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November preorders get IN here!!


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I am so-so glad that I need very little sleep :D


Going green with envy. I need at least six to eight hours to function on the long run, and TOR has and will be - if the beta weekend test was any indicator - harrowing in that regard. :o

Edited by Marunette
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You already got your compensation, they let you play with the expectations on getting feedback.


Its more like you think you deserve special treatment like most of the current generation does now... thank the "every child is special" parenting for that one.


Complaining about Entitlement is the ultimate proof of being entitled and feeling superior ;).

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Coffe/caffeinated drinks are like occupying 57% of my bloodstream atm... Shaking but not totally stirred... Anyway, read a few other threads and wow alot of people have funny theories about this and that. Anyone got some really farfetched comments they have read?



...soon only 4 hours 'till first wave.... tam tam tam tam


got to grab another cup of coffee.... (will probably fall asleep at the keybaord due to the stress of anticipation when I get my email....) :D

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As for all the chatter about the pre-order ad, people can say what they like about the fine print.. but the market (meaning us) generally has similar opinions to reading things and the gist of the ad was that you would be in 5 days before release.


this wave stuff coming afterwards and the "pre-order fee" for which seems to amount to nothing now, is just poor CRM .


and you can say what you want about pre-order ads too, but the fact is you should always check the fine print...

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That would kill you fyi.


Anyways, I'm November 26 right here. I'll probably get in during the last wave around lunch time today. If not, oh well...I got other things in my life that need my attention too.


Mr Data, I think your humour processor is malfunctioning again. :D Switch it off and back on again.

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November 30th for me.... Betya I won't make it in today!!! Just my luck too as my gf is out til late tonight but not tomorrow :/




As I read this I got a nice mental image of the Force Ghost of Marka Ragnos laughing maniacally and clapping with glee... :p

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There is hope for all of us! ...hopely :p


Not for us late novemberites. Sigh, why did my family have to plan Birthdays for Saturday and Sunday and Bioware plan a server reset day on the Monday I possibly have left.


Oh well, I guess I'll just have to play on the 20th then, luckily I'm not a Gamestop buyer from what I hear those had to pay for their Preorder rather then paying and getting a 5 Euros discount (the exact amount you paid for the PreOrder).


Those people are ****ed, but that is gamestop for you.

Edited by Dehnus
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