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General overview of each spec at level 50 (PVP)


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So I've been level 50 since Christmas Eve and been grinding pvp pretty much since. I see alot of questions about what spec is best and why, and all i see are people that are not really too helpful? 'LOL go rage and its easy top 3 dmg'. I kinda feel sorry for the OP as he is generally asking for help and expects helpful answers. I just read it to look for the arguments that errupt between carnage and rage marauders.

So im basically posting this as my interpretation of each spec, with advantages and disadvantages in PVP. Hopefully this may help newbies, as im sick of the no-proof claims by the majority of people on this forum.


Ive topped warzone charts with all 3 specs. All specs with over 450k damage. My conclusions:


Anni = Low burst, great vs lvl 50's which take a few more seconds to die than < lvl50s and dots do start piling up after a 3-4seconds. High fury stack build up, so more beserking = more healing. Anni gives great survivability in terms of healing. Also an extra melee interupt as you can force charge from 0m if talented. Negative point being if you start on a target with 40% hp, having a ramp up time sucks, sure your dots are only 6 seconds, but the other specs can burst this down in 2 globals.


Carnage = High burst with gore, ravage and scream combined. Extra movement speed is great in combat, hardly ever out of melee range. Invis can break roots/immobilizes. No ramp up time other than gore. Extremely bursty during beserk (gore + massacre spam is insane). negative, many people claim carnage is below the other specs in terms of damage, but i dont really agree atm untill i see actual data.


Rage = High aoe burst. An extra shorter range charge with gives a nice speed buff after. ravage and choke become un-interrupted. Great dot which also snares the target. Passive armor pen. little ramp up time as need to wait for choke and crush buff to reach max stacks, so not really an issue. negative issue would be that atm smash is very buggy as im sure most rage users would understand. Also seems to do very little damage during smash downtime as well as being more rage starved than the other 2 specs.


In general if you just want high numbers in WZ, rage is good atm as its basically a cluster **** and its quite easy to hit of a 3+ smash combo. However i personally prefer carnage atm, i may be biased as i leveled with carnage, But all specs are good and have the ability to dominate (if you dont go vs 8 sorcs/snipers and get turned into a game of pinball in huttball). I believe with 50's brackets soon more marauders will spec anni just for the extra survivability and possibly damage, as longer fights fit the spec more (thats why i pve with anni).


Anyway gl in pvp, i know its pretty general but hey, if you really want to know what the specs are like your best off trying them yourself, each one is unique, but all do great damage.

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So I've been level 50 since Christmas Eve and been grinding pvp pretty much since. I see alot of questions about what spec is best and why, and all i see are people that are not really too helpful? 'LOL go rage and its easy top 3 dmg'. I kinda feel sorry for the OP as he is generally asking for help and expects helpful answers. I just read it to look for the arguments that errupt between carnage and rage marauders.

So im basically posting this as my interpretation of each spec, with advantages and disadvantages in PVP. Hopefully this may help newbies, as im sick of the no-proof claims by the majority of people on this forum.


Ive topped warzone charts with all 3 specs. All specs with over 450k damage. My conclusions:


Anni = Low burst, great vs lvl 50's which take a few more seconds to die than < lvl50s and dots do start piling up after a 3-4seconds. High fury stack build up, so more beserking = more healing. Anni gives great survivability in terms of healing. Also an extra melee interupt as you can force charge from 0m if talented. Negative point being if you start on a target with 40% hp, having a ramp up time sucks, sure your dots are only 6 seconds, but the other specs can burst this down in 2 globals.


Carnage = High burst with gore, ravage and scream combined. Extra movement speed is great in combat, hardly ever out of melee range. Invis can break roots/immobilizes. No ramp up time other than gore. Extremely bursty during beserk (gore + massacre spam is insane). negative, many people claim carnage is below the other specs in terms of damage, but i dont really agree atm untill i see actual data.


Rage = High aoe burst. An extra shorter range charge with gives a nice speed buff after. ravage and choke become un-interrupted. Great dot which also snares the target. Passive armor pen. little ramp up time as need to wait for choke and crush buff to reach max stacks, so not really an issue. negative issue would be that atm smash is very buggy as im sure most rage users would understand. Also seems to do very little damage during smash downtime as well as being more rage starved than the other 2 specs.


In general if you just want high numbers in WZ, rage is good atm as its basically a cluster **** and its quite easy to hit of a 3+ smash combo. However i personally prefer carnage atm, i may be biased as i leveled with carnage, But all specs are good and have the ability to dominate (if you dont go vs 8 sorcs/snipers and get turned into a game of pinball in huttball). I believe with 50's brackets soon more marauders will spec anni just for the extra survivability and possibly damage, as longer fights fit the spec more (thats why i pve with anni).


