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So will the marauder get fixed?


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I think everyone needs to hit level 50 and get a full set of epics before they go crying on the forums. This class is so gear dependent and believe me, once you get that gear you will be an absolute wrecking ball in both pve and pvp. (I play Annihilation.)


The class isn't gear dependent. The class is dependent on outgearing it's opponent. This is also known as under powered. All of the "l2p" and "get full epics" people will change their tune when the mean population catches up with their gear. Check back on this in a month and tell me I'm wrong.

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The class isn't gear dependent. The class is dependent on outgearing it's opponent. This is also known as under powered. All of the "l2p" and "get full epics" people will change their tune when the mean population catches up with their gear. Check back on this in a month and tell me I'm wrong.



BINGO I was starting to worry if I was the only one that understood this.

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Our operations go like this - Operative loot- Operative loot -Operative loot -Operative loot- Opertive loot. the other slot is Bounty hunter- bounty hunter- bounty hunter -SI-SI.


Flashpoints is same, Decked out companions makes me ill.


Ouch thats some bad luck there... As I said, 2 lockouts and I have all the stuff I need to step in to Hard Mode Operations. :x


15% damage buff, Well I prefer the 20% armor reduction over a fight. I dont see how a 2nd saber being a stat stick actually increases over a juggys stat stick. We have juggs in the guild who are just hitting 50 so I feel like I'll be sitting out of the next raid - but thats more an internal issue.


After looking around people say the 20% stacks by different classes, others say no its just there to show said person doing it that they are debuffing it for thier "when you have x stacks on target" skills. So can't confirm on this. If its the they don't then in your case, hope there is a tank/BH doing this so it doesn't split you out.


When I use obfuscate it doesnt seem to do anything every still gets hit by everything while its up. I hate this skill, its only worked once out of all the times I used it. As for the damage reduction heavy armor always counts.


So far has worked all the time for me. On the first boss of EV when he does his missile AoE it gives the group an extra 6 seconds of stay out time, since his misslies get missed or resisted. As for the Medium VS Heavy its only a huge difference if you use the stance/charge/cylinder that improves it, other then that its a very minor increase.


I like Undying. I hate our set bonuses.


Ditto considering the 2 set is also broken... ><


I'm not even getting tokens from pvp bags. I'm 33 valor rank with 3 pvp pieces. 2 bought with the tokens. I ran a flashpoint with a Juggy and watched him get 3 pieces in one run. I've ran a heap of them and the only thing thats dropped was a token for the off hand saber. I just feel like class is just some shoddy "token dual wielding class".


I can go in and cause trouble get a heap of kills do high damage in a warzone but I just feel like I'm not part of the actual game. The fury systems just not enough of gimmick to actually make this class something.


Again all bad luck i'm affraid... There isn't a reduced chance of it dropping. All I can say is hope the Juggs don't want something with good mods in it, take them out and put them in your gear.

Edited by Knuckz
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The class isn't gear dependent. The class is dependent on outgearing it's opponent. This is also known as under powered. All of the "l2p" and "get full epics" people will change their tune when the mean population catches up with their gear. Check back on this in a month and tell me I'm wrong.


so completely not true... but if you need that excuse to tell yourself its the class and not the player by all means.



This class performs only as well as the person playing it, if the class seems broken, it means you are not a good player plain and simple.

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The people complaining right now are people that are probably facing higher geared opponents. The reason that the class flourishes with gear is the same reason why a warrior used to in wow, it scales extremely well with weapon damage. At level 50 if you face say a Pyrotech merc and you are both naked chances are you would lose. Face the same merc with full champion gear on both of you and you will win nearly every time. (I have a merc buddy and we have played out this scenario on numerous occasions. Sure you need a good understanding of your class and abilities but that goes for all classes, simply put.


Marauders SCALE better with gear than other classes.

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Well, After a quick browse through the forums you quickly realize that 90% of the people playing one are these so called "noobs".


He's right though. Anni, Rage, and Carnage are all perfectly fine at what they do. The only problem the class actually has is too many buttons to push to get the job done.

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so completely not true... but if you need that excuse to tell yourself its the class and not the player by all means.



This class performs only as well as the person playing it, if the class seems broken, it means you are not a good player plain and simple.


I don't agree, the class is dependent on out-gearing. You need to gear up critical relics and you need to gear up stupid amounts of damage and crits then should be necessary for the class to at least be semi-effective, let alone properly effective and then a lot of builds of the other classes have CCs and moves that are too effective.


