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Day2 Wave 1 Good Luck!


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I Hope I get in, But Honestly dont think I will. Pre orderd right after Beta closed.


All I want is to feed the adiction. Not worrierd about first to 50. Best gear first. Don't even have a Name picked out yet.


Just want to paly. I am so like a kid on Chistmass eve asking to open just one present.

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Yeah, probably at least 5 or 6 players till midnight will join game today. But if they're based on the mexican time we should consider the siesta, so the number could be reduced from 2 to 3 players..that will be alone, in a empty server.

Let's hope they won't work too hard!

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Good luck all, and make the resulting QQ good cuzz i wont be getting in today and i need entertainment.


I think people like me who ordered on the 5th of August are gonna QQ alot when they send invites for people up to the 4th, were gonna QQ all day about Game (Assuming thats where they brought it from or just felt like the 5th had some magical meaning)

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Good luck all, and make the resulting QQ good cuzz i wont be getting in today and i need entertainment.


LoL! I realy respect the support guys who are force(d) (ehhe ehhe) to read these topics and moderate them. Lots of peeps could realy learn some patience from them.

And the world would be a much better place... :)


QQ-time is here today also for childish behaviour patterns...

Enjoy the show! :D

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