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Rage spec..my complaints


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First let me start that I think this class is seriously strong.


However being that it is very strong especially with gear, I just HATE the way you have to deal your damage.


Force crush or choke to get 4 stacks of shock wave....make sure dominate is up.. and BOOM!! no wait wait wait!!! You have been CC'ed snared slowed knock backed or stunned. Your shockwave stacks are gone, or your dominate buff is gone.


This spec does great damage but man....it is so frustrating the ramp up time and all the tacks in between it are just weak.


Anyone feel the same? As good as i know this class is...i just think the style of the rage spec is for me.

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I'm struggling on most all aspects of tree in pvp and pve with this character. I like the style but have yet to master it and powertechs ranges snares just destroy me to a point where I go a little emo.


The things I like from each tree:


Annihilation: cool down and range reduction on force charge (not enough crit or damage for my liking.)


Carnage: debuff snare (still not enough power but better)


Rage: good dps not killer but better (i seem slow, feel like im running more to get to my target and cooldowns take longer)


I'll keep working to get better at the art of marauder but I'm losing interest.

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I am. My name is easymode because I like to win with little effort, like using a Nomad + Discharger/Incinerator against Preds with tempest. Or playing a Marauder.


X because all the cool kids do it, haven't you seen bro? Don't be mad because you didn't think of it first. If you make a new account you too can be InvidisusX, or go all the way baller with XxInvidisusXx. I'm not pro enough for that, yet.

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Not sure what the complaint is. Save for Charges for post knockback or use Obliterate. Rage buffs are self-buffs and not target specific so even if you get KB'd after Crush you still have the 4 ticks up and can quickly Charge/Smash on another target. I honestly stopped mindlessly tapping the Charge button everytime it was off CD and have been fairing a lot better in PvP.
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I'm struggling on most all aspects of tree in pvp and pve with this character. I like the style but have yet to master it and powertechs ranges snares just destroy me to a point where I go a little emo.


The things I like from each tree:


Annihilation: cool down and range reduction on force charge (not enough crit or damage for my liking.)


Carnage: debuff snare (still not enough power but better)


Rage: good dps not killer but better (i seem slow, feel like im running more to get to my target and cooldowns take longer)


I'll keep working to get better at the art of marauder but I'm losing interest.


PVP for mara, I lead with crit and immobilizing manuveurs, such as choke and roar. then I use my two leaps to keep in combat and my short range abilites mixed in with vicious strikes for CDs and using smash as my 9 sec finisher, or my saber throw finisher. It takes a bit of work to get the situational rotation down as every class requires a different variation of your rotation, but it does work.


The problem is that Maras are a lot of resource micro management, watching rage, fury and CDs all together to ensure efficient use of DPS. that makes the class deceptively hard to play.

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I'm struggling on most all aspects of tree in pvp and pve with this character. I like the style but have yet to master it and powertechs ranges snares just destroy me to a point where I go a little emo.


The things I like from each tree:


Annihilation: cool down and range reduction on force charge (not enough crit or damage for my liking.)


Carnage: debuff snare (still not enough power but better)


Rage: good dps not killer but better (i seem slow, feel like im running more to get to my target and cooldowns take longer)


I'll keep working to get better at the art of marauder but I'm losing interest.

everything you said was wrong... the class is not weak. However bad players will feel the class is weak because you cannot be a bad player and make the class perform

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Please feel free to offer more advice.


Honestly my best advice for a player leveling up is this:


1. Try to solo heroic 2s.


2. Try to solo heroic 4s.


Doing this will push your personal 1-2-3-4-5 skills a significant degree. You won't learn much battlefield awareness and PvP tactics, but you will be very proficient at using your cooldowns and at DPS habits.

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Carnage and annihilation obviously need buffs to keep up with rage damage; this problem is happening across all the classes.


The reason i am posting here is that, to me, annihilation is the only marauder spec that feels good. Both rage and carnage are constantly starving and have piss poor fury generation by comparison; it's only as annihilation that i actually have the rage and fury to use my all of my abilities. With rage and carnage i'm too busy setting up burst and hitting my builders.


I think damage needs to be seriously balanced, but also carnage and rage need to have their rage and fury generation buffed.


I feel forced into rage spec because of how much better it is in PvP, but it feels so incredibly clunky. I want the specs to be balanced, as advertised.


Oh, also, nerf operatives.

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Honestly my best advice for a player leveling up is this:


1. Try to solo heroic 2s.


2. Try to solo heroic 4s.


Doing this will push your personal 1-2-3-4-5 skills a significant degree. You won't learn much battlefield awareness and PvP tactics, but you will be very proficient at using your cooldowns and at DPS habits.


^ This.... I started working on soloing heroic 2s and it dramatically helped learning how to manage my abilities. Haven't tried 4s yet solo though... though I imagine it can be quite the challenge.

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