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Treated like bantha fodder.


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Ive had 4 tickets since I started early game access, not one has been addressed. Bioware is a a worthless company when it comes to customer service. Its like there not even paying attention. There too busy counting their cash and laughing their way to the bank because they got into the book of world records.


There are hundreds if not thousands of complaints simply about how bad customer service is, this is not including the problems that they came to customer service with in the first place.


I love how these forums were lit up with moderators, Steven Reid and others were all over, answering questions, giving out new info, even sometimes interacting in fun ways with the forum goers. Now they are silent, as if they simply ceased to exist.


Whats that? Customer service? Go **** yourself customers we already got your money -Sincerely Bioware.


Honestly, this has to be a joke...

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I had an item disappear on me. It's been at least 10 days since I reported it. No response yet. I think my sub will be done before they catch up.


In response to your quote about the in game support not being fake< B.S


I openned my first ticket 3 days after early game access started (still BEFORE launching of the game) At level 11. I have since openned 3 other tickets with unrelated issues (all 4 seperate issues that required tickets) every single one has been closed and "moved on to the team" yet the team hasn't said ****. No response, nothing, just the crappy auto-mated bot that doesn't tell me jack. I am now level 48 with two other alts on there way to being 50 as well. So... wheres that supposed customer support again? Because I haven't seen any evidence of it.

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Hello everyone,


We always appreciate feedback and questions regarding moderation and customer service, it helps us know where we can improve and what we're already doing right. We want the forums to be a constructive and safe place for all of our community to participate in and your feedback is crucial to that.


We're going to close the thread now, but we highly encourage you to send us an email with your questions, concerns and comments regarding moderation and moderation policy. Our email address is: communitysupport@swtor.com

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