Look at sorcerer, they can force push, ok you can try to camo in and then use force charge... if they don't take a step or two towards you. Then even after you've finished with force charge you'll get in maybe 1 attack before they force speed away and hit you with slow down effects, etc etc. We don't actually have any real counter moves against any class but most of them seem to have counter moves against us which considering we are one of the few melee classes in the game dependent on getting into melee range, just isn't balanced... best we can do is snare/slow down every so often but the range on these abilities mean you already need to know when they intend to run... then there is the whole static barriers issue (can give them a 20% movement speed increase, higher then Ataru forms potential 15%)


Then there is leveling itself, who seriously thinks that a class reliant on out-gearing (which we are) could be considered balanced during leveling? Not really a chance unless you have a level 50 with Synthweaving and credits to toss at reverse engineering just about every craft that comes up until you get the higher quality crafts... Why does Marauder have problems with Elites that other classes do not? Why is Marauder seemingly reliant on Annihilator and/or Quinn for surviving longer then 25 seconds? Marauder IS broken and no the issue ISN'T skill, I'm already using every damned ability that Marauder has, I have the rotations down to a T and still get out performed by nearly all other classes when they're putting in half-arsed attempts.


I've seen enough of this, we preform ok at level 50... when we're fully speced and geared out... right... what about the other 39 levels of marauder that came before this? the class is BROKEN, just because some how thanks to surge, cert crits and more strength then required to lift a planet we can kill in PvP at 50 doesn't mean we are not broken.

Edited by nonumbers
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so completely not true... but if you need that excuse to tell yourself its the class and not the player by all means.



This class performs only as well as the person playing it, if the class seems broken, it means you are not a good player plain and simple.


I never said that I thought the class was broken. I do think it needs to tuning. However, you're simply taking "out gear" and replacing it with "out skill" in which case my point still stands. If everything is equal, gear, player skill level, ect. The marauder will lose the fight far more then 50% of the time. That's a problem.


Secondly, I find it quite confusing as to why BioWare decided to take the Marauder and make it into a glass water pistol. I say this because the tank version of the class is more robust, has better combat abilities and does more damage then the "pure damage" various of the class. This is also true with bounty hunter. Marauders output less effective damage (kills) yet have far less survivability then their tank counterpart spec'ed for DPS. This is the same with Firebug (or pyro, whatever they decided to call it).

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I don't agree, the class is dependent on out-gearing. You need to gear up critical relics and you need to gear up stupid amounts of damage and crits then should be necessary for the class to at least be semi-effective, let alone properly effective and then a lot of builds of the other classes have CCs and moves that are too effective.


Look at sorcerer, they can force push, ok you can try to camo in and then use force charge... if they don't take a step or two towards you. Then even after you've finished with force charge you'll get in maybe 1 attack before they force speed away and hit you with slow down effects, etc etc. We don't actually have any real counter moves against any class but most of them seem to have counter moves against us which considering we are one of the few melee classes in the game dependent on getting into melee range, just isn't balanced... best we can do is snare/slow down every so often but the range on these abilities mean you already need to know when they intend to run... then there is the whole static barriers issue (can give them a 20% movement speed increase, higher then Ataru forms potential 15%)


Then there is leveling itself, who seriously thinks that a class reliant on out-gearing (which we are) could be considered balanced during leveling? Not really a chance unless you have a level 50 with Synthweaving and credits to toss at reverse engineering just about every craft that comes up until you get the higher quality crafts... Why does Marauder have problems with Elites that other classes do not? Why is Marauder seemingly reliant on Annihilator and/or Quinn for surviving longer then 25 seconds? Marauder IS broken and no the issue ISN'T skill, I'm already using every damned ability that Marauder has, I have the rotations down to a T and still get out performed by nearly all other classes when they're putting in half-arsed attempts.


I've seen enough of this, we preform ok at level 50... when we're fully speced and geared out... right... what about the other 39 levels of marauder that came before this? the class is BROKEN, just because some how thanks to surge, cert crits and more strength then required to lift a planet we can kill in PvP at 50 doesn't mean we are not broken.


I dunno about u but i havent used quinn since lvl 30 when I got jaesa. 30-50 I did with jaesa only and including the Final class quest and had 0 issues. Even elite's I kill with jaesa so I suggest u try a different rotation maybe?

Edited by Kenshinth
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I don't agree, the class is dependent on out-gearing. You need to gear up critical relics and you need to gear up stupid amounts of damage and crits then should be necessary for the class to at least be semi-effective, let alone properly effective and then a lot of builds of the other classes have CCs and moves that are too effective.


