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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Ahhh, the days before cable, computers, and microwaves. What ever did we do without them?


Went outside saw the sun, cooked food and had social interactions that didnt go through face book and twitter.... Oh and when we were trying to get someone in bed we acctually saw them and not a picture that probably isnt them, but they wont tell anyone they are really a guy.... you know.... stuff...

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I think I belong in this thread :D Pre-ordered 2 CE's on the first day they were announced, didn't bother to put in pre-order code, or create an account even until last week :eek::p Oh well, gives me time to write 2 essays and revise for exams :cool:
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Went outside saw the sun, cooked food and had social interactions that didnt go through face book and twitter.... Oh and when we were trying to get someone in bed we acctually saw them and not a picture that probably isnt them, but they wont tell anyone they are really a guy.... you know.... stuff...


Wow uv been spoiled. My eraly days consisted of going to school 30 clicks away uphill facing wind barefoot in the snow with pieces of glass in it while caring and breast feeding my 13 smaller siblings. And as a reword for good marks i was allowed to build a house , plant a tree and plow a field.

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For me Dr Who started in 2005. I tried looking though the earlier ones , but could not stomach the acting and design. Different era. Even for me. And ima close to 30 now =)


Wow now thats procrastination.... I started watching because my dad did on PBS here in america and I couldnt be bothered to get up walk 2 feet and change it to the Dukes Of Hazzard :D

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Its all a matter of opinion on the Doctor.


Baker showed us what the Doctor was as an ideal.

Eccelston showed us what the Doctor was as a kick-butt sort.

Tennant showed us the Doctor's 'humanity'. (Metaphorical sense.)

Smith is showing us what the Doctor is like as an alien.


Not familiar enough with the others.


YMMV. This is IMHO. Just a thing I came up with. Like... right now.

Edited by Kashinia
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Yes it will still be good , after i tell em what i did to their mothers while they been to busy speed leveling =)


I love you man, lol. we will all be lvling by Friday. Not sure why people don't read the stickies. Silly, silly boys and girls.


Besides, if you ordered sooner, you wouldn't get to hang out with the cool kids.


Decemberists rule!!!!!!:p

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