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How does one use a JK Guardian Tank in PvP?


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Hello all

I am fairly new to PvP. I have a lvl 51 Guardian Tank and have just started PvP. Seems that this class is a poor choice for PvP. It may be my spec, how I play or just a poor PvP class, but, I rarely get over 30k dmg per match, I am unable to survive even a 1v1 (even if my opponent is lower lvl. I know, thier health is boosted to match). I am good at being a PvE tank, but PvP... I am useless. All I try to do now is spam Taunt and Challenging Call until I die.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please, no flames that stat "Well, maybe you should learn how to......"

I am reaching out for help. Thanks all

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You just need to realize if you are going out in all tank gear with a tank spec you aren't going to accomplish much in damage. You can however do a bunch of other things to help your team in each warzone. For instance:


Huttball: Do you have the ball? If you do start making forward progress by running, charging, and/or interceding. Use your cooldowns effectively, you can hold off a horde of people for a good long while giving your teammates time to get into position or kill the enemies around you. If you DONT have the huttball, gaurd your teammates and use your other abilities to strip enemies off of them while they make for the goal.


Voidstar: Yeah this is probably the worst for tanks imo. The best thing you can do is just try to keep an eye out on the door that is lightly protected if you are on defense. Stay there and keep your cooldowns handy, you can hold a door alone for quite a while allowing your teammates time to come help. If you are on offense, you need to us everything you have to basically just stop enemies from reaching the door. Its a lot harder to be effective on offense, but just do all you can.


Civil War: Same concept here basically, save those cooldowns and help guard points. Seems kind of boring but honestly your best role is simply to make the enemy take a long time to get a point, allowing your teammates to respond.


This is all pretty common sense, just try to realize that you aren't really supposed to do a lot of damage playing tank in warzones, but you can do a bunch of other stuff to give your team a big advantage. If thats not your thing you might wanna respec or roll another class.

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You just need to realize if you are going out in all tank gear with a tank spec you aren't going to accomplish much in damage. You can however do a bunch of other things to help your team in each warzone. For instance:


Huttball: Do you have the ball? If you do start making forward progress by running, charging, and/or interceding. Use your cooldowns effectively, you can hold off a horde of people for a good long while giving your teammates time to get into position or kill the enemies around you. If you DONT have the huttball, gaurd your teammates and use your other abilities to strip enemies off of them while they make for the goal.


Voidstar: Yeah this is probably the worst for tanks imo. The best thing you can do is just try to keep an eye out on the door that is lightly protected if you are on defense. Stay there and keep your cooldowns handy, you can hold a door alone for quite a while allowing your teammates time to come help. If you are on offense, you need to us everything you have to basically just stop enemies from reaching the door. Its a lot harder to be effective on offense, but just do all you can.


Civil War: Same concept here basically, save those cooldowns and help guard points. Seems kind of boring but honestly your best role is simply to make the enemy take a long time to get a point, allowing your teammates to respond.


This is all pretty common sense, just try to realize that you aren't really supposed to do a lot of damage playing tank in warzones, but you can do a bunch of other stuff to give your team a big advantage. If thats not your thing you might wanna respec or roll another class.


agreed, there are a few select times during voidstar where slowing opponents may be advantagous.

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Hello all

I am fairly new to PvP. I have a lvl 51 Guardian Tank and have just started PvP. Seems that this class is a poor choice for PvP. It may be my spec, how I play or just a poor PvP class, but, I rarely get over 30k dmg per match, I am unable to survive even a 1v1 (even if my opponent is lower lvl. I know, thier health is boosted to match). I am good at being a PvE tank, but PvP... I am useless. All I try to do now is spam Taunt and Challenging Call until I die.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please, no flames that stat "Well, maybe you should learn how to......"

I am reaching out for help. Thanks all


first off tanks are NOT soloists... and will never do amazingly on there own because they do lack damage. Tanks are TEAM players! using gaurd on a healer is fastest way to make friends! and become an unstopable force of wreckening! once you have a healer backing you a tank can do things no other class can!


your not there to do damage your there to soak it up, force attacks on you, and reduce over all damage of enemy team and KEEP your team mates alive. If you want huge numbers your playing the wrong spec...

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Hello all

I am fairly new to PvP. I have a lvl 51 Guardian Tank and have just started PvP. Seems that this class is a poor choice for PvP. It may be my spec, how I play or just a poor PvP class, but, I rarely get over 30k dmg per match, I am unable to survive even a 1v1 (even if my opponent is lower lvl. I know, thier health is boosted to match). I am good at being a PvE tank, but PvP... I am useless. All I try to do now is spam Taunt and Challenging Call until I die.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please, no flames that stat "Well, maybe you should learn how to......"

I am reaching out for help. Thanks all


level 51 you say how do i get one of them

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You just need to realize if you are going out in all tank gear with a tank spec you aren't going to accomplish much in damage. You can however do a bunch of other things to help your team in each warzone. For instance:


Huttball: Do you have the ball? If you do start making forward progress by running, charging, and/or interceding. Use your cooldowns effectively, you can hold off a horde of people for a good long while giving your teammates time to get into position or kill the enemies around you. If you DONT have the huttball, gaurd your teammates and use your other abilities to strip enemies off of them while they make for the goal.


Voidstar: Yeah this is probably the worst for tanks imo. The best thing you can do is just try to keep an eye out on the door that is lightly protected if you are on defense. Stay there and keep your cooldowns handy, you can hold a door alone for quite a while allowing your teammates time to come help. If you are on offense, you need to us everything you have to basically just stop enemies from reaching the door. Its a lot harder to be effective on offense, but just do all you can.


Civil War: Same concept here basically, save those cooldowns and help guard points. Seems kind of boring but honestly your best role is simply to make the enemy take a long time to get a point, allowing your teammates to respond.


This is all pretty common sense, just try to realize that you aren't really supposed to do a lot of damage playing tank in warzones, but you can do a bunch of other stuff to give your team a big advantage. If thats not your thing you might wanna respec or roll another class.

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Unless you are rolling premades with a dedicated healer or dps sidekick, warzones can be brutal if your geared specifically for tanking. By this I mean gear with defense/shield/absorption boosts. You dont want to forsake all your damage for defense in these cases. Most of us have found it pretty useful to boost offense (while leveling at least, with increased critical/surge/power gear). Youll find it much easier to hold your own in PvE and PvP with a little more offensive type gear.


Also, always bust out your guard on a sorc/marauder/powertech ... and try to stay with them. This is easier said than done of course as battles can get hectic quick and you may be forced to separate in order to hit objectives left undefended.


Dont pull the trigger on your cc breaker too soon. Try to absorb at least one volley of cc with saber ward/invincible, then after you get hit again (which will be real soon), pop the cc breaker and you should be temporarily immune to cc with a full resolve bar. Then you can lay into people with ravage/vicious slash/force scream/retaliation/sundering assault/etc.


Use your taunts selectively near objectives to frustrate the other team, they do less damage to intended targets this way. Spam chilling scream as much as you can too, people hate being slowed.

Edited by ghettogenius
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Tanking in PVP is all about using your guard efficiently, the more damage you soak the more medals you get. Although like most mentioned above tanks cant do much solo, but paired up with a healer you can create an unstoppable force.


Me and my buddy the other day in a pvp match took on 6 people, killed several as others were coming in. I had guard on him and had my own personal heal stim. We lasted for over 3 minutes fighting on average 6 people, it was awesome. I had over 120k points in defense and like 9 medals or something, not to mention i spammed my aoe whenever possible and got myself around 90k in damage, which is pretty damn good for a tank. (edit: he was a BH medic)

Edited by xJeTsTaRx
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