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Sure glad my Resolve bar is full...


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I agree that sucks balls, people lined up spamming CCs so you can't dps or heal is much better.


where the hell are you running into this? If you are getting chain cc'd I can guarentee you are not with your team and running around either alone or with one other person, and yes I carry the huttball all the damn time (being a jugg makes me a damn good ball carrier) I never out distance my team and always try to stay in the middle of the pack. You would be amazed at how that works when you get support from your team.




Oh but wait pvp isnt about playing as a team, its about how awesome I can be and I need to be able to 1v5 to be usefull at all. Bah.

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The problem is Huttball.


By the way I'm a Jugg, not Immortal specced but if I pop Soresu form Blade Ward and Endure pain and my Break free is on CD? I'm still usually dead. "Defensive CD's and Heavy Armor" ftw right.


The only way to benefit from full resolve bar is to have your break free off CD so you can pop it as soon as your bar fills from the 2nd stun.


No Breakfree? You gone.


Wait... so the entire pvp system needs to revolve around Huttball?


I can understand the various viewpoints on why resolve can be good or bad, but by suggesting it's an issue specific to Huttball, and therefore it must change, really doesn't add a lot of perspective to the entire system.


I can agree to having the system re-evaluated, or more people educated to understand how it's suppose to work, or whether it is broken or not... but not because people are losing at Huttball...

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I meant skilled PVPers, like multi-gladiators from WOW. Someone having "experience" usually means someone who zerged people down in Rift or WAR all day, and that's not meaningful.


Dude when you say skilled PvPers and right after that mention WoW you contradict yourself.

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I am just wondering if the immunity to CC from resolve comes only after the resolve bar starts to drain. If it's white but not draining, you'll get stunned, getting more resolve added for you. I think that way, people could see it as not working, as they are looking at full bar of resolve wondering why they got stunned.
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Yes but there was NOTHING unusual about that situation. That is a situation you will encounter in Aldaran, in Huttball, in Voidstar....over and over again.


That sort of situation arises ALL the time in a group based PvP game.


THAT is why Resolve sucks so much.


It should offer immunity after the first stun. For between 15-30 seconds depending on testing. Not some stupid system that resets upon death.

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Yes but there was NOTHING unusual about that situation. That is a situation you will encounter in Aldaran, in Huttball, in Voidstar....over and over again.


That sort of situation arises ALL the time in a group based PvP game.


THAT is why Resolve sucks so much.


It should offer immunity after the first stun. For between 15-30 seconds depending on testing. Not some stupid system that resets upon death.


If you're saying being CC'd always happens, then yes it can.


But another point is, no matter how you think resolve is broken or disadvantageous to you, it functions EXACTLY the same for the opposing team. Anything that has happened to you, can happen to them. The handicap is equal.


You're creating a situation where you appear to describe as though you're the only one that suffers in the scenario, or it will always negatively affect your team. My point was, you can apply the exact same tactic against them as well. There is nothing that prevents you from using (or abusing, however you want to put it) the resolve system to the opposing team.


So with the resolve system being equal, it comes down to skill, gear and luck... not the resolve bar.


You can argue the resolve system being good or bad, but any theorized situation can apply exactly to the opposing team, so that you may gain the advantage. Your argument sounds as though you're furious that it always happens to you.


And I don't think one CC should not cause immunity for 15 to 30 seconds. The other person arguing about the resolve system in Huttball would hate you. Immunity for a couple of seconds maybe, but 15 seconds is waaaay too long in an MMO.

Edited by Lazorous
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if they reduce cc they are going to have to seriously nerf everyone's ability to survive. I have watched even suppossed "squishy" class like sorc go from one end to the other being beat on by 5 people in huttball. If cc was reduced every game would be a race to get the ball and dance to the end.


its called having guard active on the sorc.

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if they reduce cc they are going to have to seriously nerf everyone's ability to survive. I have watched even suppossed "squishy" class like sorc go from one end to the other being beat on by 5 people in huttball. If cc was reduced every game would be a race to get the ball and dance to the end.


That is because sorc's are one of the best pvp tanks. Their shield is the only ability in the game that mitigates all damage types 100%. They have a 20 second PBaE KB that can stun. And a "sprint" that breaks all CC. They are like a mix of WoW druid/Priest.


Fun Fun.

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Resolve is fine. You guys are just bad and/or don't understand the system.


Here is an explanation that might help a bit:


What a joke, the resolve bar once full does not break you out of cc and it drains very quickly so it is completely ineffective.


If it broke the CC when full and drained slower it might be just right.


However it would be a lot easier for people in Hutball to score.

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That is because sorc's are one of the best pvp tanks. Their shield is the only ability in the game that mitigates all damage types 100%. They have a 20 second PBaE KB that can stun. And a "sprint" that breaks all CC. They are like a mix of WoW druid/Priest.


Fun Fun.




One can still root and stun Sage/Sorcerer with Force Speed. The only cc Force Speed ignore is slow.


And before anyone say anything about spec into force speed will break all cc and ignore all cc, what spec?

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What a joke, the resolve bar once full does not break you out of cc and it drains very quickly so it is completely ineffective.


If it broke the CC when full and drained slower it might be just right.


However it would be a lot easier for people in Hutball to score.


It doesn't break the CC. It makes you immune to the following CC. Time your CC breaks better. There are already players that know how to abuse Resolve to carry Huttballs. I know, I'm one of them.

Edited by Bakarn
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I play scoundrel, if resolve worked the way you guys say it should that my opening stun(which completely fills the resolve bar) would not work at all, even sap fills the resolve bar, meaning I cannot sap my target if I plan on opening on it because it will immune the opening tstun
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Resolve, in it's current form, drastically favours the people using CC on you. It's not a form of immunity for YOU. It's a form of CC limiter for THEM. That is why the concept is flawed.


Losing control of your character often or for extended periods of time should be the number 1 thing the dev team should be avoiding. Why?




Anyone remember when they first introduced the Sandman weapon for the Scout to Team Fortress 2? The Sandman was a baseball bat that you could use to hit a ball into an enemy player and stun them. The further away the player was, the longer they got stunned. It was immediately apparent to everyone playing that it was not fun to eat a stun that you had no time to react to and would prevent you from doing anything. Valve (the developers) realised this, admitted they'd made a mistake and nerfed the Sandman from stunning people to instead snaring them. Now, you no longer lost control of your player but suffered instead a movement speed decrease. It was no longer 'Not Fun' and the Sandman still served a useful purpose for hampering enemy players.


Crowd Control is out of control in this game, leading to players frequently and easily becoming stun-locked. Resolve does very little to remedy this. Unless the intent of the developers was for PvP to deliberate lead to frequent 'Not Fun' scenarios, then Resolve needs to change. The easiest way would be to simply make Resolve fill instantly on a single CC, and then make you immune to that type of CC for a set duration (10-15s). Incidentally this was the type of CC immunity system that WAR eventually settled on, and worked quite well. If you got stunned, you were immune to stunning for a time afterwards. You could still be knock-backed or rooted though, but if you were you became immune to that for a short time too.

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