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The new planet Denova - doesnt appear on Star Wars Wiki


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oh and Black Lightsabers crystal don't exist at all. the thing held by Pre Vizla is called a Darksaber and therefore should not ever be refered as a lightsaber.


now if we are talking about the thing used by Galen even if it has a rather interesting visual well it's a black lightsaber crystal.


and BTW if we tried to apply physics law of our universe into made up ones. It wouldn't be called fantasy anymore i mean you don't see people aruguing if dragons are possible or not, why should we try the same thing with a made up weapon? So don't care if a black lightsaber is possible or not IRL. I like it and I want my character to have one.


Bioware can make any planets they want just as long as it feel in tune with the SW lore. come one Bioware give me Kashyyck already :D

Edited by BlackLotus
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Speaking on Lore/Canon, isn't KOTOR2 non-canon?


Since the reason Traya/Sion/Nihilius were able to become the leading Sith Triumvirate was because Revan who became Sith Lord again in Darkside ending, up and left and went into the unknown regions, leaving a power-vacuum in the Sith Ranks.


Considering canon ending is Revan becoming a Jedi again, kinda makes KOTOR2 non-canon, right?

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Speaking on Lore/Canon, isn't KOTOR2 non-canon?


Since the reason Traya/Sion/Nihilius were able to become the leading Sith Triumvirate was because Revan who became Sith Lord again in Darkside ending, up and left and went into the unknown regions, leaving a power-vacuum in the Sith Ranks.


Considering canon ending is Revan becoming a Jedi again, kinda makes KOTOR2 non-canon, right?

No, the Triumvirate's rise to power isn't based on Revan becoming Sith again and leaving for the Unknown Regions... it's based on Revan leaving for the Unknown Regions regardless. Light, dark, that's player's choice when you construct your version of how KOTOR1 ended early in KOTOR2 (depending on your choices, for instance, Bastila or Carth can show up in a hologram early on--or some other guy, I think, if you chose options that had Revan go Sith and kill Carth & Bastila).

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Are Bioware making stuff up? Every planet that is in the game now is on the Wookieepedia (star wars wikia) but this new planet Denova isnt.


Bioware please dont make up planets out of thin air.


Keep with the lore and universe please


its amazing how quickly people can invent things out of thin air when someone waves a lot of money around.


the star wars canon used to be highly controlled and coveted until lucas for some reason decided he needed a few million more besides he knows hes ruined it was the newest trilogy anyway so why not completely sell out .

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  • 2 weeks later...
I can sorta stand white crystals. But call me old fashion, I like the good ol Blue Green and Red crystals. Other primary colors are acceptable also. White is stretching it and black is just dumb.


Well some people are not old fashioned and like these newer colors so whos to say your opion is what goes? People can complain at you about keeping white and black just as much as you complain that only red, blue and green should be the colors.

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Are Bioware making stuff up? Every planet that is in the game now is on the Wookieepedia (star wars wikia) but this new planet Denova isnt.


Bioware please dont make up planets out of thin air.


Keep with the lore and universe please




why not, they made up Vitiate from thin air and he is pretty accepted.

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its amazing how quickly people can invent things out of thin air when someone waves a lot of money around.


the star wars canon used to be highly controlled and coveted until lucas for some reason decided he needed a few million more besides he knows hes ruined it was the newest trilogy anyway so why not completely sell out .


You swear that one new planet will jeapordize or change the canon. If you think about it, the galaxy is huge. Whos to say they couldn't of found this planet and its location got lost to time or something? If for example one battle that had no significance to time happened on Denova, does it really matter if its added to the universe?


Either way its a game, if you don't add things it gets stale. If they feel adding a new planet in context is good for the game then they can do so with permission from GL. Some people get flustered for anything. If they suddenly altered a major event or character in canon then yes its messing up canon but adding a new planet out of the thousands in the galaxy seems miniscule to the star wars lore.

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Speaking from direct experience, Lucasfilm allows their authors certain levels of creativity within a specific set of boundaries that differs for various properties. While I have no direct knowledge of what BioWare's limitations specifically were, they were allowed to create planets to fit within their story before, it only made sense to allow them to create others to fit within the expanded story that SWTOR represents. Dromund Kaas is perhaps the most glaring example of a planet they created specific to the story within SWTOR. Some examples of creation are far simpler than you may think; not everything need be fleshed out. A simple mention of a location or name is all that is necessary for others, afterwards, to take the proverbial reins and continue the creation process. Lucasfilm has historically been very liberal with at least the initiation of that process.


All well and good, but Dromund Kaas was created for Jedi Knight: MOTS.

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Are Bioware making stuff up? Every planet that is in the game now is on the Wookieepedia (star wars wikia) but this new planet Denova isnt.


Bioware please dont make up planets out of thin air.


Keep with the lore and universe please

Considering Lucas Arts, Lucas film and Lucas games are involved with this title, To say Bioware is just making stuff up shows how little you know.


Im happy we are getting new planets and planets mention in books and short story's.

Last thing I want is every planet we have already been too mashed into the game.


fail thread.

