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Annihilation PVP Spec (discussion)


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Hi all,


I've been Rage since 25 and all the time I've been 50 - earlier on my damage output was very high, but this is slowly but surely shrinking and in preperation of 50 only warzones I think the output will diminish further. As such I'm going to test out Annihilation as a PVP spec - posted below. Thoughts are welcome.




Generally there are a lot of core selections that are pretty obvious. The ones I think are a bit more of a "choice" are as followed.


Subjugation - really a quicker interupt will help massively v's healers who seem to be strong currently, I'd want 2 points on this but couldn't really afford it.


Ferocity - whilst I'd want this as I use Predatation a lot, I felt the 50% speed we get already was sufficient for what I needed.


Seeping Wound - an extra slow on our main attack is a big benefit - it also saves us rage from needing to add crippling slash. This is something I'm unsure if I need or not.


Cloak of Carnage - This is a talent I'm unsure of, I get targeted a lot in PVP and thus it would be a solid rage generater meaning I can spam Annihilate more. I went for it over Dual Wield Mastery.


Dual Wield Mastery - Our OH is weak its more of a stat stick than anything else, so buffing it by 36% may sound a lot but is it really that much overall? Debating this or CoC.


Malice - Our bleeds are Kinetic which is force damage? (if I'm wrong on this maybe its not that good, but I was led to believe all yellow damage is force and all white is melee)


Any suggestions?

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Hi all,


I've been Rage since 25 and all the time I've been 50 - earlier on my damage output was very high, but this is slowly but surely shrinking and in preperation of 50 only warzones I think the output will diminish further. As such I'm going to test out Annihilation as a PVP spec - posted below. Thoughts are welcome.




Generally there are a lot of core selections that are pretty obvious. The ones I think are a bit more of a "choice" are as followed.


Subjugation - really a quicker interupt will help massively v's healers who seem to be strong currently, I'd want 2 points on this but couldn't really afford it.


Ferocity - whilst I'd want this as I use Predatation a lot, I felt the 50% speed we get already was sufficient for what I needed.


Seeping Wound - an extra slow on our main attack is a big benefit - it also saves us rage from needing to add crippling slash. This is something I'm unsure if I need or not.


Cloak of Carnage - This is a talent I'm unsure of, I get targeted a lot in PVP and thus it would be a solid rage generater meaning I can spam Annihilate more. I went for it over Dual Wield Mastery.


Dual Wield Mastery - Our OH is weak its more of a stat stick than anything else, so buffing it by 36% may sound a lot but is it really that much overall? Debating this or CoC.


Malice - Our bleeds are Kinetic which is force damage? (if I'm wrong on this maybe its not that good, but I was led to believe all yellow damage is force and all white is melee)


Any suggestions?



Enraged Slash is weak for PvP imo, however it probably will end up being better than Cloak of Annihilation; that will come down to preference most likely. Other than that you look pretty solid - it's hard to mess up a spec - but I do have one possible change for you to consider.


Close Quarters is a very misleading talent in the sense of PvP. Melee range (from the top of my head) is 1 meter. Assuming you want to get a slow on them - with Rupture or Crippling Slash - right away, I feel it would be better to put only 1 point in Close Quarters and the other into Subjugation. Obfuscate is extremely useful, as of course are interrupts. 10 meters is quite a long way, however since they're going to be running away from you anyway being able to Charge from 5-30 meters will probably be a lot more useful than 0-30 considering you (probably) won't be using it as a DPS cooldown.


You are correct in that all yellow damage is theorized to be Force. I have a list in my guide of what's weapon and what's Force damage according to that rule.

Edited by Kibaken
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Enraged Slash is weak for PvP imo, however it probably will end up being better than Cloak of Annihilation; that will come down to preference most likely. Other than that you look pretty solid - it's hard to mess up a spec - but I do have one possible change for you to consider.


