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Sentinel is not a JEDI.


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I think I know kind of what you are getting at, but I think you are misunderstanding a few things. First off, the way they designed the force using classes in this game, the Consular is the one who gets to use most of the "magical" style force abilities. The Knight is described as harnessing the force for melee combat...so if you would have taken a few minutes to read the descriptions and watch the class videos you could have saved yourself some disappointment.


However, I can agree that in some ways, the sentinel could feel more "acrobatic" in the way we engage in melee combat. The first problem I have that I think stops Sentinel from quite being what it ought to be is the ridiculously short range of Crippling Throw and Zealous Leap. In fact IMO Zealous Leap should be a baseline Sentinel ability, not a Focus Tree talent...and both skills should have their range extended to at least 20 meters. This would provide us with more flexibility and contribute greatly to the "acrobatic" lightsaber fighting style.


There is also some question about Sentinels being a bit squishy compared to other classes and relative to their damage output and utility, and I agree to an extent. I think the way to fix this is simply to increase our offense, that is the style of the Sentinel anyway.


Although I like my Sentinel more than any other class and won't stop playing it, I don't think we will be evenly balanced with other classes as long as Bioware sticks by this idea of no spec out DPSing other DPS trees by more than 5%(which is an incredibly small penalty for hybrids to suffer considering they are simply a respec from completely changing their roles), or as long as we are not given some of the utility the other classes bring to the table.


I personally don't want added utility, I don't think it is too much to ask for a considerable DPS advantage when other classes are given advantages in other areas that more than make up for it...and the ability to kill things faster would eliminate any survivability concerns that have been floating around these forums.

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