Anyway gl in pvp, i know its pretty general but hey, if you really want to know what the specs are like your best off trying them yourself, each one is unique, but all do great damage.


Of course it's all subjective, but it's nice to see some actual info about the trees instead of "pwn with rage".


I'm annihilation, valor 60 and I tend to agree with what you say about annihilation. When I play against level 50 premades that take longer to kill and have more health annihilation proves to be deadly.


Also berserk is not just heals it is burst as well. 6 crits in a row after stacking some bleeds with a surge adrenal or trinket will wreck people. With the fury gen and short fuse you can rotate your trinkets, adrenals, pvp buffs to keep time with your auto crits. Or you can dump your load and stack multiple buffs and melt someone's health pool over a berserk phase.


I do believe we will see more annihilation pvpers in the future when level 50 brackets are implemented.

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Marauders are TERRIBLY broken in PvP!


I've chosen Carnage spec because it has one more slow and 1 root during ravage. Now I have 7 Centurion gear pieces, rest of all are a mix of pve blues and epics.

Damage: mediocre sustained damage with above average burst. Nowhere close to Opers/Soundrels, snipers, BHs and Sorc/Sages. 6/10

Survivability: We have same passive defense as Assassins and operatives, but have no stealth, In wxchange we have a bunch of CDs. If some of them are on CD, we are the most fragile target SWTOR has atm. 4/10

Crowd-Control: No stuns? Melee class with no stuns and mediocre damage? While ALL other advanced classes have some sort of CCs AND PUHBACKS wr have 1 AOE fear! My Assassin on 10 lvl had more viable CCs! Slows are fine, but nost of them are at 4-10m range! Awful!! I guess, Marauders/Sentinels have the worst CC of all ACs. 2/10

Mobility: The only thing that makes me happy with my Mara. 15 sec-CD teleport to a target is awesome, AOE sprint for 30 stacks of fury sometimes rocks, and Carnage's Force Cloack removes roots and slows. 8\10

Utility: Whar can bring Mara to a PvP-group: mediocre melee damage, while most RDD outperform us, low survivability means that healer has to work harder, high mobility is fine, but Juggs are not worse in those terms, and little to no viable CC makes us undesired in PvP. Overall score is 5/10, which means poor design and critical flaws =/


For example my friend BH on WZ has at least 150k DMG and 150+k healing done, while I rarely break 120k DMG barrier with my Carnage spec.

My teammate Tankassin overall has 10-20% overall damage but has sevenfold more survivability and utility.

Edited by ZakPreston
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If you're not breaking the 200k on normal basis with that gear, you're just playing the class wrong. With centurion + Rage-specc you can break the 300k without breaking a sweat if you know the rotation and playstyle that's demanded of it.


I can go 350k-400k every warzone, with 0 deaths and snatch 10 medals. It's not really difficult, altho i'm in pretty much more or less, full champion.

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im 36 now, anni spec'd. i am always top 3 dmg in a warzone, i always get 6+ medals in WZ. the only WZ i struggle in is huttball. But even then i never have trouble 1v1, 2v1, or even 3v1. The rupture cooldown + 30 rage cd that causes every tick of rup to cri + heals me 3% every tick allows me to throw it on multiple enemies. ive beaten down lvl 50s from full health while i'm well below half. Theres nothing wrong with our class, just the people who play them.

oh and i noticed gear (even in low level pvp) can make a huge difference in game play. Not modding or replacing gear every couple of levels can really hinder your ability.

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Well said all posters/OP.


I've been running Annihilation ever since I started PvP and I love it. Finally got my resuable stims/medpacks/relics and topped off so far 372k damage with Annihilation. I'm expecting to hit 400k+ if I spec into Rage for Smash spamz. I haven't tried carnage/rage yet in pvp. I'll be rolling Annihilation spec until I get sick of it.


Caeltos pretty much said it. Without PvP, IMO marauders should at least be banking 150k damage (and I'm lowering it; that's what I was hitting when I started PvPing with crap gear). With half PvP armor, or centurion pvp armor, or just some pvp pieces people should be hitting at least 200k per round. Of course it sometimes depends on your team as well. I noticed I tend to hit high amounts of damage with a good time while on a sucky team get I low 200k or high 100k. If you aren't hitting those numbers, yeah, you're not playing the class right. That's what it really boils down to and not that QQ crap "OH MARAUDERS NEED TO BE FIXED"

Edited by BarcodeX
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