Close Quarters is a very misleading talent in the sense of PvP. Melee range (from the top of my head) is 1 meter. Assuming you want to get a slow on them - with Rupture or Crippling Slash - right away, I feel it would be better to put only 1 point in Close Quarters and the other into Subjugation. Obfuscate is extremely useful, as of course are interrupts. 10 meters is quite a long way, however since they're going to be running away from you anyway being able to Charge from 5-30 meters will probably be a lot more useful than 0-30 considering you (probably) won't be using it as a DPS cooldown.


You are correct in that all yellow damage is theorized to be Force. I have a list in my guide of what's weapon and what's Force damage according to that rule.


ES makes your Annihilate 4 Rage over 5, which is pretty good and means you can use it a lot more and have more rage left for Ruptures. (I will also be running 5man HM's so I think it will benefit me in there also)


I'm going to drop the point from CQ and get the final point in Subjagation.


Going to go this spec all evening see how it goes - I think I'll miss few abilties especially Strangulate/Crush/Undying, but I think Annihilate is the way to go with 50 only brackets.

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ES makes your Annihilate 4 Rage over 5, which is pretty good and means you can use it a lot more and have more rage left for Ruptures. (I will also be running 5man HM's so I think it will benefit me in there also)


I'm going to drop the point from CQ and get the final point in Subjagation.


Going to go this spec all evening see how it goes - I think I'll miss few abilties especially Strangulate/Crush/Undying, but I think Annihilate is the way to go with 50 only brackets.


Oh god I'm retarded. I meant Quick Recovery.


Also, this



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Hi all,


I've been Rage since 25 and all the time I've been 50 - earlier on my damage output was very high, but this is slowly but surely shrinking and in preperation of 50 only warzones I think the output will diminish further. As such I'm going to test out Annihilation as a PVP spec - posted below. Thoughts are welcome.




Generally there are a lot of core selections that are pretty obvious. The ones I think are a bit more of a "choice" are as followed.


Subjugation - really a quicker interupt will help massively v's healers who seem to be strong currently, I'd want 2 points on this but couldn't really afford it.


Ferocity - whilst I'd want this as I use Predatation a lot, I felt the 50% speed we get already was sufficient for what I needed.


Seeping Wound - an extra slow on our main attack is a big benefit - it also saves us rage from needing to add crippling slash. This is something I'm unsure if I need or not.


Cloak of Carnage - This is a talent I'm unsure of, I get targeted a lot in PVP and thus it would be a solid rage generater meaning I can spam Annihilate more. I went for it over Dual Wield Mastery.


Dual Wield Mastery - Our OH is weak its more of a stat stick than anything else, so buffing it by 36% may sound a lot but is it really that much overall? Debating this or CoC.


Malice - Our bleeds are Kinetic which is force damage? (if I'm wrong on this maybe its not that good, but I was led to believe all yellow damage is force and all white is melee)


Any suggestions?



bleed damage is not force, its internal damage = bypasses armor but not resistance, force damage is different - go check it out in torhead and sithwarrior.com for more insight on that


Your spec is good but a few changes i think would be better is remove the points in Seeping wound as it only lasts till rupture is up which is very short - and then the cd that has a CHANCE of being reset - not worth it in my opinion - ur better off putting it into Dual wield mastery or put it into rage to reduce cooldown on force choke


Malice again no due to the fact that our bleeds are not force attack, they are internal - there is 4 types of damage in Tor if I am correct which is :

Kinetic, Energy, Internal and Elemental - and as far as I know kinetic and energy are the two force attacks, Internal and Elemental are melee/ranged type attacks


At last I think as a previous poster mentioned only keep 1 point at max in close quarters as 0-30 is not really necessary

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Enraged Slash is weak for PvP imo, however it probably will end up being better than Cloak of Annihilation; that will come down to preference most likely. Other than that you look pretty solid - it's hard to mess up a spec - but I do have one possible change for you to consider.


