama nation you do not get handouts. you where told the rules yet you waited and yet you expect them to take away from the people who ordered when they where told to just so you can get in... tough luck kid time to moove on we dont need people like you in this game

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I've been offline all day so far.

So how far did they get with today's waves? I put my preorder code in during October.

If I don't have a good chance of getting in tomorrow, I'm cancelling my preorder.


Seems they got to around oct 1st 2nd, but not the end of oct 2nd.

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I've been offline all day so far.

So how far did they get with today's waves? I put my preorder code in during October.

If I don't have a good chance of getting in tomorrow, I'm cancelling my preorder.


No more waves today.

Last dates to get in: early october (2nd?)

Continues tomorrow at 8 CST (2pm GMT)

You'll be in tomorrow, most probably :)

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