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Free month almost gone, My advice for new players sticking with it.


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Deliberate obtuseness.


Look it up if you can't grasp just how you proved my point.




My points will always be valid. You can leave my thread now, you proven my point about the community and I thank you.

Edited by Teladis
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3 pages of the same people over and over. you guys are the biggest trolls around.


each and every one of you keep saying oh hai the marauder is op. instead of actually giving out advice or even constructive criticism. i think the only advice ive heard from the majority of you guys who are constantly on teladis d*** is 'go rage spec. fixed.'


and to whoever said that there is no proof that juggs do rage spec better....are you that dense? you do realize that juggs are actually less inclined to post videos of big numbers simply because no juggs are having problems with 2 / 3 of their trees. on top of that, the rage tree is virtually identical WITH a 30% smash increase in damage. dude, if you can't figure out that their spec is doing 30% more dmg by looking simply at that tier 1 talent then you need to go grab a dictionary, look up the word 'better', then figure out the rest of your own sentence.


i don't need a ******* video to see 30% more dmg as BETTER than our rage tree. on top of that, they have heavy armor, more utility, and can achieve the same, if not more due to the offhand, stats.


why pick rage tree if juggs do it better? oh, because its the only tree thats viable in pvp atm. annih is okay, could use love. carnage has our only utility, which is why i pick it. and its the most gimp.



Thanks and very well said.




I post the issues because I love the class, and I want the class to be better by the time I come back to the game. If I did not care, I would not have post anything. I would have just left.

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let me help all you rage marauders out.


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101fZuZGMRrzrMdGR.1 - juggs

http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZhMZGMRrkbMdGR.1 - maras


whatever variance of the rage spec we have, juggernauts are vastly superior in every aspect. and teladis i love this class too, i love the play style alot, i just hate that we NEED to be looked at by devs and not by fan boys playing the fotm spec maras.

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3 pages of the same people over and over. you guys are the biggest trolls around.


each and every one of you keep saying oh hai the marauder is op. instead of actually giving out advice or even constructive criticism. i think the only advice ive heard from the majority of you guys who are constantly on teladis d*** is 'go rage spec. fixed.'


and to whoever said that there is no proof that juggs do rage spec better....are you that dense? you do realize that juggs are actually less inclined to post videos of big numbers simply because no juggs are having problems with 2 / 3 of their trees. on top of that, the rage tree is virtually identical WITH a 30% smash increase in damage. dude, if you can't figure out that their spec is doing 30% more dmg by looking simply at that tier 1 talent then you need to go grab a dictionary, look up the word 'better', then figure out the rest of your own sentence.


i don't need a ******* video to see 30% more dmg as BETTER than our rage tree. on top of that, they have heavy armor, more utility, and can achieve the same, if not more due to the offhand, stats.


why pick rage tree if juggs do it better? oh, because its the only tree thats viable in pvp atm. annih is okay, could use love. carnage has our only utility, which is why i pick it. and its the most gimp.


That bolded part was the funniest stuff I've seen on the forums in a long time..."Rage Juggs are better.Where's my proof? I don't have any, Rage Juggs just know they are better and don't need to post any proof". The Scientific Method at it's best.


You guys love to point out that 30% tier talent and use it as your banner to wave in front of Marauder's faces, yet you blissfully ignore other talents that the Mara's possess and this post from GZ:


Originally Posted by George Zoeller




Currently the Sentinel (Marauder) has marginally higher DPS while Guardian (Juggernaut) has marginally higher survivability.


Sentinels are more flexible in the way they DPS, e.g. you are able to specialize to be more bursty than a Guardian, etc.


Granted, this was tweeted during the final beta build. Things could have changed in the following ways:


1. they left Maras and Juggs alone, and the dps in the above tweet stayed the same

2.they slightly tweaked Juggs and they now do the same dps

3.they modified the heck out of the specs and ACs and now Juggs do way more dps than Maras.


Which of those seems the most likely?Second most likely? Hint: If you said #3, you probably still believe in Santa,the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.


Come back and contribute when you have actual proof of your claims or you can add to the discussion in an intelligent manner without screaming "Rage Juggs are betterz cuz I said so". Better yet,learn to toss the phrase"in my opinion" in your posts and maybe people won't be so quick to dismiss you and your posts as trolls/trolling.

Edited by Temeluchus
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3 pages of the same people over and over. you guys are the biggest trolls around.


each and every one of you keep saying oh hai the marauder is op. instead of actually giving out advice or even constructive criticism. i think the only advice ive heard from the majority of you guys who are constantly on teladis d*** is 'go rage spec. fixed.'


and to whoever said that there is no proof that juggs do rage spec better....are you that dense? you do realize that juggs are actually less inclined to post videos of big numbers simply because no juggs are having problems with 2 / 3 of their trees. on top of that, the rage tree is virtually identical WITH a 30% smash increase in damage. dude, if you can't figure out that their spec is doing 30% more dmg by looking simply at that tier 1 talent then you need to go grab a dictionary, look up the word 'better', then figure out the rest of your own sentence.


i don't need a ******* video to see 30% more dmg as BETTER than our rage tree. on top of that, they have heavy armor, more utility, and can achieve the same, if not more due to the offhand, stats.


why pick rage tree if juggs do it better? oh, because its the only tree thats viable in pvp atm. annih is okay, could use love. carnage has our only utility, which is why i pick it. and its the most gimp.


