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PVP Video - OPeratives are OP


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So yesterday I was reading the forums and noticed a huge amount of "nerf operatives" threads with a high volume of operatives posting "omg we're not OP, we're balanced".


That is a load of crap. I've been playing MMO's for 10 years and my operative is the most imbalanced character I've played in years.


I spent 2 hours yesterday gathering some videos and cut this YouTube video last night.





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So yesterday I was reading the forums and noticed a huge amount of "nerf operatives" threads with a high volume of operatives posting "omg we're not OP, we're balanced".


That is a load of crap. I've been playing MMO's for 10 years and my operative is the most imbalanced character I've played in years.


I spent 2 hours yesterday gathering some videos and cut this YouTube video last night.





Just about every time you fight a fifty, you barely make it out alive....


You're fighting <45 and then screaming OP ... Let me bold this: You're fighting <45s and screaming OP. They have no gear to mitigate the burst Operatives do. None. You fight a fifty and it takes you well enough time for them to live and make a comeback. Imagine this in a full 50 w/ gear bracket. When lv50 brackets drop in AND the nerf ... can't wait to see how you feel then.


The classes you do catch alone and fifty are cloth classes... Thats what they ... do.


Burst class does burst damage.

Edited by Plastic
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Just about every time you fight a fifty, you barely make it out alive....


You're fighting <45 and then screaming OP ... Let me bold this: You're fighting <45s and screaming OP. They have no gear to mitigate the burst Operatives do. None. You fight a fifty and it takes you well enough time for them to live and make a comeback. Imagine this in a full 50 w/ gear bracket. When lv50 brackets drop in AND the nerf ... can't wait to see how you feel then.


Burst class does burst damage.



I saw several 50's in a moderate amount of PVP gear in that video. Hell, there was a Sorc that bites it just as the CC ends and he had at very least Chest, gloves, helm. It's okay, as a child I had selective hearing too so I can understand where your coming from.

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I saw several 50's in a moderate amount of PVP gear in that video. Hell, there was a Sorc that bites it just as the CC ends and he had at very least Chest, gloves, helm. It's okay, as a child I had selective hearing too so I can understand where your coming from.


Yeah, and he was a Sorc - a cloth class. Since when do assassin-esque classes not destroy cloth classes? It's kinda their job.



Stupidity as an adult... Love it!


Watch - when lv50 brackets + the nerf drops ... Operatives are gunna cry. I'm calling it.

Edited by Plastic
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Yeah, and he was a Sorc - a cloth class. Since when do assassin-esque classes not destroy cloth classes? It's kinda their job.


Stupidity as an adult... Love it!



That's REALLY your argument? He's wearing cloth therefor he is supposed to die. COme on man, your not even trying...

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People only see what they want to see. There are quite a few 50s in this movie. Next time enable it so we can see what their HP is. That helps judge the level of their gear.


What's really interesting about this are the number of times where your TTK is so short that no one puts you in combat, so you can just restealth, rinse, and repeat.


The times where you do get put in combat, you can vanish.

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That's REALLY your argument? He's wearing cloth therefor he is supposed to die. COme on man, your not even trying...




Um - you catch a cloth - low physical mitigation - with their pants down (no shields, heals, and alone) and you kill him easily playing a burst class - high damage in little time - and you're surprized?


Burst Class + Low Mitigation = ...?


C'mon man, you're not even trying.

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The only thing I can say is a little op from an operative and Scoundrel is the first intial shot. critting for upwards of 6-8k. thats the only op thing. everything else seems ok. I know on my shadow as long as I DO NOT get hit 6-8k on that initial shot and im fully pvp geared out. I can turn and then *** own the operative as long as he doesnt get healed or spam heal himself. My only grip is the classes with heal that are not healer speced have too much survivablity with heal spamming themselves. Ive seen 2 ops heal eachother lvl 45 and spam that heal ability over and over with 2 people on each of them and they keep themselves up. that is a little op. however I do expect that to be fixed in the future so Im not to worried
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Maybe Plastic didn't notice, but he was killing everything with ease. Even classes with "heavy armor."


A great example of a biased person who only sees what they want to see and ignore the simple truth even when it's right in their face.

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How many consumables does the OP have stacked there?


Do it with no consumables and post that video to prove its the class and not the buffs.


I am not an expert by any means, but there are similar videos by a 50 op who is trying to show how op the stackable consumables are.

Edited by Kelticfury
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Maybe Plastic didn't notice, but he was killing everything with ease. Even classes with "heavy armor."


A great example of a biased person who only sees what they want to see and ignore the simple truth even when it's right in their face.


