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Hey, just like how Skyrim was ridiculed for how buggy it was!




Or how DA2 is ridiculed EVERYWHERE.




The internet is a lying mistress, that will lead you to believe lies, develop tons of opinions, feel others have the same opinions, and think that people care about you as much as they do in the real world.


TOR is, in my opinion, one of the best games I've played to date. It's just my opinion though. People might not like the game as much as I do, but many people do enjoy the game. The forums are a very, very minor part of the population, and they are generally the more irritable or upset part. It's the review plague: People are more likely to give feedback when they've had a bad experience, and people that are having good experiences will continue to find good experiences.


Now, many people that have bad experiences and go to the forums to voice them actually DO voice them, and offer suggestions and criticisms, to better the game. Others complain. Complaints leak out to other forums and spread like wildfire. Metacritic also lends a hand, because angry players will flood the website and fire volley after volley of 0's at the rating to lower it, and that will carry weight with other websites and people that don't play the game.


So, people that have absolutely no experience with the game will call it TORtanic and insult it, based on what they've seen or read second-hand from unreliable or angry sources over the internet.


Are you defending Dragon Age 2?


DA2 is absolute trash.

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Date of the post that you quoted: 01.09.2012 , 11:18 PM


Todays Date: 01.19.2012


Im still loving it


Amazing Graphics

Can't seem to get enough of it! Soon as work dies down I will dedicate my freetime more to this game :)

Character customization ... Awesome :) "About like skyrim"

I should be leveling up with friends as soon as they purchase the game which will make it 10x amazing.

Leveling slowly (because i want too, made the mistake of leveling up on wow too fast to see end game content)


10 days into the game and my comments are still the same


Care to repost your thoughts serafinity?


My thoughts remain the same. Proffering your love for a game after one night is premature, regardless of whether or not your opinion still stands 10 days down the road.


When I first played the beta, I thought it was great. Loved it, played the hell out of it for as long as I had access. It wasn't smooth, but that was to be expected in beta. Reported bugs, tried to make the game better for everyone.


Then I got the reinvite to another phase. Logged in, saw a lot of the same bugs/issues as before, no real changes.


Then it launched. A lot of the same bugs and issues again. This is all over a period of several months, and I've read many posts by other beta testers that have expressed similar thoughts.


It all kind of leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you realize that **** just don't get fixed.


Oh, and as for character customization? Laughable. It's amazing and innovative compared to WoW, sure, but really, it's pretty shoddy in comparison to other more recent MMOs. (Aion comes to mind - I remember being blown away by it). There are no slider bars to customize facial feature size, position, etc. You have a stock of options that you mix and match from; you can't just totally create a face from playing with things like brow height, eye width, lip depth, bridge height, jaw width, etc. That kind of stuff is character customization, not what BW gave us.


In addition, for a galaxy populated by countless races of aliens, we can only play a select few that are very similar in appearance to each other. What a let down.

Edited by Serafinity
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I fully agree with Gabby Johnson. This game is a breath of fresh air with it's unique combat system, innovate gameplay and top o' the line graphics. Whoever is responsible for nailing every single claim of "next-gen MMO" deserves a promotion.





- General Manager Ray Muzyka



Homerun Ray is his new nickname.



Troll of the year award and no one noticed!

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Its just an opinion no sense in getting tickled over a post that is a positive one at that. It appears that your opinions are jaded. You have played this game for almost a year. Through beta and now the release going through the same content from beta to purchasing the game.


I would of been tired of it too after a year with no expansions or patches. Seems you need a break and hopefully when you come back things will give you that newish feeling you felt when you first played the beta.


I didn't play the beta... Wouldn't have even if i was offered... Reason being, look at world of warcraft and their test servers. Nasty.. Going through the test servers but getting bored when the patch releases... Yeah not my cup of tea


My opinion is just that MY opinion... You call it premature... I call it well my opinion lol


I haven't experienced any glitches to post about.. nor have i found any bugs to post about.. Once i do you bet ill be posting it... At end game content and after I have seen it all ill be posting about what i think should be changed... but until I see that well ill be posting about how much i love the game.. Tomorrow.. The next day.. And the next day after that..

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Thanks SWTOR creators for making the movie I loved as a child come to life!


It's a cracking game. It has problems, but on balance it's a breath of fresh air in the MMO genre.


It's not the MMO a lot of people were looking for, but it's its own MMO and it's great at what it does.


I haven't been this immersed in a game since ... well, since the last BioWare game I played (DA:O), but in this game I can also have fun teaming experiences, and group dialogues.


Some problems, and the major problems like character reponsiveness and high-end pc performance problems do, I believe, HAVE to be sorted asap (within 2 or 3 months) otherwise the game WILL fail, no doubt about it. But at the moment, I'm enjoying the hell out of it, and BioWare are doing well in terms of responding to the community (Dev Tracker) and keeping us players informed, and actually visibly working on the game, so I'm fairly confident for the future.

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Are you defending Dragon Age 2?


DA2 is absolute trash.


If you had looked at what I said, I clearly said that there were MANY people that LOVED DA2. Be it the story, combat, whatever. The masses on the internet love to hate it, but the truth is that many people enjoyed it.


Including myself. I totally understand people that don't like it, but I personally enjoyed it, and played it for at least 70 hours, which is damned impressive in my books.


So, I'm not defending DA2, I'm using it as an example that there will always be people pissing on stuff that people like.


And the less informed they are, the more they piss.

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