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    Austin, TX
  1. I hope not. Last night was my first evening to play and after spending some time with the kids, eating dinner with the family and being annoyingly nice to my wife to the point at 8PM she finally said "Go play your game already!" I was pumped until I logged in, was 512th in queue,, got in TS with guildies and after 45 minutes waiting with most of them waiting too, I was very dissapointed and very close to giving up in disgust. At 8.50 I finally got in and played for 2 hours. Several times my groupmates (and guildmates) crashed or got booted and had to wait 30+ minutes in queue AGAIN to get back to us. The whole experience was disheartning to say the least. Queues for a paid subscription game are a terrible idea. I think they will be shocked how many will not tolerate it if they think it's acceptable.
  2. I hope not. Last night was my first evening to play and after spending some time with the kids, eating dinner with the family and being annoyingly nice to my wife to the point at 8PM she finally said "Go play your game already!" I was pumped until I logged in, was 512th in queue,, got in TS with guildies and after 45 minutes waiting with most of them waiting too, I was very dissapointed and very close to giving up in disgust. At 8.50 I finally got in and played for 2 hours. Several times my groupmates (and guildmates) crashed or got booted and had to wait 30+ minutes in queue AGAIN to get back to us. The whole experience was disheartning to say the least. Queues for a paid subscription game are a terrible idea. I think they will be shocked how many will not tolerate it if they think it's acceptable.
  3. I think the same way and I hope we are right. I have 2-3 hours 3-4 evenings a week to play and I will not pay a monthy subscription to watch 30% of my playtime waste away waiting in a queue. Just because it's the newest game and the hype makes me want to try it, I'm not a die-hard gammer or a SW fanboy to the point that I will pay someone to make me wait for my evening entertainment. They are nuts if they think this will fly. I don't think they are nuts, so I'm hoping we are right and that they are using artifical server caps to spread out the populations before launch....
  4. Nov 22 and got my "your saga begins" email at 11:03 CST!
  5. He's not lying, read the dev tracker. Paraphrasing here, but Steve did say those near the end of Nov should get in today.
  6. Nov 22nd here, still holding out hope for the 4th wave!!!
  7. Nov 22nd here. I'm thinking Friday is our earliest chance, but it depends on how big the pre-order spike in late Nov was around the Weekend Beta test. If it was a large spike, tomorrow may be in play for those before Nov 25th.
  8. Too bad it will fall on deaf ears. If you say it, the QQ'ers and whiners will come.
  9. If you don't have at the very least a vague idea of when your access will be based on everything the devs have said so far, then your not paying attention. I have Nov 22 as my pre-order date. Since they got through the big spike of pre-orders in July the first day, then got Aug and some of Sept the second day, I would expect the rest of Sept and most of Oct tomorrow. So I have a chance of maybe getting in on the 16th, if not the 17th. It's vague, but it's an idea. What more did you need?
  10. I think it's you that is missing the point. Is it your $180M investment in this game? Is it your servers? Is it your CS reps on the phone ramping up? Is it your developers that want to load up 300,000 users at a time and monitor it for 18-20 hours? Is it your DECISION? NO. It's not. At some point in your life you will need to accept that the world does not revolve around you and some people or companies will make decisions you do not like and you cannot change that. Learn to live with it, or die young of stress induced issues.
  11. Would be great to know. Please post your pre-order date if you got an invite in this 3rd wave (assuming your not in-game already!)
  12. But you have to agree it's the same thing... people whinning and crying becasue they are not getting something someone else got because they earned it by ordering sooner when they have been told since at least August that EGA will be dependent on the date you enter your pre-order code. The only new informaiton recently is EGA started 2 days earlier than expected and people are up in arms over it? Give me a break.
  13. SWTOR and Bioware agree with OP that pre-order customers are very important. But they also agree that Pre-Order customers that pre-ordered first are more important than pre-order customers that pre-ordered last. Not sure why everyone has a problem with waiting thier turn for their bonus (gifted from Bioware) and not sure why it's so hard for them to understand that their 'bonus" is bigger (they get in sooner) the earlier they pre-ordered. Kinda reminds me of the Occupy WallStreet Protesters angry and crying because they are not "GIVEN" what others "WORKED" to get.
  14. The server my guild was assigned to (and a majority of the others) are showing Full aready on the server status page. And only 3-4 of the 40ish per-orders in our guild have gotten invites so far. If the load rating is based on total server capacity, then our server may have a queue soon! Hopefully the load takes into account the guild assignments even though most of the guild members have not logged in and created accounts yet. If not, I can see queue's on pre-assigned servers soon which would not be good. 1+ hour long queues like we had in beta to get to your pre-assigned server to join your guild members would be a disaster.
  15. Bioware, I for one am embarressed to call myself a gamer after witnessing the reaction to your gift of EGA to us. Thanks for your hard work, your game, and your GIFT of EGA to us for Pre-Ordering. And a special THANKS for the staggered Pre-Launch. When I do get to play, I do not want to compete with 2 MILLION players in the starting area trying to get the beginning storyline quests done. I will be grateful that when I do get in, the majority of those ahead of me will be long gone from Ord Mantel!
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