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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Whoa, whoa, whoa there son. What's the rush? Don't you have some other game you can play? Embrace your inner slacker. Lookin' like we might get the weekend to slack off in SWTOR...that ain't that bad.


WoW is boring LoL account is banned, BF3 is a no go casue i cba..

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Well see, when we're chosen to begin our saga..


We begin a brand new Saga of procrastinating. The race to the level cap will begin - who of us will be last?!


I played WoW on and off from day one, until about a year ago. I never capped a 70. I call dibs on this one.

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Hello Gentlemen and Ladies,


I to decided to wait to Dec, mostly because well...money has been tight and I wanted to get a idea what the final product might be like by the end of the beta phase, it seems pretty sound and solid and from the few vids I've seen and some from Totalbiscuit I was convinced to pick up a early start order.


I'm not particularly in any rush to get in mind, I believe officially it was early access from tomorrow so I don't see what all the fuss has been for the past two days across the forum.


From other sources anyway, from the guestimates they believe around 400k-ish people are in now, if they up the waves or numbers per wave tomorrow probably likely chance those of us who went for Dec will be either tomorrow or Friday at the lastest, even if Friday that still 4days to potter about in the game and get used to it abit and maybe pull ahead a few levels so you ain't crunched in at the start area at launch.


I'm opting with a easy pace with old republic, I've played other MMOs quite serious and grew tired and ended up leaving after a couple of years and that time has taught me that all the crazy endgame content hunting and gunning for best and fastest isn't for me now.


Look forward to possibly seeing some folks on a server when I can get in, EU side mind, but regardless be interesting to see if any names pop up.

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I played WoW on and off from day one, until about a year ago. I never capped a 70. I call dibs on this one.


I'm afraid I'll have to challenge you.


I have only capped one character on any MMO.




It took a few years. And that MMO was SWG. God bless it before SOE obliterated it.

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i am one of the lucky ones as well who got there preorder from game stop n they never gave me a code till the other day. so im one of the december procrastinators as well :) i just thought of what to do while i wate till friday. time to watch a star wars marathon.
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I just came to a stunning revelation.


We won't be let in till Friday, as BioWare is very aware of the DecemberCrew, and has faith that we are chill enough to wait.


This is obviously the reason and not any of your technical mumbo-jumbo.


mmm, too much nap, not enough coffee, and a sign of too much time on facebook.... I tried to "like" your post. Oddly I couldn't find the button. :p

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I'm afraid I'll have to challenge you.


I have only capped one character on any MMO.




It took a few years. And that MMO was SWG. God bless it before SOE obliterated it.


I never capped nuffin' never.



I am an endgame virgin....


:Weeps dramatically:


Where's that procrastipipe?!

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i am one of the lucky ones as well who got there preorder from game stop n they never gave me a code till the other day. so im one of the december procrastinators as well :) i just thought of what to do while i wate till friday. time to watch a star wars marathon.


I was thinking about doing this as well!

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I never capped nuffin' never.



I am an endgame virgin....


:Weeps dramatically:


Where's that procrastipipe?!


With a game like WoW with different level caps over the years, can you technically become a retroactive virgin? Because I'm totally one if that's the case. 72 is my highest level in that game.

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