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[HOWTO - RAMDRIVE] Increasing SWTOR System Performance


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Ok, Im noticing improvements, its noticeable, but im still only getting like 20 FPS in WZ's...


I do notice a bit of improvement however, in the reaction times of combat.


Loading is 50% faster.


To make sure I have this set up correctly, can someone confirm the following:


1) In my computer, local disk T, the ram drive , has 985 mb free of 1.99 GB...

2) Inside the T drive, i have a folder called SWTOR, and a file called DiskCacheArena ( however this file DOES NOT have an arrow on it).

3) Inside the SWTOR file under the T drive, I have crash dump, and swtor.

4) Under swtor, I have settings ( DOES HAVE AN ARROW ON IT)


Ok if I check back to my star wars installtion folder, I have the following

1) under the swtor folder, I have retail client and DiskcacheArena ( DOES HAVE AN ARROW ON IT).

2) under retail client, I have a settings folder ( DOES NOT HAVE AN ARROW ON IT)



and then of course I have a folder called SWTOR ( DOES HAVE AN ARROW ON IT) and SWTOR_Original in my local file.







Im guessing that everything is set up correctly, can I get a confirmation?


I might try to add the fix for assets_main_art_fx_1 if it will fix my FPS issues :(





Edit: PC specs


Operating System:

Windows (Service Pack 1)

CPU Type:

AMD FX-6100 Six-Core Processor

CPU Speed:

3.37 GHz

System Memory:

8 GB

Video Card Model:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti

Video Card Memory:

3.97 GB

Edited by Durwyn
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I fixed it......


Now that I have removed that assets issue, I will try the batch file again...lets see what happens!


The problem you likely had was that you linked the asset file to the ramdisk. By doing so the name does not change, because SWTOR still needs to find it, but got a litle (shortcut) arrow on the icon. This means there is been made a link.


Tho it was risky that you stopped halfway with the manual method, and started to use the batch files. In my batchfiles I tried to catch as many unexpected files/links so it wont be messed up completly.


If you want to check if everything works with the ramdisk, after mounting and starting the game check if the ramdisk is filled with the following;


T:\SWTOR\swtor\settings\* [where the folder settings has a little arrow in the icon]





I just read your other post aswell and it seems to be correct. The settings folder on the ramdrive has an arrow (is a link) because the real settings folder has been copied to \swtor\retailclient\. Tho I found it curious that you did not mention the other 2 cache files on T:\ read up about the content.

Edited by Ocmer_
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I do see those files now in the settings folder.


So i believe that your batch file is working properly! Thank you so much!


Any way you can help me get the art_fx file to goto the ramdisk? no matter how I type and make sure the filepath is correct, I get a filepath not found error.

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This is a continuation from my other post, due to character limited in one single post.

For instructions please look at: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=2892331



To be used for the creating the ramdrive with asset files if needed (no interaction needed).

This can also be used as startup script for Windows if preferred.


@echo off
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: USER SETTINGS [ set <varname>=<value>  ; Do not add spaces around the = sign !! ]
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

:: Give the diskletter you want to use as ramdisk
:: Give a letter followed by a colon (default is T:)
:: If the mountscript is used, this has to be changed there aswell.
set RamDrive=T:

:: Give the ramdisk size, [interger+suffix] M for MegaByte or G for GigaByte
:: If the mountscript is used, this has to be changed there aswell.
:: - only adding cache (default):   1500M (with trouble change to 2G)
:: - Cache + Fx asset:              1600M (with trouble change to 2G)
:: - Cache + Fx + Dynamic:          4G
:: - Cache + Dynamic:               4G
set RamSize=1500M


:: Declare if you want to include the FX asset file with the ramdisk
:: If the mountscript is used, this has to be changed there aswell.
:: Use 'yes' or 'no' (without quotes and spaces)
set AddFxAsset=no

:: Declare if you want to include any asset files onto the ramdisk
:: If the mountscript is used, this has to be changed there aswell.
:: Use 'yes' or 'no' (without quotes and spaces)
set AddAssetFiles=no

:: Override Installpath for use when this script cannot read the path from registery.
:: This can happen because a reinstall of Windows while SWTOR was on another disk.
:: To use, add the complete path (no quotes) behind 'set InstallPath=' for example:
:: set InstallPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic
set InstallPath=