Yeah, and barely making it out alive.




The guy who helped was lv45. Combine this with fifty only ... and an Operative nerf?


C'mon people. Think.


This guy puts out a video saying: This class is strong. Watch me kill these people.


Does it show him doing what he says? Yeah. And you guys believe it so with such a dogma you forget to look around and form your own opinion.


Are Operatives strong? Yeah. Burst class doing burst damage. But in a fifty environment where people survive the start burst? Combine that with an Operative nerf? If they nerf the burst of Operative, bring up the sustained damage by them so they're useful beyond that point.

Edited by Plastic
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Yeah, and barely making it out alive.




The guy who helped was lv45. Combine this with fifty only ... and an Operative nerf?


C'mon people. Think.


We will find out soon enough. I'm putting my money on there continuing to be a problem even in the 50s only bracket.

Edited by Raggok
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Just about every time you fight a fifty, you barely make it out alive....


You're fighting <45 and then screaming OP ... Let me bold this: You're fighting <45s and screaming OP. They have no gear to mitigate the burst Operatives do. None. You fight a fifty and it takes you well enough time for them to live and make a comeback. Imagine this in a full 50 w/ gear bracket. When lv50 brackets drop in AND the nerf ... can't wait to see how you feel then.


The classes you do catch alone and fifty are cloth classes... Thats what they ... do.


Burst class does burst damage.


Are we watching the same vid? I saw him blowing up several lvl 50 champion geared sentinels and smugglers (medium armor) as well as a couple of lvl 50 troopers and knights.


The only classes that stood a chance when he got his full combo off were either guarded or had popped their defensive cooldowns.


And even though lvl 50 brackets have been announced, I don't see how bursting down 2-3 lvl 40+ opponents while retaining 75% of your health is ok. Granted, that might have been an optimal situation with nothing going wrong, but still.


Burst is ok, but this is a bit too bursty, especially because the OP seemed able to repeat said burst again and again.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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We will find out soon enough. I'm putting my money on there continuing to be a problem even in the 50s only bracket.


And I'm willing to bet the videos shown will be surprise attacks on people who don't have their CC break up, with their pants down, and probably <80% HP.


Because that's idea of the class.


Take out / Put pressure on healers / clothies / mediums, vanish and lol.


Point me to the game where the Assassin-esque class ISN'T that. Because, you wouldn't be playing an assassin.

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Are we watching the same vid? I saw him blowing up several lvl 50 champion geared sentinels and smugglers (medium armor) as well as a couple of lvl 50 troopers and knights.


The only classes that stood a chance when he got his full combo off were either guarded or had popped their defensive cooldowns.


And even though lvl 50 brackets have been announced, I don't see how bursting down 2-3 lvl 40+ opponents while retaining 75% of your health is ok. Granted, that might have been an optimal situation with nothing going wrong, but still.


Burst is ok, but this is a bit too bursty, especially because the OP seemed able to repeat said burst again and again.


Yeah, I watched him fight a Sentinel that lived on Huttball and was dropped to 60%~ HP. He killed him and then killed a lv23~ - he basically caught him alone. Doing what he's suppose to do.


I watched him fight another one on Voidstar and barely make it out alive - popping evasion and escaping - when another came in and helped. If that extra helper was 50, he probably would of died.


Oh, and let's not forget on Civil War where he got his 15% Expertise Buff and barely made it out against that Commando(?). With the help of three others.

Edited by Plastic
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wow your not trying to blame it on the consumables haha.. seriously.. uhh did you watch the video bro? ONE consumable doesnt make you do everything he just did. and the other buffs that intial class buffs dude! cmon pay attention people!
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The funny thing is... I'm not even an Operative! I'm a Sniper!


I can clearly see he does high burst damage. Yeah, sure. He dropped that lv25 like it was nothing.


But he fights lv50s and barely makes it out - or, him doing what his class does best, he catches a guy with his pants down and wins.


You guys get that Operative nerf you want - then when lv50 brackets hit, and things get competitive ... you'll regret it.

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wow your not trying to blame it on the consumables haha.. seriously.. uhh did you watch the video bro? ONE consumable doesnt make you do everything he just did. and the other buffs that intial class buffs dude! cmon pay attention people!


No, but I want to know if he plays like the class actually performs or if he is playing with tripple uber buffs and superduper consumeables aswell the sexy biochem superdrug.


Anway, doesnt look that fair at all for most lvl 50ies..some fights were a bit closer.




We need to know if he did fight with all these super buffs versus people without them or not.

Edited by BobaFurz
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