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oh and Black Lightsabers crystal don't exist at all. the thing held by Pre Vizla is called a Darksaber and therefore should not ever be refered as a lightsaber.


now if we are talking about the thing used by Galen even if it has a rather interesting visual well it's a black lightsaber crystal.


and BTW if we tried to apply physics law of our universe into made up ones. It wouldn't be called fantasy anymore i mean you don't see people aruguing if dragons are possible or not, why should we try the same thing with a made up weapon? So don't care if a black lightsaber is possible or not IRL. I like it and I want my character to have one.


Bioware can make any planets they want just as long as it feel in tune with the SW lore. come one Bioware give me Kashyyck already :D


See this is the part where most people forget. Game Mechanics isn't canon, armor and such isn't canon.


The cutscenes, story and enemies are canon. Not Game Mechanics. Black Lightsiber, Black-Yellow Lightsaber is not canon.

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Yes, agree with this, but only with Lucas Art's aproval


look at this website, right at low left corner and tell me what you see.


I can see Lucasarts logo, next Bioware logo and EA.

Obviously this is a lucasarts game, as much a Bioware game, just like KOTOR. off course they can create new lore, in fact they have to, and i hope they continue to do so.

Edited by Spartanik
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Are Bioware making stuff up? Every planet that is in the game now is on the Wookieepedia (star wars wikia) but this new planet Denova isnt.


Bioware please dont make up planets out of thin air.


Keep with the lore and universe please


Take a look at the Republic Senate from the scenes in the first trilogy. Every floating balcony in it represents a planet. Most of them are never mentioned or even imagined. But each and every one of them could be added to the lore at any time as long as the PTB (and the owners of the intellectual property) agree to it.


If you take only the movies as lore there are I think five planets, one of which was blown up. Maybe a few more but not lots of them.

By contrast a lot of the planets you find in the wookiepedia were invented at some point over the past decades by somebody's pet story project, either the expanded universe or one of the games.


If you consider appearance appearance in the Wookiepedia as the ultimate proof of 'loreness' then it is easy enough to edit an entry. Problem solved.

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Are Bioware making stuff up? Every planet that is in the game now is on the Wookieepedia (star wars wikia) but this new planet Denova isnt.


Bioware please dont make up planets out of thin air.


Keep with the lore and universe please


Voss and its inhabitants were pulled out of thin air by Bioware as well, so it's not like there is no precedence for it.

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See this is the part where most people forget. Game Mechanics isn't canon, armor and such isn't canon.


The cutscenes, story and enemies are canon. Not Game Mechanics. Black Lightsiber, Black-Yellow Lightsaber is not canon.


Black sabers are canon. GL came up with the Darksaber himself,and nothing gets higher than G-canon.

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I love how the ops seem to assume that wookipa is all ways right.... where to even start with that




come on! on a web sight I me you any one can edit, at any time add or delete pages, make it so Luke Skywaler is a chick who likes chicks, who cares if it don't have that world on it or not?

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I can sorta stand white crystals. But call me old fashion, I like the good ol Blue Green and Red crystals. Other primary colors are acceptable also. White is stretching it and black is just dumb.


I actually like the black lightsaber seen in the CGI series.

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Are Bioware making stuff up? Every planet that is in the game now is on the Wookieepedia (star wars wikia) but this new planet Denova isnt.


Bioware please dont make up planets out of thin air.


Keep with the lore and universe please


Where do you think the lore comes fr.......oh dear.........


Timmy......well, Star Wars you see, well it's not real.

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EU canon has ALOT of things in it that are made up by its arthors , I don't see how this Planet is any different than the many others that were made by EU stories .


I will agree that the White and Black Crystals should have maybe been quested or something , to me it feels wierd that they are sold at a vendor .

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Where do you think the lore comes fr.......oh dear.........


Timmy......well, Star Wars you see, well it's not real.


Some people take these things a little over the top , I never read about Trek fans threatening their Star Trek Authors ( not saying it doesn't happen ) . I played STO for a year and never seen it on thier forums as I have seen people do it alot on here .


To me if you are attacking a writer for a character that has never lived and is totally not real , then maybe you need to go outside and discover life !


I love StarWars but when they kill a character or make him/her weaker later on , really doesn't hurt my feelings and often I feel that is closely to life . No one lives forever and just because they were awesome at one time , doesn't mean they always will be .


My favorite StarWars Character is dead ("Anakin Skywalker") him dieing did not kill the reasons I like him .


Revan died to a group of nobodies in foundry or not , doesn't hurt my feeling and I do not think it destroyed his character . The way he looks did ! LOL Joking but really , I never would imagine him to look the way he does , character body size 2 in this game kinda sucks and 3 is too big.

Edited by mefit
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There is a difference between Black Lightsabers and Darksabers.


Well the Darksaber in the clonewars TV show is an extremely old version of a lightsaber. TOR takes place 3000 years prior to the clonewars time period...


So yeah if one did exist in that era, the idea that they're semi-common in this era isn't that far fetched.

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