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Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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But what if that playerbase 20% difficulty level is aimed at the 25-45% mark of mmo player, which i believe it is?


Then you would see all of the 45%-100% playerbase bored quite quickly and the target playerbase eventually, weeks in this case, also becoming jaded.


This post is ahead of its time, as I keep saying, try remembering it when you begin to see more of the same.


I was not talking what ifs, what if everyone just loved this game and only played this and nothing else, then we would not have a discussion at all. We can talk what ifs all night. I was talking about a scientifically proven formula that is used by most business coaches and respectable business owners.


All I am saying is that the few of us that hang around the forms is that 20% max ( most likely even less) than the player base. We also do not represent the majority of players, so even though we are a important group for the game developers to focus on, we are not the only ones that matter.


I have a faith in Bioware to roll out fixes and new content, but maybe not in the first 3 weeks after a game launch. It's the three T's. Things Take Time. When I had my new house built we found small little faults that sometimes took a long time to fix, and a game like this with millions of line of code is a lot more advanced will take a little time as well.


Wait 2 months with the bashing, if nothing improves, then I will join the whinge, until then, have a chill pill and relax ;P

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As much as you are unbothered about me leaving, I am unbothered about you caring.


I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.



Wow you apparently don't understand, or just are totally wrapped up in your own content progression first world to even get that it's the casual, the actual RPGer that makes these games, and gives it their foundation of players. Oh yeah it's been this way since the "MMO genre" was first started.

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I hate you correct you, but Cataclysm ramped up the difficulty so much that they started to bleed casuals. Thats why WoW has been losing subs ever since Cataclysm was released. The reality is that for every hardcore raiding guild in wow theres 1500 people who are more casual than khakis playing that game. They don't want to have to be frustrated by content and they don't want a second job.


Mists of Pandaria will be significantly more causal with a massive chunk of difficulty removed, and WoW subs will recover because of it.


Exactly right about why WoW bled so many subscriptions in 2011. Blizzard has long tried to split the baby between its large casual playerbase and its small, hardcore raider set, and has often struggled trying to do so. With Cataclysm, they ratcheted things up too much at the start, and it cost them dearly financially. I think they may have been surprised how nasty their hand was bitten by that decision, but such is life. I doubt they will make the same mistake again.

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When are haters going to realize the "spacebar" thing is old and tired already.


Normal people, who enjoy spending their free time gaming, are now starting to hit 50.


These people did not rush.

These people did not space bar through story.

These people do have jobs.


End gam,e reviews are starting to get more realistic. Particularly from people who are not compelled to roll Alts.

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OP, one does not really "finish" a MMO. I will grant you that if you got all 8 archetypes to 50 then you could crow about that, but there is still "endgame" which is a misnomer, because that just goes on and on too.


If you are not happy with the current endgame content, then fire up another toon and see what it is like while you wait for more content.


To post that you finished the game is silly.

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To the OP... please read this... it is a very good and precise description of the core of gameplay design, that most hardcore players seem unable to fathom (being too focused on their own "need" for constant influx of gamecontent - completely removed from what is feasible in reality).


Now please answer his questions. :rolleyes:


For reals? No seriously bro, for reals?


Based on the credentials you yourself have provided, I'd have imagined you would have come to the realization already that this is exactly what MMO's are. Content is finite, player time isn't. So what you do is stretch out the same content to make it last longer. Older MMO's did this by stretching out the levelling (hell levels, already mentioned here), thus requiring you to simply grind more. That wasn't very fun, nor interesting. Modern MMO's do so with an increased focus on objective-based PvP and at least injecting some variation into their PvE raid content (difficulty modes, achievements, etc). Ideally, this is enough to tide you over until the next injection of content.


Please, delight me with any feasible way to solve the problem of the development time that goes into content and people spending 12 hours a day no-lifing through it? A guild has already cleared Nightmare mode VE, so what? Those are people that probably spent entire days for two weeks running it until they were able to, in a state where the Nightmare mode itself is still fairly buggy. Had they made it impossible, those people (and by extension you), would be in here complaining about it being buggy/impossible. Make something feasible, however remotely, and someone WILL do it quickly. It's entirely possible that Nightmare mode EV is currently undertuned. But maybe, just maybe, they can fix that once more than 50 people have done it. Maybe, just maybe, it is entirely understandable to fumble a bit on the tuning of your hardest mode of your freshly released game, with zero previous experience to draw from. So seriously, tell us how exactly the issue can be solved.


And C'thun? C'thun was patched in January 2006, in a game that released in November 2004. That's over a year. This game has been out for three weeks. Sure, when WoW launched, they had the impossible end boss. Only, he was actually impossible. Was that kind of artificial block more to your liking? Would you enjoy trying an encounter a few times, only to realize it is mathematically and mechanically impossible for you to beat it, no matter how well you play? When Ragnaros was nerfed, he was dead within days.


