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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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Wow - old and for 12 year olds.... its a dead game and look how simple it is? it was dumber down since BC to get numbers of players... heck the company lies about subs and says 15 million.... 15 million characters not accounts... and they also count trials in their active numbers which is dishonest...


rift - amazing game, great dev team but lots of hacking due to mods


war had tons of hacking due to macros and mods which opened holes in the security


lotro same as war


eq was great in its day as was EQ 2 but both suffered when they allowed mods


vanguard and aoc as well died due to mods




all of them suffer as a community due to elitism..... people forget mmo is a community not a single small group of 1-25 .... even in those groups with addons and mods people fight nonstop and arent really friends but use eachother for personal gain...


simply put... real games done need mods... and real gamers dont need cheats.... you can argue its a tool... but really its more information than necessary and a program doing work for u..... macros also do work for you which takes away from the skill needed as well as work needing to be done....


keep joining games and wanting the same thing then u wonder why 1-3 months in you are bored and insulting it..... learn to enjoy what you paid for and have fun... its a game after all


I don't think you have played most of these games.


EQ and LOTRO have great communities.


Wow does not 'lie' about subs. They are mandated by securities laws to give accurate info to the investor public. just like EA/BW will.


Hacks are basically non-existent with LUA-type addons. .exe's are a different story.


Vanguard and AoC died to mods? Really? Wrong on so many levels. Crappy game maybe killed them but it wasn't mods.


Once again so much outright misinformation.

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mods bring more cheating.... and bickering harassment.... then people are not a community... and they argue and are selfish....


if you want everything handed to you free.... play a ps3 game with cheat codes becasue your playing selfish and solo already


Connected to reality, much..?



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mods bring more cheating.... and bickering harassment.... then people are not a community... and they argue and are selfish....


In YOUR opinion. In MY opinion, people who demand that the game is played their way and insult anyone with a differing opinion kill communities.


if you want everything handed to you free.... play a ps3 game with cheat codes becasue your playing selfish and solo already


YOU are the one railing against a method to track performance, YOU sound far more likely to want things handed to you without being called on your lack of effort.

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I was actually just making a joke there as I had to drive home from work and it popped into my head.


The exam example is much more relevant but I'l not post it again since the closets anyones come to responding is gohla quoting half of the first line out of context being a bit of a troll. So it would be a waste of my time. Turns out the people who dont want them are quite happy to ignore arguments they have no response to and would much rather resort to name calling and charachter assaults.

Well met - yours is good stuff. Flaming is not in my repertoire, though poking fun at flamers can be entertaining at times.


I'm for any additional tool that makes hours of playing less of a strain, doesn't promote cheating and doesn't force dev into reinventing everything just to keep up.

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All I'm seeing in this thread is a bunch of people scared of having their terrible dps revealed to everyone. Different excuses, but the truth is buryed in each and every one of the anti meter posts.


A fear of knowledge and the rejection resulting from that knowledge.


Would you rather someone told people that smoking can lead to increased health risks or just let everyone believe what he or she wants to?


Same concept is the same.


Pointless anti meter spam is pointless.


thats insulting there and a strong reason why people do not want it....


many of us are elites and we dont like the way others treat people who are trying and learning.... you bring a person into a group... you are inviting them to join the experience not be harassed and pushed to total geekism ...


be friendly, help eachother and dont abuse it.... the reason we say no to addons is that people abuse and harass others by abusing the tools allowed....


tools are nice but like macros they do the work for you


If allowed to use reccount (which is being pushed by its developers to be sold for profit and thats why this thread is spammed endlessly) ... people will abuse it and the game will die due to community tearing itself apart.....


if you like swtor and want success for years to come through endless stories... then dont kill the community... build it

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I'm sorry but that is why you fail humanity 101, after all it's only light entertainment..a game. No risk to financial security, your home, your loved ones....it's simply a game.


Dude, seriously? You're really bad at this aren't you?


