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Staggered launch is not the problem, its Bioware


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Having a staggered launch isnt necessarily a problem, its how Bioware is managing things that is.


Heres a few nice examples why.


- They know damn well when they will invite us yet they refuse to inform us as to roughly when we can expect our invite.


- Its a well known fact they have groups working in 24h shifts to ensure the best launch possible (or at least thats what they say). Heres even a quote from Stephen Reid.

''The Live Services team is working in shifts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for the next month to ensure that servers stay up, player population is well managed, issues are triaged, problems are communicated and bugs are fixed as fast as possible.


After that, we're on-call 24/7 for the life of the game.''


So why exactly do we get a 18h gap between every 4 or 5 waves?


- Not to mention the servers have been sitting on low pop for hours upon hours (check out the server status http://www.swtor.com/server-status). If you look around youll even see plenty of people that have come forward about how theres barely anybody to group with in-game or how some are exploiting the low pop (BGs powerleveling?)

And even if the servers do get filled up we had an open beta just weeks ago where Bioware had some nice stress testing done. On top of that they even have a zone instancing system in place to ensure that the zones dont become overpopulated.


All i see is poor desicion making on Biowares part.


This is the reason for the rage. Every single reason. Yet they are still holding to four waves today, WHY.

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You do realize its NOT the waiting. I didnt expect to be in first day, or maybe even 2nd day right off.


I expected a smooth flow of people being admitted, much like how you form up in lines and go into a movie theater. This is akin to everyone waiting in line, the first 20 peopel going in and watching the movie while the rest of the line waits for the 2nd showing.


There is no rational reason to not keep a smooth steady flow of people going into the game. There just isnt. IF there is, then come the 20th when everyone can log on at once....we have HUGE problems ahead.


I agree with this, at least this is how it feels. And ultimately, this is all that counts.


People keep saying that this is a wonderfully smooth launch, but how many people are actually in the game, and how many people are queued?


If Bioware wanted to avoid queue times and overpopulated servers this is a really weird way to accomplish that goal. I feel like I am in a week long queue with no estimated time of access. That's far worse than a 2 hour queue with a timer ticking down.


They need to ramp things up as I'm starting to get a little bitter about the way this is working out - and its obvious that I'm certainly not alone. Even just a vague idea of access time would set a lot of minds at rest.

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I agree with this, at least this is how it feels. And ultimately, this is all that counts.


People keep saying that this is a wonderfully smooth launch, but how many people are actually in the game, and how many people are queued?


If Bioware wanted to avoid queue times and overpopulated servers this is a really weird way to accomplish that goal. I feel like I am in a week long queue with no estimated time of access. That's far worse than a 2 hour queue with a timer ticking down.


They need to ramp things up as I'm starting to get a little bitter about the way this is working out - and its obvious that I'm certainly not alone. Even just a vague idea of access time would set a lot of minds at rest.


If you don't have at the very least a vague idea of when your access will be based on everything the devs have said so far, then your not paying attention.


I have Nov 22 as my pre-order date. Since they got through the big spike of pre-orders in July the first day, then got Aug and some of Sept the second day, I would expect the rest of Sept and most of Oct tomorrow. So I have a chance of maybe getting in on the 16th, if not the 17th. It's vague, but it's an idea. What more did you need?

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