Here's some unsolicited advice for you: find out exactly what it is you enjoy about playing MMO's, because I seriously doubt you even know what that is. And if you can't find it, or simply wish to quit this game, please do so without inflicting these fallacies on us.


It well and truly saddens me to read stuff like this. There's nothing to do endgame? Fifteen hardmode flashpoints, three warzones, an open world PvP zone, dailies and two raids with three difficulty settings; not to mention quests to complete beyond hitting the cap. Name an MMO that had comparable LAUNCH content, and I will call you a liar.

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jeez, do we really need 50 of these every day? It doesn't add anything constructive, these are the same topics discussed over and over again.


Well it is normal for an mmo. Some ppl want it abit more this, some abit more that. And there are alot of players. ;)


My suggestion is, do not try to identify to much with it.

Edited by Ommm
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For reals? No seriously bro, for reals?


Based on the credentials you yourself have provided, I'd have imagined you would have come to the realization already that this is exactly what MMO's are. Content is finite, player time isn't. So what you do is stretch out the same content to make it last longer. Older MMO's did this by stretching out the levelling (hell levels, already mentioned here), thus requiring you to simply grind more. That wasn't very fun, nor interesting. Modern MMO's do so with an increased focus on objective-based PvP and at least injecting some variation into their PvE raid content (difficulty modes, achievements, etc). Ideally, this is enough to tide you over until the next injection of content.


Please, delight me with any feasible way to solve the problem of the development time that goes into content and people spending 12 hours a day no-lifing through it? A guild has already cleared Nightmare mode VE, so what? Those are people that probably spent entire days for two weeks running it until they were able to, in a state where the Nightmare mode itself is still fairly buggy. Had they made it impossible, those people (and by extension you), would be in here complaining about it being buggy/impossible. Make something feasible, however remotely, and someone WILL do it quickly. It's entirely possible that Nightmare mode EV is currently undertuned. But maybe, just maybe, they can fix that once more than 50 people have done it. Maybe, just maybe, it is entirely understandable to fumble a bit on the tuning of your hardest mode of your freshly released game, with zero previous experience to draw from. So seriously, tell us how exactly the issue can be solved.


And C'thun? C'thun was patched in January 2006, in a game that released in November 2004. That's over a year. This game has been out for three weeks. Sure, when WoW launched, they had the impossible end boss. Only, he was actually impossible. Was that kind of artificial block more to your liking? Would you enjoy trying an encounter a few times, only to realize it is mathematically and mechanically impossible for you to beat it, no matter how well you play? When Ragnaros was nerfed, he was dead within days.


Here's some unsolicited advice for you: find out exactly what it is you enjoy about playing MMO's, because I seriously doubt you even know what that is. And if you can't find it, or simply wish to quit this game, please do so without inflicting these fallacies on us.


It well and truly saddens me to read stuff like this. There's nothing to do endgame? Fifteen hardmode flashpoints, three warzones, an open world PvP zone, dailies and two raids with three difficulty settings; not to mention quests to complete beyond hitting the cap. Name an MMO that had comparable LAUNCH content, and I will call you a liar.


When you get to endgame, give me a call..


You can spew all the nonsense you want about how I'm not at all qualified to voice my opinion but I am running the endgame, I have done NOTHING in this game that has required even the remotest challenge, I was expecting to down the last boss in EV on normal mode about a month AFTER we started, at least!


We did it first time, in one night.


The game is too easy and this is the first few of a torrent of posts you will see about this issue.


I would love in 2-3 weeks to say "I told you so.." but that wont happen as I wont be able to post here.


There is a huge problem and you can try to sweep it away but it will sink this game, as a fan of the genre and the IP I will hate to see this happen.


As too your comment on "..Modern MMO's do so with an increased focus on objective-based PvP.." are you kidding me? I guess you really have not played the end game you are so confidantly commenting on...


We stood in Ilum today with 15-20 other Imperials watching 15-20 other Rebels shoot stuff while we repaired. When some PvP did actually kick off people started to whine in /1 about idiots killing the opposition!?


Do some research before posting at least..


(on the comments do I pvp? I have valour rank 48)

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Most of the People that want the game easier played Wow. My favorite mmo was FFXI before they ruined it by making it as simple as WoW if not simpler.


this game seems far easier to me than WOW on release , far far easier.


OP you must admit you and your friends have no life , the devs cant cater to people who play 12 hours a day 7 days a week , despite what you think you are the minority , most people have school , job or social life.


Thats not an insult honestly , i use to play hardcore myself years ago and loved it , but if you devote your entire life to a game you will be dissapionted in the end.

Edited by gingerbill
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Why is WOW losing subs as of late?

The gamers that stuck around HOPING to get some of the old wow back ( by old wow , i mean bc ) are leaving in droves as they realise their cause is lost, wow belongs to the kids now.


The good gamers are leaving that game in droves and coming here, and much like myself, as much as i like star wars, probably wont stay that long if all we do is faceroll through content....


