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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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That's nothing. I couldn't order because my entire family all died in July, and I had to take care of all the funerals. Then my puppy got run over and I found spaghetti in my pockets: SPAGHETTI!! Then I tried to get to the local GAME store but I was run over and spent 3 months in hospital. While I was in there, I was diagnosed with terminal green-thumb. It was terrible. One week before I was due to get out, the hospital caught fire and I was horrifically burned. Still, I tried to get to the game store and pre-order, my clothes still smoldering on my back, and I was again run over and killed. I don't see why I should be punished because of this. It's a tragedy!!!!


bit too much?

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Why not tell us how you really feel?


Personally if I had gotten in yesterday or today, I'd be just like and tell everyone they are an *** cause they feel like they got hood winked.


I guess it's hard to humble when you're perfect in everyway.



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Why not tell us how you really feel?


Personally if I had gotten in yesterday or today, I'd be just like and tell everyone they are an *** cause they feel like they got hood winked.


I guess it's hard to humble when you're perfect in everyway.


umm, bye?

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I'd say inb4 ******** white knight defense but its far too late for that.


I hesitated to preorder till I got to play the beta, which, I did at the last minute, the last week, and decided it was good. Decided to do something I rarely do, which is get the collectors. Again typically those get better treatment, and I wanted the neat swag that came with it.


However like most I was being bombarded by the same bloody advertisement "PREORDER AND GET UP TO 5 DAYS HEADSTART!" screens on every aspect of the site and even the launcher.


Which, whatever, up to implies I wouldn't get the full shabang or whatever.


But it still feels really shady that like, they are talking a 1-2 day headstart when All you could see during december was preeching 5 day headstarts because marketing and all that jazz.


Just kills the buzz when you wait excitedly on the 13th for the game to open up only to find out its in waves.


And then to find out the waves are based on preorder date. Because they need to make sure servers are populated. And The best way to make sure people can play is to not let them play or something silly.

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the other night, i was buying glass flasks online for making jolly rancher vodka, the very next night i was watching TV and a grey goose commercial came on, followed by a jolly rancher commercial.


i don't believe in coincidences, so it must've been the force.

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Why not tell us how you really feel?


Personally if I had gotten in yesterday or today, I'd be just like and tell everyone they are an *** cause they feel like they got hood winked.


I guess it's hard to humble when you're perfect in everyway.


Does it sadden you to see people who are capable of rising above their own selfish needs for something, and who are able to see enjoyment in something instead of always grinding on about something we cannot change.


I am pretty sure most of us would have liked to play on the 13th, but that is not the case, don't come at us for trying to make the best of it, we don't need that sort of attitude in this thread nor do we want it.



Here have a /hug


/signed Decemberite

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