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Get SWTOR installation path, if manually given skip this
if defined InstallPath goto OverrideInstallPath
for /F "skip=2 tokens=3,*" %%i in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\wow6432node\bioware\star wars-the old republic" /v "Install Dir" 2^>nul') do set InstallPath=%%j
if not defined InstallPath goto ErrorInstallPath

:: Get local appdata path
for /F "skip=2 tokens=3,*" %%i in ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Local AppData" 2^>nul') do set AppLocal=%%j
if not defined AppLocal goto ErrorAppLocalPath

:: Validate found/given installation path
if not exist "%InstallPath%\launcher.exe" goto ErrorWrongInstallPath

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

:: Dismount ramdrive if exist, starting clean
if exist %RamDrive% imdisk -D -m %RamDrive%

:: Mount a clean ramdrive
imdisk -a -s %RamSize% -m %RamDrive% -p "/v:SWTOR_RAM /fs:ntfs /q /y"

:: Create ramdisk folders
mkdir "%RamDrive%\SWTOR\swtor"

:: Create settings junction to SWTOR_Original in local
mklink /J "%RamDrive%\SWTOR\swtor\settings" "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original\swtor\settings"

:: Check if the user wishes to add the fx asset file to the ramdisk
if not %AddFxAsset% == yes goto CheckAddDynamicJump

:: Copy fx asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x01"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor

:: Jumppoint to skip copying fx asset file to ramdisk

:: Check if the user wishes to add the dynamic asset files to the ramdisk
if not %AddAssetFiles% == yes goto EndMount

:: Jumppoint from setup, to copy asset files to the ramdisk

:: Copy dynamic cape asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x02"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor

:: Copy dynamic chest asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x04"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor

:: Copy dynamic chest tight asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x08"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor

:: Copy dynamic hand asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x10"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor

:: Copy dynamic head asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x20"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor

:: Copy dynamic lower asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x40"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor

:: Copy dynamic mags asset to ramdisk
if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" set /a "AssetError|=0x80"
copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive%
ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor

:: Jumppoint for skipping adding dynamic asset files to the ramdisk
:: This is still needed to check for errors

:: If an asset error occurred go to asset error, else end script
if %AssetError% == 0 goto EOF
goto ErrorAssetMsg

echo  º                                                                            º
echo  º                                   ERROR                                    º
echo  º                                                                            º
echo Could not find the installation path of SWTOR, by reading the registery.
echo This can come if you installed SWTOR on a different disk than the OS, and by
echo reinstalling Windows afterwards, the registery entry is not made.
echo To manually add the installation path to this scrip look at the usersettings,
echo of this batchscript, how to add manually an installation path.
goto EOF

echo  º                                                                            º
echo  º                                   ERROR                                    º
echo  º                                                                            º
echo The found (by registery) or given (manual added at settings) installationpath
echo could not find launcher.exe thus the found/given installationpath is wrong.
echo If you did not add manually an installationpath in the scrip settings, please
echo add it now, as the one in the registery is wrong.
echo If you did add it manually, please recheck the given installationpath.
goto EOF

echo  º                                                                            º
echo  º                                   ERROR                                    º
echo  º                                                                            º
echo Could not find the path to local application data, by reading the registery.
echo Please follow the manual steps by Lemon_King on the SWTOR forums,
echo search for ramdisk, select the how-to thread.
goto EOF

echo  º                                                                            º
echo  º                                   ERROR                                    º
echo  º                                                                            º
echo This script could not find an original renamed asset file on your computer.
echo This is needed for both removing the asset file from the setup or be able to
echo copy it to the ramdisk at mounting a ramdisk for SWTOR.
echo The missing asset file(s) are:
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x01"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x02"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x04"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x08"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x10"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x20"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x40"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor
set /a "errorfilter=AssetError&0x80"
if not %errorfilter% == 0 echo swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor
goto EOF

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Edited by Ocmer_
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so, what's better, the ramdisk or fancycache? any suggested settings for fancycache?

i am trying it now, don't really notice much improvement while loading the game, tho once inside the rest of loading screens seem to be a bit faster.


I could not play pvp because of the fps issue, and found this thread. I installed fancy cache because i thought it too much hassle with ramdrive to begin with. Set it up so the cache was set to4gb(i have 12), and although it's not smooth sailing i can now pvp without much trouble, and there's no stuttering on fleet. Remember that fancy cache is in beta so it's not tested completely and it will cost money when it's done.

