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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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12th here fell stupid for not reading the teaser correctly.

If I realised the I might get 1 day ahead I would never preordered, talk about wasted cash...



you can cancel your pre-order. I dont think anybody is gonna be butthurt over it.

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It's nice to find a chill post about this. I signed up on 12/11 for preorder, the 2 extra days is great, I'll prolly just get 2 days early play, and it's fine, I will be happy.

What really gets me, is the only reason I stopped paying attention to the updates/emails from Bioware, is because the forums were nothing but people complaining that the Fan Fridays weren't substantial enough for them. Or that BW was taking too long, or that they weren't capable of making a good game, or they didn't like a jedi robe, etc etc etc. I just had no interest in it. So I procrastinated, and finally got preordered at the last minute. After ignoring these threads for a year, I come back to find the exact same thing.

I kinda wish they just made KOTOR 3 instead, so I wouldn't have to bother with these clowns in the game.

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Nah it's not just a US server thing... I'm talking about adding friends to my forum account.


I just sent out about 10 or so... based on the responses I got.


Check your account page.... look at "Friends" and accept the requests.


At least I think that's how it works. =)


You not like my terrible jokiness, sir? Or need to me to join red squadron?


Off that topic, now have 4 ToR browser tabs open, 1 rooster teeth waiting for podcast, GW2 and Google+. anyone beat my nerdiness?

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Nah it's not just a US server thing... I'm talking about adding friends to my forum account.


I just sent out about 10 or so... based on the responses I got.


Check your account page.... look at "Friends" and accept the requests.


At least I think that's how it works. =)


I never got an invite *Sniff* :'(

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if others decide to create a <December Crew> on other realms, it's totally cool, i'd be willing to put up a website w/ message board to keep all of us linked together even though we don't play on the same server.


seeing as how some people won't want to be on a pvp realm, or empire.


Seems to be a good idea, have a consolidated website for all the different servers.


You seem to be a bit to proactive...you sure your not a spy from the November Noobs?

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i ordered from origin DEC 2nd i think .


I'm trying to be patient as waves is the best way to do it as there's simply too many people to do all at once , i will join the whingers if i'm not in on saturday though. Simply because i got suckered into paying an extra £5 and i expect at least a couple od days extra play.

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if others decide to create a <December Crew> on other realms, it's totally cool, i'd be willing to put up a website w/ message board to keep all of us linked together even though we don't play on the same server.


seeing as how some people won't want to be on a pvp realm, or empire.


That would be really cool, a EU-US guild spreaded across servers, sort of like the masons :-)

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Seems to be a good idea, have a consolidated website for all the different servers.


You seem to be a bit to proactive...you sure your not a spy from the November Noobs?


well, at least one of has to be proactive!


don't worry, i have a HUGE final in a few hours, instead of studying, i'm here.

Edited by exoul
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