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What planet(s) do you want to be added with expansions?


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I'm starting to get interested in SW lore. I'm big SF fan, especially so-called "space operas". What usually interest me most is the planets, the systems, the species (politics, intrigue between them) etc. Sense of wonder.


What planet or planets do you want to be added in further expansions? And why?

I know there was big topic about this before forum was deleted before launch.


PS. Playing Consular and loving it :) Apologies for my bad english.

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Umbara, Dathomir, Kashyyk, Mustafar, and Kamino.


Manaan, I loved the athmosphere of Ahto City in KOTOR.


Wasn't the city destroyed during the beginning of the Great Galactic War when the Selkath tried staying nuetral? It is their only land based city so where would we go?


Oh and I want to add Naboo to that list.

Edited by Forgon
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Telos - Should be rebuild by now since KotOR2 right? With the Ithoriums(?) restoring the land etc (if it is still canon in BioWare's eyes)


Dantooine - Want to see what happened to the "exiles" newly created order by his force sensitive companions from KotOR2.


Kashyyyyk - If only to see if the Wookies are still in charge or if the Empire took over the slave business.


Mustafar - If only to set the events in motion so that the ship crashes (which contains HK-47's "soul") to be there for the eventual encounter in the SW Galaxies expack later in the timeline.


Dagobah - Should be enough stuff to do their as extra class training tests. Like the cave where Luke confronted his fear etc.

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I'd like to really see what happened to Telos.


Other than that, I'd like to see them be original; Kamino, Mustafar, and the like wouldn't make much sense as they are obscure unknown planets at this point. Dantooine would be interesting as would Kashyyyk though.

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Dathomir would be interesting


I'm generally in the agreement that movie planets should be avoided, because we've got enough movie references 3000 years before the movies, we don't need to meet some wookie hero called Albacca or whatever.


That said, Felucia would be cool for the terrain, and Yavin for its strong Sith heritage

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Raxus prime


I would love to see how it looked before the galactic civil war (The force unleashed)




Iego (i play the star wars roleplaying game in my offtime and would love to see what this place would look like besides imagining it)



The rest of teral V maybe

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