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The 5k crits need to stop.. NOW


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Here's an idea. Why don't they just nerf how well surge scales, or maybe the adrenals so the crits don't hit like a truck. Might consider taking the expertise buffs out of WFs too.


I'd do all of those things before nerfing any class.... because either way, the things I listed will end up getting nerfed in one way or another eventually.

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i want so badly to be able to participate meaningfully in these discussions. However since the warzones for me have such bad fps and the unbearable stuttering makes them....unbearable, I' cant really get a good feel for the state of things as they are currently. i really hope that some of these server side issues get worked out soon. This game has a lot of potential and I think that most of the people reading these forums and this thread more specifically can agree on this.
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The only time you should be getting hit for 5k is when you have nobody guard/taunting for you, you wear light armor, and you're fighting a burst class. Or if you're a lowbie scrub.


Sadly for these forums 99% of the evidence provided for "nerf x" on these forums are from the latter.

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You can really tell how many people are or have already rerolled to play op/scound with all the posts attempting to defend them. not to mention everyday you see more and more in the WZes even low level ones..




Well guys, you attemped, and failed.


But I will give the devs the benefit of the doubt, even thought they should have hotfixed a lot of this stuff, they are prob playing each class over and over in diff pvp scenerios just to see how badly they f'ed up, and I can guarantee because of how obvious OP/scounds Overpowere'ness is in addition to some others, it will get nerfed. In light of such no real in depth post or video is needed to show how overpowered they are, because everyone knows it and everyone knows they will get nerfed for a fact.


I rolled an operative too, and my jedi shadow can out perform him all day long. As far as the ranged blaster class, the mercenary is my favorite. Operatives are pretty good. At least they have stealth.

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