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Merc PvP: War Zone vs Open World


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Almost 50 and I've seen my fair share of open world pvp on my server. I actually fair very well and only lose when outnumbered or significantly outleveled. My spec is bodyguard/arsenal hybrid for survivability.


Open world PvP is great, use my abilites as they come off cooldown, go through damage/healing rotations, it's all very fluid. I do get chain cc'd but it's not overwhelming.


Now in War Zones what the hell happened? I am chain cc'd to death in most exchanges. When I'm not, my abilites are all on delay. Serious delay. Is it me or does anyone else experience this? I fell like there is a constant debuff on me forcing me to take 1 - 2 seconds to cast abilities, even instant ones. Even the channeled abilites seem to be cut short. My Ping isn't that much different from open world where I experience none of these negative effects. What is going on?


Is this lag or an actual crutch that was integrated into War Zones to handicap mercenaries? I spoken to guildmates and the other Mercs who agree that they notice a significant change in PvP from Open World to War Zones. However, the other classes in my guild think we are crazy and they use abilites no problem.


I played this class because I think it has a lot of versatility and if spec'd and played right can pair well against most other classes. That being said I feel like the developers have put restraints on the class in warzones in an attempt to balance it.


Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

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I've only saw three republic open-world before I hit 50, so if you're seeing open world PvP consider yourself lucky.


There is a 1-second universal cooldown that should apply in both arenas and open world.


The "stun lock" you see in arenas may be the result of getting hit by multiple players OR simply the result of playing against someone with a full toolbox (lvl 50) who's spent a lot of time in PvP.


How are you viewing your ping time? I've been looking for a way to check that.

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Warzones can get annoying with the ability delay lag, sometimes restarting the game helps. It seems pretty random as well as to when it will happen. Supposedly they are working on fixing it, so just have to suck it up for now.
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Framerate loss has a large portion to do with your skills lagging in warzones especially huttball for me until i build my new pc. My best friend has his new build done and I noticed a big difference playing on his.
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First I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback.


How are you viewing your ping time? I've been looking for a way to check that.


To the bottom left of the minimap you will notice a signal bar indicator similar to that of a cell phone reception. If you highlight your cursor over that it will display your realtime ping.



Framerate loss has a large portion to do with your skills lagging in warzones especially huttball for me until i build my new pc. My best friend has his new build done and I noticed a big difference playing on his.


Not that I'm not willing to build a new rig, but is that the main issue. While in open world I have no issues so it's hard for me to jump to the conclusion that if I built a new 64 bit system and ran windows 7 it would all be fine.


I guess the question remains and has yet to be answered; is there delay built into the class to balance it in PvP? I won't get into the balancing of classes discussion until I can first determine that this is simply lag either on my end (which I doubt) or on the servers end or if this in fact a balancing mechanism to keep mercs from dominating in war zones.


Yes, huttball seems to be the worst war zone for ability lag for sure. Being that republic has little to no presence in war zones I'm forced to play it 80-90% of the time. Having a swell time dying repeatedly as I’m cannon fodder to almost any other class due to ability lag and cc stun locks. There has to be a better way to grind valor because rank 60 looks like a long haul of pointless huttball matches where at the moment I'm more of a detriment to my team than anything else.

Edited by Jabbawockees
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