Look at sorcerer, they can force push, ok you can try to camo in and then use force charge... if they don't take a step or two towards you. Then even after you've finished with force charge you'll get in maybe 1 attack before they force speed away and hit you with slow down effects, etc etc. We don't actually have any real counter moves against any class but most of them seem to have counter moves against us which considering we are one of the few melee classes in the game dependent on getting into melee range, just isn't balanced... best we can do is snare/slow down every so often but the range on these abilities mean you already need to know when they intend to run... then there is the whole static barriers issue (can give them a 20% movement speed increase, higher then Ataru forms potential 15%)


Then there is leveling itself, who seriously thinks that a class reliant on out-gearing (which we are) could be considered balanced during leveling? Not really a chance unless you have a level 50 with Synthweaving and credits to toss at reverse engineering just about every craft that comes up until you get the higher quality crafts... Why does Marauder have problems with Elites that other classes do not? Why is Marauder seemingly reliant on Annihilator and/or Quinn for surviving longer then 25 seconds? Marauder IS broken and no the issue ISN'T skill, I'm already using every damned ability that Marauder has, I have the rotations down to a T and still get out performed by nearly all other classes when they're putting in half-arsed attempts.


I've seen enough of this, we preform ok at level 50... when we're fully speced and geared out... right... what about the other 39 levels of marauder that came before this? the class is BROKEN, just because some how thanks to surge, cert crits and more strength then required to lift a planet we can kill in PvP at 50 doesn't mean we are not broken.


You know Crippling Slash stays on the target for 12 seconds right? If you can't kill someone in that time your doing something wrong.

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You know Crippling Slash stays on the target for 12 seconds right? If you can't kill someone in that time your doing something wrong.


When I read thinks like this I wonder if some players only play against underequipped n00bs...


A good team will CC, shield, guard and heal en masse. A typical fight (e.g. middle turret in Alderaan) can last for several minutes until one side gains the upper hand. You simply just can't kill well equiped players within 12 seconds when the enemy-team knows how to play, especially not when you're attacking a target alone. Ever tried to kill a level 50 healer that is guarded by a tank?


Sentinel/Marauder is an extremely fragile class. This class is definitely underpowered when below level 50. Don't even try to compete with other classes, even a level 14 Scoundrel will kill you in an instant. When you hit level 50 you won't see much difference until you equip your first pvp-epics. From this point on you'll be stronger with every new piece. I prefer to play in Ataru form since you are very mobile and a top-notch single target damage dealer. With a good healer in your back you can deal 350.000+ DMG in a warzone. Without a healer you will be hardly doing more than 175.000 DMG since you're still fragile.


My impression is that Sentinel/Marauder depends on good teamplay like no other class. If supported well enough, this class is pure fun and you will outdamage everything. If not supported at all, you're screwed.

Edited by Ibuki
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When I read thinks like this I wonder if some players only play against underequipped n00bs...


A good team will CC, shield, guard and heal en masse. A typical fight (e.g. middle turret in Alderaan) can last for several minutes until one side gains the upper hand. You simply just can't kill well equiped players within in 12 seconds when the enemy-team knows how to play, especially not when you're attacking a target alone. Ever tried to kill a level 50 healer that is guarded by a tank?


Sentinel/Marauder is an extremely fragile class. This class is definitely underpowered when below level 50. Don't even try to compete with other classes, even an level 14 Scoundrel will kill you in an instant. When you hit level 50 you won't see much difference until you equip your first pvp-epics. From this point on you'll be stronger with every new piece. I prefer to play in Ataru form since you are very mobile and a top-notch single target damage dealer. With a good healer in your back you can deal 350.000+ DMG in a warzone. Without a healer you will be hardly doing more than 175.000 DMG since you're still fragile.


My impression is that Sentinel/Marauder depends on good teamplay like no other class. If supported well enough, this class is pure fun and you will outdamage everything. If not supported at all, you're screwed.


And reading this makes me feel like you don't know how to play.. I was speaking in a 1 v 1 scenario in response to someone saying we have no way of catching someone, -50% running speed is huge, combine that with Predatation + Charge, if you can't stay on your target your doing a lot wrong.


Read what I quoted and then get off your high horse - it was stated we can slow/stun every so often - thats complete BS.. Its why people have horrible miss-conceptions about the class, not understanding all of our abilities... Hence my reply saying our main slow stays on for 12 seconds and costs 2 rage (1 in Rage) so it can basically be kept on the target fulltime.

Edited by Draexnael
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And reading this makes me feel like you don't know how to play.. I was speaking in a 1 v 1 scenario in response to someone saying we have no way of catching someone, -50% running speed is huge, combine that with Predatation + Charge, if you can't stay on your target your doing a lot wrong.


Read what I quoted and then get off your high horse - it was stated we can slow/stun every so often - thats complete BS.. Its why people have horrible miss-conceptions about the class, not understanding all of our abilities... Hence my reply saying our main slow stays on for 12 seconds and costs 2 rage (1 in Rage) so it can basically be kept on the target fulltime.