Edited by tottedk
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Advanced ramdisk with fx asset file
Not bad, Linked it in the OP.


so, what's better, the ramdisk or fancycache? any suggested settings for fancycache?

i am trying it now, don't really notice much improvement while loading the game, tho once inside the rest of loading screens seem to be a bit faster.

It caches data once loaded, so any data access beyond first pull will be faster - better for some applications than others, depending on disk access.


Optimal settings for my system is a Read Only 2gig cache for the drive with SWTOR on it.

I wouldn't have Write enabled on any system without some form of battery backup, secondly users using Fancy Cache with Write enabled have encountered some corruption to data, you're fine if its set to Read Only.


e: Added Superspeed 5 as its not Beta Software.

Edited by Lemon_King
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If you want to check if everything works with the ramdisk, after mounting and starting the game check if the ramdisk is filled with the following;


T:\SWTOR\swtor\settings\* [where the folder settings has a little arrow in the icon]




I dont have those last two items in T:/ Or anywhere else for that matter. Is that suggesting I have done something wrong? I thought it was all working.


Thanks for the fx file mod too . got that going with no problems whatsoever.

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Sweet this helped a lot!! Thanks!!


The only part I don't understand is the "Reboot with IMDrive"


I typed...


imdisk -a -s 1500M -m T: -p "/fs:ntfs /q /y"

mkdir T:\SWTOR\swtor

mklink /J "T:\SWTOR\swtor\settings" "<SWTOR Install Location>\Star Wars - The Old Republic\SWTOR\retailclient\settings"


... into the cmd, is that all i needed to do for this step??

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I dont have those last two items in T:/ Or anywhere else for that matter. Is that suggesting I have done something wrong? I thought it was all working.


Thanks for the fx file mod too . got that going with no problems whatsoever.


Seems that the link of the local SWTOR folder has failed somehow. If you please would check if the link has been made correctly.



Found maybe a quicker way to check it. Run CMD (winlogo+r, enter cmd, press ok) and type in the following;

cd %userprofile%\appdata\local

This shows you the files inside your local folder. Now the thing you interested in is;

DD-MM-YYYY  MM:HH    <DIR>                 SWTOR_Original

If it states junction and the location is right, the link is made correctly.

Edited by Ocmer_
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Sweet this helped a lot!! Thanks!!


The only part I don't understand is the "Reboot with IMDrive"


I typed...


imdisk -a -s 1500M -m T: -p "/fs:ntfs /q /y"

mkdir T:\SWTOR\swtor

mklink /J "T:\SWTOR\swtor\settings" "<SWTOR Install Location>\Star Wars - The Old Republic\SWTOR\retailclient\settings"


... into the cmd, is that all i needed to do for this step??


Yes this is correct, as only the ramdrive has to be remade (first line) and some folders on the ramdrive (second line) and then a link back to the settings folder (third link).


As for the other steps, you won't have to do it again, as these changes will stay after a reboot. (It is because a ramdisk is cleared/removed when you reboot).


And ofc, you would know already, don't forget to change <SWTOR Install Location> ;)

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Seems that the link of the local SWTOR folder has failed somehow. If you please would check if the link has been made correctly.



Found maybe a quicker way to check it. Run CMD (winlogo+r, enter cmd, press ok) and type in the following;

cd %userprofile%\appdata\local

This shows you the files inside your local folder. Now the thing you interested in is;

DD-MM-YYYY  MM:HH    <DIR>                 SWTOR_Original

If it states junction and the location is right, the link is made correctly.



It has <DIR> SWTOR no junctions in that dir.



I see that diskcachestatic and stream in the appdata folder now. But not in T: (not that it wasnt in appdata before I just never looked there)


I do have SWTOR > swtor > then settings with the arrow on it in T:

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It has <DIR> SWTOR no junctions in that dir.



I see that diskcachestatic and stream in the appdata folder now. But not in T: (not that it wasnt in appdata before I just never looked there)


I do have SWTOR > swtor > then settings with the arrow on it in T:


Ok then it is easy to fix, you can safely run the script "Setup ramdisk for SWTOR (use only ONCE)" from http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=2684127 again. (copy the one from the forum, to be sure you have the updated script).