30 % dmg increase in smash does not equal 30 % dmg increase overall... sigh realy?

Edited by Majinr
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Well why are you trolling him. You look like more like idiots When you acting like that .


Any Way i am keep subing . I know there are bugs and they ones there are a PAIN!!!!

But i dó really like the game and i dó like my class.....



Yes i hate a tropper Can shot mé for 3500 2300 3000 1400 in under 7 sec

But hey i still like my marauder

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A few points for the new players also.




The reason I get so much hate on this forum is because, I was the first to call out the problems when the game went live. I'm also very well known as one of the top mara on my server. The people on this forum get upset, because every point they made about balance and showing damage done with screen shots. They get busted down.



Every video showing off skill that they so called have, they get owned even harder. The sad fact is, the truth hurts them. I bring it by the loads and they can't face it. So they end up trolling me.




It's really sad, but people like me who are good at games tend to get jealous people hating them.


To add to it.



Ignore the damage done in post. All they are doing is jumping in and spamming smash to get high numbers. There was a picture of a sorc doing just as much damage if not more when they said it could not be done by other classes LMAO.


So running annihilation and getting 250k + and 50k+ healing per match is running around spamming smash huh?

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Yup, pretty much this is right.




Before the class was release it took some major nerfs. It was a lot more balanced in beta, but still the class setup itself people really did not want to invite us into flash points.



So they added a fury system, that gave group buffs. The fury system did not fix the core issue of the class it just gave another mindless boring thing to keep up with.



So I tried the class again.



At 20 the class sucked, because other classes could do things faster and better control.


At 30 the class still sucked same issue.


at 40 the class shines some with new skills, but the same core problems with it.


Guess what? 50 and over geared I can at last do things easier! To bad classes could do this **** just as easy without being over geared.




Why do you try and troll me? You are not very good at the class, that was already proven with the lack of knowledge you gave us. So please just go away from this thread that is helping new comers.


The funny thing with him calling other trolls, is he is THE biggest troll on the marauder forums, spreading misinformation, lying, calling out anyone who disagrees with his OPINION, stating his opinion as if it was fact, refusing to believe any proof shown to him otherwise that invalidates his opinion, never shows proof of his own opinions, and spouts drivel.

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i don't need a ******* video to see 30% more dmg as BETTER than our rage tree. on top of that, they have heavy armor, more utility, and can achieve the same, if not more due to the offhand, stats.


Juggs do 15% more damage with Smashie Smashie. Marauders have OH procs on Oblit/VS/BA/Ravage/Assault. Juggs have heavy armor, Marauders have Rage spec 2% damage reduction and Defensive Forms 2% damage reduction. Juggs have an AOE snare and taunt, Marauders have Cloak of Pain and Undying Rage and Force Camo and Predation.


Mara Smash costs 1 Rage. Jugg Smash (Rage spec) costs 3 Rage.


Jugg has 6/8 instant Rage per minute. Mara has Battering Assault every 15 seconds.



Cry. More.




That said, sorry to see you leaving Teladis. I'm sure that Marauders were on the track to significant buffs with you around to complain about all the weaknesses you perceived.

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The funny thing with him calling other trolls, is he is THE biggest troll on the marauder forums, spreading misinformation, lying, calling out anyone who disagrees with his OPINION, stating his opinion as if it was fact, refusing to believe any proof shown to him otherwise that invalidates his opinion, never shows proof of his own opinions, and spouts drivel.



Plenty of threads I have shown proof on. I got to put it in my sig?



It's always the same trolls over and over again attacking me because thats all they can do after the logic and truth I showed.

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So running annihilation and getting 250k + and 50k+ healing per match is running around spamming smash huh?


congrats, on my server Sorcs, snipers and troopers do 400k all the time. Sure less healing, but as a dps class. I'm not sure If I should go nice, or eh whatever. Like I said, numbers mean nothing, and if you really want to try and act like pvp damage done balance us. Other classes can do it better and safer. Just please don't bring that tired ol thing back up.



Damage done does not equal balance. If it did, your still losing in that part.

Edited by Teladis
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Plenty of threads I have shown proof on. I got to put it in my sig?



It's always the same trolls over and over again attacking me because thats all they can do after the logic and truth I showed.


Unless your "proof" is data and hard numbers from the internal combat logs at Bioware Austin(and offsites) along with their metrics then it's really just nothing more than carefully selected videos or screenies meant to bolster your biased,transparent claims along with with your typical sound reasoning like "Juggs are better, tier talent=30% Smash. Must mean Juggs are better".

Edited by Temeluchus
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