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Crew skills via smartphne


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I would like to see to where you can log on to a linked interface via you smart phone. There you could send you crew members on missions or even view your inventoy and place things on the auction house.

I believe this would be a great tool for this day and age.

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I would like to see to where you can log on to a linked interface via you smart phone. There you could send you crew members on missions or even view your inventoy and place things on the auction house.

I believe this would be a great tool for this day and age.


Go2MyPC, VNC, RDP, etc...

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So is the mail system. So is the transportation system in game. Your logic is flawed.


how is his logic flawed? imagine if instead of having to actually sit at a computer and farm to get credits, spammers could farm credits from work, the movies, on the bus, during a road trip, at the zoo, ect....

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Please no, I hated that blizzard did the same crap with the auction house. Everyone should be on equal footing in a video game. Allowing this smart phone application would force people to get a said phone to be competitive. It's hard to believe but some people can't afford the ridicules prices of those phones. IRL Money should never = Better gaming experience. But.... My opinion is invalid this will happen because corp's are greedy. Proof of this is the CE where people can more easily gain gear that can be modded. Which if your a cybertech pretty much makes all your gear from level 9 and up purple. A huge advantage.
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Go2MyPC, VNC, RDP, etc...


Yes that is one way around it. But to have a specific app or site would be much better. Depending on how their items database is setup it really shouldn't be that hard to set up.

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This wold not be the corporations being "greedy or corporation-y" there tim robbins. Funny how some people see adding a new aspect is not growth, but a trap to seperate you from your money. Even my grandparents have smartphones!


This would be a handy tool for those of us that actually have to go to work. My complaint would be andoid support which i assume they would get around to.

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Unfair advantage given to people with $300 phones.


If there were an internet interface for this as well, i would agree, but since its only for people with spoiled suburbanite phones and grants a significant game advantage, no.


This is possibly the most envious post I have ever read. If you think owning a smartphone makes you some sort of the elite upper class, you need to re-evaluate society.

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This wold not be the corporations being "greedy or corporation-y" there tim robbins. Funny how some people see adding a new aspect is not growth, but a trap to seperate you from your money. Even my grandparents have smartphones!


This would be a handy tool for those of us that actually have to go to work. My complaint would be andoid support which i assume they would get around to.


Good for your grandparents but that doesn't mean everyone else can afford them. Not to mention you know they will tack on another bill for this just like Blizz did if they add it... How is that not being greedy or corpration-y?

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