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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP Create Brackets!


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In PvP they need to create some form of bracketing to help create some viability between players below 50 and those at 50...


When the game first came out and no one was loaded up with Epic gear the boost seemed okay and would keep a lower level person from dying too fast/too much. Now I can see the disparity so much that it must be fixed or I think it will just turn people off from an aspect of the game.

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Not yet as well as I'd like honestly. Separating 50s is all nice and good, but but 1-49 bunched all together is still too wide of a bracket.


But it'll come in time, so I'm not too worried.


Actually 1-49 is pretty balanced, I only ever feel useless against 50s as they can start getting expertise gear.

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