I completely agree with you, however in his defense a 1v1 scenario can be quite rare at times and against a well-geared, well-organized team you probably won't find yourself in a 1v1 scenario :p

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I completely agree with you, however in his defense a 1v1 scenario can be quite rare at times and against a well-geared, well-organized team you probably won't find yourself in a 1v1 scenario :p


But in a team scenario you'd have healers and well with a pocket healer we simply become a wreckling ball of epic proportions ;-]

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And reading this makes me feel like you don't know how to play.. I was speaking in a 1 v 1 scenario in response to someone saying we have no way of catching someone, -50% running speed is huge, combine that with Predatation + Charge, if you can't stay on your target your doing a lot wrong.


My bad. I thought you were talking about warzone play. :o


Yes I agree with you on that point: Sentinel/Marauder is pretty ****** in 1n1, especially with the I-Win-Button named "Undying Rage". Being kited is no problem at all wich is extremely rare for a melee class in a mmo. Dealing with Bounty Hunters can be hard though.

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My bad. I thought you were talking about warzone play. :o


Yes I agree with you on that point: Sentinel/Marauder is pretty ****** in 1n1, especially with the I-Win-Button named "Undying Rage". Being kited is no problem at all wich is extremely rare for a melee class in a mmo. Dealing with Bounty Hunters can be hard though.


;-] BH or Trooper's are pretty easy as most simply spam Grav or Tracer - interupt those and they just stand there 90% of the time going "erm what do I do now" :p

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And reading this makes me feel like you don't know how to play.. I was speaking in a 1 v 1 scenario in response to someone saying we have no way of catching someone, -50% running speed is huge, combine that with Predatation + Charge, if you can't stay on your target your doing a lot wrong.


Read what I quoted and then get off your high horse - it was stated we can slow/stun every so often - thats complete BS.. Its why people have horrible miss-conceptions about the class, not understanding all of our abilities... Hence my reply saying our main slow stays on for 12 seconds and costs 2 rage (1 in Rage) so it can basically be kept on the target fulltime.


Snare doesn't do much good when you're 15m away from your target after they and everyone else in the vicinity knocked you back 12 times like a ping-pong ball. It does even less good when you get knocked down a level (or three) from your target, which is pretty commonplace.

Edited by getdownsb
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Snare doesn't do much good when you're 15m away from your target after they and everyone else in the vicinity knocked you back 12 times like a ping-pong ball. It does even less good when you get knocked down a level (or three) from your target, which is pretty commonplace.


Knockbacks and immobilizes need to be tied to resolve.



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Snare doesn't do much good when you're 15m away from your target after they and everyone else in the vicinity knocked you back 12 times like a ping-pong ball.


Firstly NEVER Charge into combat - this is what I did as Rage.


Cloak --> BA --> Crush --> Crippling (usually knocked back by now) --> Charge --> Smash --> Choke --> Obliterate --> Smash


Obviously use things like your Fury Stacks and other defensive cd's but generally that rotation would get me a kill even with 1 - 3 people around.. Being knocked back is 50% luck and 50% bad positional play.

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Firstly NEVER Charge into combat - this is what I did as Rage.


Cloak --> BA --> Crush --> Crippling (usually knocked back by now) --> Charge --> Smash --> Choke --> Obliterate --> Smash


Obviously use things like your Fury Stacks and other defensive cd's but generally that rotation would get me a kill even with 1 - 3 people around.. Being knocked back is 50% luck and 50% bad positional play.


I love our quote wars.


I really wish I saved a spot for PvP tips at the top of my guide but it looks like I'm just going to have to add it to the first post. NEVEREVEREVEREVER use charge as an initiator. The first thing people will do is knock you back. Always run in, BA and then Charge afterwards.

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I play Carnage and I Force Charge the enemy all the time since it builds rage. If knocked back I use Force Camouflage which breaks all movement imparing effects with my build.


After Charge I usually use Deadly Throw to root the enemy for 3secs, then I use Battering Assault and activate Gore to ignore 100% armor berfore I use Ravage to root and damage him again. After Ravage I can hit the enemy with a 100% crit Force Scream before the Gore buff ends. This "rotation" is an extremely hard hitter when not countered properly. On top of that the enemy is rooted for 6 seconds in total.

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I'm with those who think they are underpowered. Currently playing a Carnage build (lvl 33). I get my but kicked in solo content. Obviously I'm not the best player out there, but playing the other classes seems easy compared to the Marauder.


You'll perform better when you have Massacre with level 40, but you'll still be fragile like no other class. Sentinel is absolutely underpowered below level 50. This class needs a fix for the lower level range.

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