Maybe you used the script just before I added a check for the link, it seems that on some occasions the linking failed. Please inform me if rerunning the setup script worked!

Edited by Ocmer_
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Ok then it is easy to fix, you can safely run the script "Setup ramdisk for SWTOR (use only ONCE)" from http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=2684127 again. (copy the one from the forum, to be sure you have the updated script).


Maybe you used the script just before I added a check for the link, it seems that on some occasions the linking failed. Please inform me if rerunning the setup script worked!


Hi again , thanks for the quick reply.



I just did it again .. same result. The diskcachearena and SWTOR > swtor > settings are there but nothing else.


I just did the first one "setup ramdisk for SWTOR (use only once)


It does something because it resets my in game settings



EDIT: So depite the run only once warning. I just ran it again "over the top" and now it works. yay.


I wondered if it was because it tried to make a junction to a ramdrive that it has not yet created. I have no idea I was just reading through it and thought that might be it so I did it again.

Edited by jadel
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Hi again , thanks for the quick reply.



I just did it again .. same result. The diskcachearena and SWTOR > swtor > settings are there but nothing else.


I just did the first one "setup ramdisk for SWTOR (use only once)


It does something because it resets my in game settings


Hmm very strange. Now that you have rerun the setup can you check out the following?


1) (use the commands I told you earlier) Does it still states <DIR> instead of <JUNCTION>?

2) I want to know if there is a folder named SWTOR_Original been created in local.

3) If you go to the settings folder on your ramdrive and check if you see content in it.

4) What version of Windows are you using?


May be a bit around, but I try to pinpoint the problem the script can have.


You can fix it manual tho but you have to check locations:

  • Go to your local folder (in explorer)
  • Rename 'SWTOR' to 'SWTOR_Original'
  • Run the mklink code once (futher below)
  • Check if a foder 'SWTOR' [with an arrow in the icon] has been created.

mklink /J "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\SWTOR" "T:\SWTOR\"

If that does not work either try to use the full path that shows up in your explorer instead of the "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\SWTOR" but for example;

"C:\users\username\appdata\local\SWTOR" (that is if you use Windows 7 or Vista)

Edited by Ocmer_
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Look, putting the game on the SSD helps. But if you want to improve performance overall, for this, and your OS.


Install an SSD and set it for your page file. I get no load lag, no micro stutter.

Just putting the game on the SSD, and not moving your pagefile, you are still bottlenecking when it pages stuff out to disk.



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Look, putting the game on the SSD helps. But if you want to improve performance overall, for this, and your OS.


Install an SSD and set it for your page file. I get no load lag, no micro stutter.

Just putting the game on the SSD, and not moving your pagefile, you are still bottlenecking when it pages stuff out to disk.




That is if my systems uses pagefile. Althou some people are against to disable pagefile I have disabled it and I run with only 6GB memory. I did some tests ofc before I disabled it and I never saw windows write something to the pagefile (for the programs I use and that is SWTOR one of them), so I disabled it.

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Ok, Im noticing improvements, its noticeable, but im still only getting like 20 FPS in WZ's...




NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti


If you're running at HD resolutions or less you should not be getting 20 FPS in warzones.


I've had this problem with my NVIDIA-based GPU system as well. The trick for me was to force my game client into full screen. Now before you tell me that you have "full screen" checked in the options, let me tell you why it wasn't true full screen on my PC...


I had to manually go into the config file and set D3DFullScreen to true even though full screen was checked in my graphics options. For some reason the client was using fake-full screen (window mode with no window borders/controls). The config file should be located at:


%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Swtor\Swtor\Settings\ client_settings.ini


Set D3DFullScreen option to true. If you don't have this listed, add the line:


D3DFullScreen = true


Hopefully this will solve your problem. If not, then may be it will be of some use to another person searching for this in the future. :)

Edited by cipher_nemo
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The Batchfile and Instructions also for this programm workable?



Yes it should be. As long as you have created a ramdisk with the diskletter T (or you changed the scripts according to the diskletter) the batchscripts should skip the part of making a ramdisk with Imdisk if it detects that T: already exists.

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One thing I noticed. Upon exiting and reloading the game. Some of my primary settings were not saving. Ex: The fact I already watched the opening cut-scene. Graphics / mouse settings all revert to default, same with sound / mouse settings. Keybinds and UI layout are fine.



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