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November preorders get IN here!!


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A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.



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When we are all logging in and embarking on our journeys later today, try not to forget, the novemberites. I feel we have all bonded in these past 270 pages.


And remember, when you're playing huttball against the 'outsiders' I don't want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz... all... night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Novemberites!


*cough* Im bored, what 4 hours?

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I estimated it to be:


July - 7 Days early (13/12)

Aug - 6 Days early (14/12)

Sept - 5 Days early (15/12)

Oct - 4 Days early (16/12)

Nov - 3 Days early (17/12)

Dec - 2 Days early (18/12)


or about that as it kinda makes sense in a way. I dunno how right i was lol but i'm estimating i'd get an invite on the 16th/17th depending as i'm European and the time zones are different.

And it's also typical since i'm having to work this weekend. F you retail! ='((

Edited by Taleen
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Yeah im thinking the same...

Can´t they just finish Oct and Nov... That´s way more simple


I agree. But, to them and their method thus far is about NUMBERS, not concise and neat month beginnings and endings. Given this, they are likely to end on some odd day in Nov.


Can they finish up EVERYONE today, the 15th? Yes.. the servers will support it. Would it be considerably more 'dangerous' than any other day.. YES. This is why I don't think they will risk ruining their perfect launch so far.


Which is also why I don't think they will try to appease us and 'neatly' finish Oct and Nov.


October will definitely be done.. and I'd say 5/6ths of november.. but those , like me, Nov 28-30th or so (perhaps even sooner ) will have to wait till Fri in the early waves.


It's just one more day, we've been waiting so many whats another day?


You see Bioware isn't 'itching' to play the game.. they aren't like us on the end with no control. So they don't have alot of motivation to complete say, the entire month of Nov.


That said.. the statement was the last week of November.. and had an "ISH". Which if I understand my "ish's" correctly :D -- It could be slightly less,.. or all of Nov.

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I stupidily didnt redeem my code until last weekend, even though i had it since december! If i get it by sunday ill be happy


Dude, Bro,.. man.. ;) -- If they are going to pretty much finish Nov. today -- Friday is gonna be the LAST day of these current pre-orders. Meaning you will definitely be in Friday at some point. There won't be anyone getting in Sunday, except for the people who decide to pre-order on the 18th. :)


Your good. One more day, just like me and so many others at the most.


I promise ;)

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When we are all logging in and embarking on our journeys later today, try not to forget, the novemberites. I feel we have all bonded in these past 270 pages.


And remember, when you're playing huttball against the 'outsiders' I don't want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz... all... night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Novemberites!


*cough* Im bored, what 4 hours?


Amen to that :D

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(11.17.2011) idk where ppl getting their info but i love it hopefully we get in today <3 you all may the force be with you:d if we get in or not bioware you are the greatest



The info is:


A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.


Which can be found, and referenced in the Dev tracker -- here:




Keep up with that Dev tracker.. it will be a very handy informational tool, I feel, throughout the life of this MMO.

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personally i think they would have had a large flux of pre orders in November at the end because thats the beta weekend, many like myself prolly did it then, so i am praying for today but its really more likely going to be tomorrow


I also did it, loved the open beta...

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personally i think they would have had a large flux of pre orders in November at the end because thats the beta weekend, many like myself prolly did it then, so i am praying for today but its really more likely going to be tomorrow


It makes me sad, but you make a valid point.

But I am still hoping for my invite until the very last wave today :cool:

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personally i think they would have had a large flux of pre orders in November at the end because thats the beta weekend, many like myself prolly did it then, so i am praying for today but its really more likely going to be tomorrow


Yep. Thanksgiving Weekend Beta was when I went under. Twenty minutes into the experience I knew I wanted to pre-order, but as my luck goes I could only manage it on the 29th, and boy do I regret waiting, right now. :o

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