No one is saying that a person who is physically disabled shouldn't be allowed to play or experience end-game content.


However, you're missing the point that I shouldn't have to group with that individual and help cover their limitations. I pay for my own game and I don't enjoy carrying others on my back be it because they're bad because they don't care to play well or are unable to play well.


That's why I choose to group with people who:

1) Can speak my language

2) Can raid at the same times I do


That's the thing... it's about choice. You're taking choice away from me. Stop doing that.

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- Recount is an excuse for grinding. "Hey im only third for DPS, looks like i need to grind my gears up"


Perhaps for you but not for me. For me it's a way of determining whether my new 2-piece bonus means it'd be a net benefit to use Spell X as greater or lesser priority than Spell Y assuming both are off cooldown together. Gear is nothing but a tool to see harder content. It comes naturally the more stuff you kill and you kill stuff by knowing which of Spells Y or X is the better in the above scenario.


- Recount means boasting/insulting/etc. I was sick of having "im first;)" or "sry cant even catch up with you guys" or "you s***" or even "quit this group bcause your dps is too low " (even if the group went though the dungeon like a breeze). etc etc


This is a fair point and douchebags unfortunately do abuse this - WoW 3.2 was the absolute worst for this. To be fair, it was more of a case of the daily heroic quest model being seen as a requirement, something which Blizzard have since addressed and which has lowered the amount of "low GearScore; votekick" I've seen. But you make a fair point - the biggest risk of any such system is that these people seemingly can't help themselves from acting like morons, unfortuantely.


- Recount threw all the social aspect of the group away. Its an obsession for a LOT.


I don't see how it threw away the social aspect at all. Can you expand at all?


- Recount distract the player from performing.


Perhaps, but it's also helped me work out areas in which I can perfect my performance. Works two ways and I don't think this statement can apply equally to all people.

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I don't think you have played most of these games.


EQ and LOTRO have great communities.


Wow does not 'lie' about subs. They are mandated by securities laws to give accurate info to the investor public. just like EA/BW will.


Hacks are basically non-existent with LUA-type addons. .exe's are a different story.


Vanguard and AoC died to mods? Really? Wrong on so many levels. Crappy game maybe killed them but it wasn't mods.


Once again so much outright misinformation.


great communities that dwindled down .... can you recall why? yup like i said


wow does lie baout numbers... its well known


actually hacks use holes opened by mods and addons :) thats the easy way to check and update


naw both vanguard and aoc were good games until the community tore itself apart... why ?


fact is fact... mods and addons bring about bad communities and kill games....


stop trying to sell reccount to bioware... the community has alreayd tore this subject apart for months now

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Well met - yours is good stuff. Flaming is not in my repertoire, though poking fun at flamers can be entertaining at times.


I'm for any additional tool that makes hours of playing less of a strain, doesn't promote cheating and doesn't force dev into reinventing everything just to keep up.


Yeah and I would be completely against boss mods and such. I'm a little worried about Bioware adding an LUA scripting system because it would be nearly impossible to break an addon like DBM, for example.


But I would really like a combat log and at least some sort of summary. The system already exists in the game, and is currently being used in pvp. Even a moderate recount-type system would suit.

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If allowed to use reccount (which is being pushed by its developers to be sold for profit and thats why this thread is spammed endlessly) ... people will abuse it and the game will die due to community tearing itself apart.....


So now we are shills for the Recount developer? You do realize how easy it is for people in the mod community to whip up a meter right? Hell Recount isn't even the only popular one.


Seriously anti crowd, you need to get better spokespeople.

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I can live without Recount, but a combat log I'd really like to have.


On one hand, I do appreciate the idea of a game where people can't really make out what is better and personal preference (and ultimate performance) are the deciding factors, tho.

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In YOUR opinion. In MY opinion, people who demand that the game is played their way and insult anyone with a differing opinion kill communities.