Close Quarters is a very misleading talent in the sense of PvP. Melee range (from the top of my head) is 1 meter. Assuming you want to get a slow on them - with Rupture or Crippling Slash - right away, I feel it would be better to put only 1 point in Close Quarters and the other into Subjugation. Obfuscate is extremely useful, as of course are interrupts. 10 meters is quite a long way, however since they're going to be running away from you anyway being able to Charge from 5-30 meters will probably be a lot more useful than 0-30 considering you (probably) won't be using it as a DPS cooldown.


You are correct in that all yellow damage is theorized to be Force. I have a list in my guide of what's weapon and what's Force damage according to that rule.



CQ gives you another interrupt that can be used at any range, which is essential for fighting a healer. That's the main reason to get 2 points in it IMO, so you don't have to waste time walking back 2 steps to be able to interrupt, as that might let them complete the cast.


Also, you really don't need empowerment, I run without it and I have never felt rage starved at all, and this allows you 2 more free points to work with, allowing you to fill out subjugation, and then I would take 2 points out of seeping wound as rupture doesn't last long enough and doesn't slow enough, to actually stick on someone you will need to cast crippling slash anyway (if they try and kite you at least), and with crippling slash the only class that can kite you is a sorc and that's only if they blow a lot of their CC which means they aren't healing or damaging while they do that. Since you are using (or should be using) crippling slash anyway, seeping wound is a wasted talent since the slows don't stack.


This would give you 2 points to put into ravager, which is a great pvp talent, just for the CD on force choke, and ravage (which we do use sometimes). One of the best ways to kill someone is to put all 3 stacks of deadly saber on someone (making sure one stack is applied by rupture) then choking them while they tick, you can usually take 1/2 to 2/3 of someones life that way, then you can finish with annihilate and vicious throw usually. Ravager lets you do this more often.


Lastly I would take 2 points out of either defensive forms or cloak of carnage (I would take out of cloak personally) and put them in payback, which IMO is a highly undervalued talent for PvP.


We do enough damage and are not rage starved anyway, so IMO most of your choice talents should go to doing everything possible to increase your survivability so you can last longer... dead marauders do no damage.


IMO this should be a final build for PvP with an emphasis on survivability: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMfuzZ0MZGb.1

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Can anyone confirm or deny whether Seeping Wound stacks with Crippling Slash?


I do not have a SS for proof, however I use to run seeping wounds and would BA -> crippling slash -> rupture, and they seemed to only be effected by slash slow, as putting rupture on did not slow them any more.

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10% of your hp every 2mins? I just don't feel its needed as Annihilation (I'm Biochem with the Rataki as well so I'd prefer a bit more rage so I can use more damage abilities)




Think I'm going to go for this as my first build and see how it goes.


It can still save you, it's basically an extra heal every 2 minutes.


Still, personal opinion on that one. Only thing I would change about your post is taking out 2 points from stagger (the immobilize doesn't even work half the time) and putting them into enraged charge, to give you more up front rage. Not that you need it, but no point in the immobilize one until it actually works.

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I have been pvping in Anni for over 3 weeks now at 50 and its fantastic.

All the 3 trees I have tried, but annihilation gives so much survivability through dots I never went back.

Rage management is stupidly easy when you figure it out, and being able to pop Berserk/Predation each 30 seconds or sometimes faster is insane.

No minimum range on leap, reduced cd on leap = a must.

People saying anni doesnt have burst damage are wrong. Annihilation itself does very high burst damage when you got 5 stacks of your stance.

Also annihilation is the best spec for sustained dps in PvE.


Anni all the way.

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Is the heal on that talent reduced by Trauma? I assume it is.


(the immobilize doesn't even work half the time) and putting them into enraged charge, to give you more up front rage. Not that you need it, but no point in the immobilize one until it actually works.


The only times when it doesn't work are: 1. They dodge the hit (get more accuracy), 2. Resolve.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Is the heal on that talent reduced by Trauma? I assume it is.




The only times when it doesn't work are: 1. They dodge the hit (get more accuracy), 2. Resolve.


Pretty sure it doesn't immobilize if the damage is shielded either. Also, there are times were they have taken damage, had an empty resolve bar, and kept moving.

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