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PvP changes that would keep PvPers around long-term...


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5. Cross server WZ would address the having to go through hutball every other WZ. It would hurt the since of community but would still be better IMO.



Incorrect, every single server is imbalanced in favor of empire, therefore making battle groups would not change anything

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You've got too much nostalgia in your eyes if you think DAoC was great pvp. Might have been for casters, but that melee system was and still is crap.


The only thing about it's pvp I liked was the siege system, the rest of it can die in a fire.


Well I was an infy so I got lots of lols 1-shotting people, but I also played a Warden on classic servers and had a blast as a melee bubble-master. Nostalgia missing the best pvp game I ever played? Absolutely. There was something called Risk V. Reward in that game. Dying was a huge setback, you couldn't just pop right back into the fray like you could in...every game since. It was also the only MMO I've played that actually had huge epic OW battles. So yeah, I think it's fair for me to have a bit of nostalgia.


I respect your opinion, but you are empirically in the minority if you played endgame RvR and did not like it. That being said, their siege system went hand-in-hand with their OW PvP system, and that is exactly what made it shine, you're spot on. But apparently that's just not popular anymore, or that's what companies like EA keep telling us. They keep telling us highly-instanced, small-team, and short-lasting PvP matches are where all the fun is at...


...yet as much as every pvper will tell them otherwise and ask for more, we never seem to get it.

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WAR was a good game? News to me and 95% of the MMO player base.


I fricken LOVE the Warhammer Fantasy Universe, it is beyond awesome lorewise. Even more so than Warcraft or even Lord of the Rings; but really, that game was not that great... sub par at best.

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Mythic screwed the pooch with WAR PvP. Keep trading, horribly expliotable combat mechanics (ie, procs on procs), ridiculous consumables/gems causing imbalances everywhere, Bright Wizards, Witchblades, Magus/Eng pulls, AE that dealt way too much damage, DoK/WP healing OPness, etc. It's really a long list.


The good news is that most of that is gone from SWTOR. They kept it simple, so there's hope.


Back to the OPs discussion:


A simple change for PvP: Award Merc points for world/Ilum kills. Use the DAoC model where you don't get points for killing the same person more than once every x min


There is no fix for Ilum. People will trade if it's the easiest way to get their reward

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4. Parties need to allow more members so that you can que with more than 4 people in WZ. parties hould allow upt o 8 people to be qued.


this should be in a seperate queue WZ, some people don't want to get rolled by premades, if u want to queue a big premade have a seperate WZ queue mission for it. 8v8 where you can't queue solo, u have to have a raid 8 man party.

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They need to add PvP ranks like lieutenant private etc, besides valor and showing off your gear. And those ranks you should have a title of it captain etc., right above your name. Possibly earn special buffs from this as well, the higher rank the better buff, something of that sort.
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You know what would keep me around as a PvPer? Not having my days consist of "queue for warzones to get medals, so you can buy PvP gear, so you can get more medals and buy more pvP gear"


How about "objective based pvp" where fighting other players didn't conflict with the objectives all the time. As a matter a fact, take the ****er who came up with the idea of "objective based PvP" and draw and quarter him. Huttball is one of those games where fighting the other players is secondary to carrying a ball and avoiding fighting with other players.


I like Huttball, but seriously I can get 10 medals per game if I just hang around the combat, throw guards and taunts while doing damage or I can get 4 medals for carrying the ball to the goalzone, what am I going to do?


Ability delay, I mean it helps me so bloody little that the animation is pretty if my character is constantly dying because I can't get it to do what I want according to the global cooldown Bioware came up with.


I've played this game for a month and I feel the same way I felt when I quit WoW after 5 years of it, and years of non-stop MMORPG gaming before that. When I hit 50 in SW:TOR I literally felt like I was max level in WoW again, grind for gear, so you can get more gear, so you can get more gear. I get it, gear is a big deal in themepark MMORPGs, but honestly if getting gear is the primary motivation for doing anything, and the main motivation for getting gear is doing the same thing in a slightly different wrapping, what's the point?

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They need to add PvP ranks like lieutenant private etc, besides valor and showing off your gear. And those ranks you should have a title of it captain etc., right above your name. Possibly earn special buffs from this as well, the higher rank the better buff, something of that sort.


They have PvP ranks....

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More than half of what you ask for is already on it's way (according to the latest PvP update information) and the rest, well the rest just seemed like bad ideas IMO, like the cross server match up. It ruined wow's PvP and I bet it will ruin SW:tOR's aswell..
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The mechanics for this game do not allow player looting. You can't expect to own someone and then loot their champion gear. Sadly theme park MMO's do not support sandbox features like this. That's what made Eve-Online so great! there was a risk/reward factor in PvPing which made it very exciting.
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Full FFA PVP on all planets with bounties on players commiting same faction PK....


Player corpse looting....




Why are PVP servers not like this as opposed to PVE servers....:(


Because you talk about whole different game types. You talk about sandboxes, not themeparks.

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