Easy = boring, when people start realising this, then gaming will get better again. As of now, apart from a few select titles ( looking at you dark souls, what an awesome game ) gaming has become a joke.




Nailed it sir, easy = boring


The sooner Devs realise this the better, maybe GW2 will get the progression rates right. These posts will flood this forum soon, I remember seeing posts from the real hardcore players about how easy SW:TOR was, I thought to myself I hope this isnt true.


Listen to those doing the content, dont just write them off because you have not done it.

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You have the "Play two weeks non-stop to reach max level then whine on forum" syndrome. I suggest a life or psychologist :cool:


...and whining about people whining is ok?


If I was posting this everyday, maybe I would agree.


This is a genuine plea to the community and developers at large to either focus new content at a much higher skill level or add things that are much more sandbox in design.


Most people here are "space-bar level comments" or worse, I have not played non-stop, I am married with a kid, I have a very well payed job and game for my downtime entertainment.


Take from that what you want but the concerns remain.


I do not consider myself remotely hardcore but we finished the games hardest instance on normal in one night.


Shockingly easy.

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You have the "Play two weeks non-stop to reach max level then whine on forum" syndrome. I suggest a life or psychologist :cool:


If you have played for 2 weeks and already finished all of the content, then you sir are not a 70 on a scale of 1 to 100. Instead, you are a 90. And this game's content is instead aimed at 55~65 (as in, a bit challenging and taking a while for your average gamer), whereas WoW's content is aimed at 40~50 for the most part. (As in not challenging and easy/fast for everyone) Sure at max level there's a tiny bit of content that's actually aimed at 70~80, but that content didn't come into the game until YEARS after it's initial release.


Bioware on the other hand is totally new to the MMO market. This is their first MMO game ever. So they played it safe. Went with familiar things that seemed to work in other games and tried to at least give it their own twist a little. They still have to learn what works, what doesn't, what's good for the game's popularity, what isn't... Blizzard has years of experience in this field already.

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I do not consider myself remotely hardcore but we finished the games hardest instance on normal in one night.


but we finished the games hardest instance on normal in one night.



finished the games hardest instance on normal


instance on normal



It took 17 pages but you single handedly destroyed your own argument in one sentence. Good day sir.

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I cannot wait for all these "hardcores" to leave. This guy says he isnt hardcore by any stretch then says they downed all the raid bosses and done every quest etc already. Isnt that the very definition of hardcore? On a 1-100 this guy is a 125. The same old story too. The developers polish the beginning game because thats where 99% of the subs are right now. 1% of people are at end game going "There are no people here!" well no kidding not all of us can sit on the computer 24/7 playing a game. Yet we pay the same money.
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The OP seem to re-post alot in a forum that is from a game which he has cancela nd left, that is very odd


Ohh and can I haz ur stuffzzzzzzz


I wish once you cancelled it shut off your forum account. Be a lot less whining on here. If you are not paying why should you be able to use the forums? Read them yes but post no.

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this game seems far easier to me than WOW on release , far far easier.


OP you must admit you and your friends have no life , the devs cant cater to people who play 12 hours a day 7 days a week , despite what you think you are the minority , most people have school , job or social life.


Thats not an insult honestly , i use to play hardcore myself years ago and loved it , but if you devote your entire life to a game you will be dissapionted in the end.


There is a SMALL problem. I have school (studies), I actually have 2 jobs (one regular and one as someone on hire - i write web applications on demand for one company). I do have friends but not too much life recently because I got few apps to design and wgenite or both (design and create) and I work most of my time for last 2 months.


Yet I'm able to find 2 hours (mostly between 22:00 (or 10:00pm) to midnight. On last holidays when game start I played a little more. And I was manage to hit max with Bounty Hunter, try every class to 10 lvl and hit around 20 lvl with Jedi Knight.

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Why is it that one cannot have an opinion, bad or good? That said, I was enthousiast of the game the first few weeks. But got to lvl 40, and started wondering, now what? There isnt much choice besides questing and leveling it seems. I am not in mmos just for the end game content, but rather I like the "daily life" in virtual worlds, exploring places and doing fun stuff. Pity this game has nothing of an open world, in every way. Even its economy has so many boundaries that its not fun at all.


I loved it for a while, but got bored by it pretty fast. Its really a shame for me. Dont get me wrong, I am a big fan of the Star Wars universe and lore. But it seems that using this franchise got the developpers lazy. Plus, I am not that available to pay a subcription to be a beta tester...


I never wrote and read so much a forum of any game, ever. If I did wasnt just to whine about the game, but first to check if I was the only one disappointed and then see if BW was available to address the many pending issues that make this game such a bad game.


Probably in the next months some issues will be solved. Except the fact that the basic design of the game is just flawed. Will never understand why places like the Republic Fleet are so ugly, packed and full of annoying elevators etc.... While other places like the Senate building are so big for no reason and "empty".

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