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Dear Bioware -- Please release your controversial schedule for EGA


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They won't post a release schedule because they are not following a rigid schedule. They planned to do X number of waves Y times a day for Z days. However based on how quick each wave is progressing, they will speed up or slow down the release of more waves. This is done for several reasons; 1) to throttle how many people are crowding up the login servers at a specific time, 2) to control where in the game world players are at to limit the crowding in starting areas, and 3) to ensure that they can get as many people in as possible without severely impacting the experience for everyone.


Already in day 1, they added additional waves (people who if they had released a schedule wouldn't have gone until day 2), I think the first day of Early access was a brilliant success compared to other MMO's I have played where release was several days of crashing and long queues as servers went from 0-100% capacity with all the problems that entails; queues to get in, followed by severe lag in starting zones, over-crowding for mobs and quest spawns, lots of restarts (Which lead to more queues, etc.).


Yes, you may not be able to /plan/ your weekend, by blowing off friends and work to game, but it's a small price to pay for getting to play the game before release and have it be a stable and fun experience.

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Dear Bioware community managers and directors,


I formally and humbly request to view the schedule for Early Game Access. I would like to know if I should tell my friends if I'm available for Friday night, and work if I am available to work my Saturday afternoon shift.


It would be of great benefit to us all -- enough damage has already been dealt. Releasing this schedule would appease much of the community's concern about not knowing when they will have access. We acknowledge that it would be subject to change, and that is has changed, but please release the first non-revised schedule so that we may have some clue as to when we are eligible to enter the game.


On the front page it says and did say for a long time that we 'may' have up to 5 days early access if we pre-order. While many may argue the case that technically this could mean we could have 1 hour and still be legit, it may be false advertising if people who order in that period from the ad being shown do not get 5 days. If this is the case, it is classified as false advertising because it mislead people to believe that they have a chance at getting 5 days, when nobody in that time frame did. This is deceptive and is one of the classifications of 'false advertising', legally. You can not argue this, it is a legal precedent.



Thank you,

A disgruntled adult student.


You may technically be old enough to be an adult but you seem in no way shape or form to be mature enough to be considered on.


To start off with you're planning your life around a computer game. You seem to have a unhealthy need to play the game as demonstrated in that if you have access you plan to ditch your real life friends on friday night for it as well as skip work on saturday. These are the things adicts do.


Furthermore you have this nice little paragraph about false advertising, however, you fail to realize that the entire argument rests around that not a single person durring the time in which the add runs who pre-ordered the game does not get 5 days of early access. Considering we have people getting 7 days of access now said claims are already debunked.


You really need to take a good hard look at your life.

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