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New healing commando(pvp) Help pretty plz!


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OK, let me preface this by saying that after coming from my main (50 powertech BH, 21/2/18 spec) on one sever and deciding to roll a healing commando after playing against some in WZ's that low lvl healing pvp is BRUTAL now lol. YIKES! That green Jesus beam just brings ALL the 50's coming HAH. I find I'm LUCKY to hit 100K healing and about 30-50K damage tops in a match dying to everything and anything(even other teens dps classes it seems) LOL. What a difference being 50-15 makes :p All I can say is the pvp game is a whole nother beast than it was even 3 weeks ago :)


I'll take my beatin it's fine, I'm fully aware that most 14-25 year old males will see me and immediately give chase up ramps, down ramps, into the pit, around and around to hell and back just for an easy kill(funny, most of the people I play with regularly are NOT like that...but whatevs) With all that said can anybody give any advice for the really green healers in today's pvp game of half teams of 50's/pre-mades etc etc? Places you've found good to hide, don't worry about healing so much at this level, NOT using the green Jesus lvl 50 tractor beam of death perhaps? Just looking for any tips to maybe ease the pain a bit LOL. Thanks!

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I've just switched over and I'm trying to use my instants as much as I can as well as Med Probe and Adv Med Probe. Green beam only as a filler.


Trauma Probe, Bacta, Kolto for when I'm running around trying to lose people who are trying to kill me.

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Don't ever use the Green Beam (Hammer Shot on friendly players). Feel free to hammer shot the enemy. Use your cooldowns often and CC as much as you can. Try to find a spot in the back away from the fight but still in reach to heal. If your pvping with friends make sure they are mindful enough that when your getting focused they peel off of you.
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You don't ever want use your Hammer shot on friendlies. That green beam is a giant "KILL ME" sign lol. Combat Medic can be tough at lower levels because of ammo management. Until you get 3 points in Field Triage it can be tough to heal, while not using hammer shot, without burning through ammo.


As far as places to hide, I find Voidstar provides some good opportunity to heal without standing out in the open. Especially on the first door there are columns on both sides that give you good cover while keeping you in range of virtually everyone near the door.

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My first advice would be to reroll sage to heal.

My second advice would be to stay combat medic if you usually play games in Hellish mode.

My third advice would be to always group with 1 or 2 sages before queuin for warzones.


That's about it.


Oh, and also, hide yo helmet. Troopers are always the first target. Always. Don't make it even easier to spot you. :)

Edited by snaplemouton
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