YOU are the one railing against a method to track performance, YOU sound far more likely to want things handed to you without being called on your lack of effort.




actually I want the game to be more of a grind with level questes every 5 levels before you can go beyond certain levels... this extends the game... but people cried they wanted 50 within a month casual...

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Half the time your group is running about looking for the best position to unleash your attacks so I find star wars more tactics on the fly whereas wow you'd be placed in a Curtain spot so I guess Addons work for wow whereas in this mmorpg it wouldn't work now before those who are so used to using Addons and are not like us older gamers who play old school complain this is merely my opinion and not to be taken likely.ive played loads of mmos and Addons work great for wow but wow is a no brainer mmo in vanilla it was a thinking players game but not now anyway swtor in my eyes makes you think more so I'd say if they did implement Addons I for one wouldn't use them as if your good you don't need them.:p
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So now we are shills for the Recount developer? You do realize how easy it is for people in the mod community to whip up a meter right? Hell Recount isn't even the only popular one.


Seriously anti crowd, you need to get better spokespeople.


Most of the coherent anti-crowd spokespeople are actually close-to-center fence sitters. I think that pretty much sums up the state of the argument.

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No addons please , they are unnessesary and dont add to the game at all.


Just make the standard UI more customizable and everyone will be happy.


Damage meters invoke elitist jerks who want to crank out every last 0.000001% dps . it ruins the game.


all fact.... and certain hacks that abuse cooldown need to be addressed

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Indeed! Many thanks. :)


What?! So you can basically already customize your UI? I thought BW said that they were going to permit the use of addons in the near future?


To topic: Damage Meters are just vital for succesful Operations and Flashpoints. You don't necesserely have to flame those with low DPS, you can just help them improve their play. So I don't mind at all if a feature like this would be implemented by BW.

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Half the time your group is running about looking for the best position to unleash your attacks so I find star wars more tactics on the fly whereas wow you'd be placed in a Curtain spot so I guess Addons work for wow whereas in this mmorpg it wouldn't work now before those who are so used to using Addons and are not like us older gamers who play old school complain this is merely my opinion and not to be taken likely.ive played loads of mmos and Addons work great for wow but wow is a no brainer mmo in vanilla it was a thinking players game but not now anyway swtor in my eyes makes you think more so I'd say if they did implement Addons I for one wouldn't use them as if your good you don't need them.:p


I think its sad some people cant live without addons. Its those same people who need guides and wiki ..... explore... communicate....have fun.... thats a mmo


We're gonna have to discuss your definition of fact.


"Stuff I made up" actually seems like the definition you're using.



pls watch your insults and off topic issues.... as for fact... thats what history is for

Edited by Gummiebear
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What?! So you can basically already customize your UI? I thought BW said that they were going to permit the use of addons in the near future?


To topic: Damage Meters are just vital for succesful Operations and Flashpoints. You don't necesserely have to flame those with low DPS, you can just help them improve their play. So I don't mind at all if a feature like this would be implemented by BW.


That was for LOTRO not TOR ;)

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No addons please , they are unnessesary and dont add to the game at all.


Just make the standard UI more customizable and everyone will be happy.


Damage meters invoke elitist jerks who want to crank out every last 0.000001% dps . it ruins the game.


Even if I only ever played solo, didn't raid or do Flashpoints ever and never PvPed - in fact, if I turned off chat permenantly and played as though this were KotOR 3, I'd still want to have the tools to perfect my gameplay.




Because I enjoy mathematics, I enjoy working out my rotation, I enjoy perfecting my arts. I'm just as much a min/maxer in Skyrim as I am in WoW. Because it's something I enjoy doing. I have a min/max save on Final Fantasy VI on my GBA - likely nobody will ever even see it, but I did it because, for me, part of the fun of an RPG is getting the most out of its mechanics.


For me, tools to work out the best way to approach something (or, even better, to give you the data to come up with a new way or to evaluate things you experiment with) add to the game in a huge way.


So please, don't say they add nothing to the game when for me and a great many others, they add a whole bunch.

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