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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gunnery - Stat Hierarchy


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Been starting to mod up my Gunnery Commando off the Back of Ilum/Belsavis Dailies and am trying to come up with a theory as to what stats I should be stacking, and what the relative weighting should be like, this is what I have so far....


1. Aim - King of stats obviously, not even up for debate (and probably shouldn't even be in this list as its a primary rather than secondary attribute)


2. Accuracy/Crit - This is where it gets a bit more tricky. I love crit, and gunnery ammo regen relies heavily on stacking it, but accuracy probably outweighs it in terms of raw dps on bosses and in raids, but I imagine after a certain percentage its usefulness will drop off a lot (not sure if bosses have an inherently higher defense like WoW bosses) and it becomes a bit like expertise.


3. Surge - Bigger crits, everybody loves big yellow numbers and with my crit already runnning at nearly 38% with no purples (assuming a group with a smuggler) this can only be a very good thing...


4. Power - More dmg, seems a bit like Attack power from WoW, nice to have as a bonus but if you're getting plenty of extra dmg from your aim why bother when the above stuff is available and seems to have better synergy with our tree.


5. Alacrity - I like the idea of this stat, but tbh I find all it does is cause a ammo regen issues,as I can burn through my abilities a bit more quickly, for healers it must be a godsend, but I cant say it floats my boat as gunnery.


Anybody with any alternative theories or links to good theorycrafting info please feel free to contribute.

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Once you finish your class storyline you can pick up breadcrumb quests from the the fleet that send you on a chain on Ilum and a bonus chain on Belsavis.


doing these quests unlocks the dailies and rewards daily commendations (for epic barrels/armour patches/mounts/ears/implants) and the heroics give an epic mod/enh (2mans) and a nice blue/orange quality weapon(4m but curiously soloable) for your companions every day.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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