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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Still no official post saying ---------------------------------


No more waves today?


Bioware ... the company that keeps you waiting ...


you know they could go ahead and make a decision like to not release anymore wave to be on the safe side but they are waiting to see how the servers are handling it and discussing releasing another wave.

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No. But there was an official post from EA Germany, which I'd still like someone to translate.


According to Lars Malcharek, Head of EA Germany


"Wenn Schluss ist, sagen wir Schluss an, jetzt ist Server beobachten angesagt Mehr Infos wen wir sie haben"


I'd prefer a German translation but its along the lines of "We will let you know when we are done. For now we are monitoring the servers"


Yeah, it's "When we're done, we'll say so. For now we are just monitoring the servers, we'll give you more info when we have it."



EDIT: That's quite literal, mind you.

Edited by Ergonaut
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No. But there was an official post from EA Germany, which I'd still like someone to translate.


According to Lars Malcharek, Head of EA Germany


"Wenn Schluss ist, sagen wir Schluss an, jetzt ist Server beobachten angesagt Mehr Infos wen wir sie haben"


I'd prefer a German translation but its along the lines of "We will let you know when we are done. For now we are monitoring the servers"


The post says as much as "When its over, well tell you that it's over. For now there is monitoring the servers on the scedule. More infos when we have them.

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I understand your dissatisfaction with the waves, let me parphase... " WAAAHHHHWAAAAAAH I didn't order the first day I don't get in right now WHAAAAAAAAHWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! /stompfeet."


Did I miss anything?

Yes you did miss something. You forgot about the rolling all over the floor with arms and legs kicking about in the air. :p

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It isn't ... Official Launch Date 20th December ... Only EGA at the moment (see biut about "before Official Launch")


have trouble reading and understanding?http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=273 no matter how anyone wants to spin it,thats an official statement.It clearly states...This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, ....until i see that staement revoked by them it is launched.

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No. But there was an official post from EA Germany, which I'd still like someone to translate.


According to Lars Malcharek, Head of EA Germany


"Wenn Schluss ist, sagen wir Schluss an, jetzt ist Server beobachten angesagt Mehr Infos wen wir sie haben"


I'd prefer a German translation but its along the lines of "We will let you know when we are done. For now we are monitoring the servers"


Lars is not Head of EA Germany. He is German Community Lead at Bioware.

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T-h-e g-a-m-e i-s n-o-t l-a-u-n-c-h-e-d y-e-t


did i say that slow enough for you.


It might not be the official release date, but the game has launched. Its not in beta characters wont be wiped, the final version is live right now. what other meaning of launching a game is there?

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FFS! Just saw "(1) Hotmail - e-mailadress" in my Tab which means I have a new e-mail. My heart went crazy for a couple of seconds while I clicked it. Some stupid newsletter from some stupid store! That sucked, hehe.


Nov 27th waiting for Friday but hoping Thursday.

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While that one post may have said that it was launched, I think you people are now arguing semantics. Unless you pre-ordered the game, you CANNOT play until December 20th. Plain and simple. That is official launch. This early access? Yes, the game was launched so that pre-order people can get in, but still. OFFICIAL launch is the 20th, when anybody can get in. No requirements at all (aside from going to the store and picking up the game.)


Stop arguing semantics.

Edited by jmcnelis
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I have noticed the servers are not as heavy as they were on day 1. When i have seen this on previous mmo launches, it usually meant that many players who got in for the first time and had not beta tested found they were disapointed in the game. last night when i checked and early this morning it was light. I was largely disapointed, i wanted to see this game make it, but I suppose not everyone is into the stars wars theme. I am sure they could let everyone else in now, but if history of past two days holds out, launch day will not have heavy server traffic and they may have to merge some in the first 90 days


They changed the way the servers where listed, they also upped the limit on them all. I'm pretty sure they had them low on day one to spread out the players amoung all the servers instead of getting them all clumped up on the ones with more population, players tend to join servers with some population on them so they gravitate to those.


This way they made it spread out and last night they raised the limit on them all. This also helps those of us that had friends that preordered before us. Now we wont have to try and squeeze onto a server that is full to get to play with them.

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you realize that its ludicris to assume that bioware actually has a thought process in any of this "launch EGA" since they have completely, utterly failed so far ...


This is by far the Worst system Ever implemented to get people EGA in any MMO. MY 2 y/o son coulda implemented a better EGA system

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FFS! Just saw "(1) Hotmail - e-mailadress" in my Tab which means I have a new e-mail. My heart went crazy for a couple of seconds while I clicked it. Some stupid newsletter from some stupid store! That sucked, hehe.


Nov 27th waiting for Friday but hoping Thursday.


Yeah, happens to me every 20 mins buddy. Stupid blockbuster.. i never signed up for you...

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Arda Akgur@psysention


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@Rockjaw Can we expect a bonus wave today? I think you guys doing great! tho iwsh i could get a response from you, are you able to read this


Stephen Reid@Rockjaw





@psysention Unlikely


2hvia TweetDeck · Embed this Tweet


So I think not to the bonus wave guys

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i am a metric lover, you can know a lot and predict nicely when looking into metrics.

one thing's sure, no official sources for numbers and no numbers are the same nowhere,


but looking into trend, and knowing BioWare love metrics, thier decision on having a bonus wave today will reveal if everyone going to get access tomorrow or not.

let say that almost half all the preorder have been invited. 1/5 yeaterday and 4/5 today.

if this is correct (and it seam) and if they add a bonus wave of invites today, then tomorrow will mean everyone will be in. ( is that 5 days early access for everyone??)


one thing to not forget.

if they have not tell us now, it is because the formula they use to decide have reach its limit. at the moment someone ( a team) is certainly doing a risk analysis to figure out. that explain why it is so long. but truely, they will take the decision and it is not more about servers performance than about nbr of people present in the same area to keep the game enjoyable with mobs to kill.

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They took $5 of everyone's money already though. Which pays for about 10 days of a $15 a month sub. So they should have gave us all early access at the same time. You think if there was 1 million preorders at $5 each that $5 mil they made out the gate should have supported any hardware and bandwidth they needed to get all the preorders online at the same time.


Other MMO's have had preorder headstarts without even charging a fee up front for it and still got everyone in on day one, even if it was waiting in a 5 hour queue.


Everyone says this is free time and that it hasn't launched yet, but they forget they charged us money up front unlike any other MMO I have played early playtime on.


well this is a game that is part of ea and well ea isnt known for great customer service now are they

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