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Pre-Order Now You May get up to five days early


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I think that the mods should create some stickies telling the people to have patience, not to create anymore threads complaining about not having early access yet, and state clearly how it was stated from the very start that it was never promised they would have exactly 5 days of early start time and that it was always *up to* 5 days, and that they are getting the time before the official launch for free without any charge, and so on...
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They don't "have to" to be honest. Anyone with half a brain knew before hand what they ment. Noone can fault them for the very few, yet very vocal, people throwing tantrums.


You know what the best thing is you can do when a kid throws a tantrum ? You ignore them till they calm down.


There's alot more people "not" complaining then people that are. But as usual people in MMoRPG's expect them to cater to the few and not the many.


If you cave in over this, you'll see your game go to apecrap with in months, because the kiddies will know they can win if they whine enough.


I seen it far to often. Classes getting nerfed over tantrumfests on forums just to mention the most disruptive form.


Do NOT give in to trolls, or it won't stop... "ever" till this game is what "they" want and not what the majority of us do...

Edited by Erulinda
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it's not so much complaining, it's more the waiting. what else are a few million people with computer access and a whole slew of forums going to do hehe.


that and the good names are going fast lolz


ooh and there's soooo much evil i'm missing out on doing and people who need killing. my sith inquizzy is itching to be created and unleashed upon an unknowing galaxy !

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just to get some facts straight.


since today is the 14th, we are 6 days ahead of official launch.





telling players that they can't play when servers are light and you take a break after stopping your waves for 18 hours is just bad community management, stop white knighting for bw. what happens in ega gives the paying customers an idea how bw will handle the community at the retail launch not just the favorite player launch.

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Whatever their excuse, there are empty servers and hundreds of thousands of bored fans venting frustration at being unable to play. They've traded the distinction of "the smoothest mmo launch in history" for a whole lot of unhappiness in their community.


i found a rager! can i keep him?? ooooh...ppleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasse!??



ill feed him to my Ranchor if i can have him

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Whatever their excuse, there are empty servers and hundreds of thousands of bored fans venting frustration at being unable to play. They've traded the distinction of "the smoothest mmo launch in history" for a whole lot of unhappiness in their community.


It's yet to be seen if it's "the smoothest mmo launch in history" since it hasn't launched yet. Besides there'd be just as much unhappiness from people who are impatient and can't read if they let everyone in and they had to deal with mob competition, lag, queue times and crashes.

Edited by Dasffion
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I like how ppl who pre orderd late will get pwned on day 1 with all the 50's running around, thats gonna ruin alot of experinses to new players. i wish i never pre ordered tbh, i dont even wanna play the game anymore.


1) Will only happen if they roll on a PvP server and people who do that, for the most part, know what they're getting into


2) Won't happen until they're around level 20 since you don't see the opposing faction until you get to Nar Shadda.


3) Did you want to play the game so you can get in early or did you want to play the game? Saying that you don't want to play because you can't get in early makes you sound extremely childish.

Edited by Dasffion
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It's yet to be seen if it's "the smoothest mmo launch in history" since it hasn't launched yet. Besides there'd be just as much unhappiness from people who are impatient and can't read if they let everyone in and they had to deal with mob competition, lag, queue times and crashes.


It launched yesterday (13/12) everyone not playing atm is going for late access to the game. After all it is fair enough to say that the number of people preordered the game is going to be more then the people that decided to play on the 20/12. That being said BW didn't keep it a secret what they were going to do with the launch phases and noone should be surprised now or crying over it. It's a bit too late you had since July to do it.

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It launched yesterday (13/12) everyone not playing atm is going for late access to the game. After all it is fair enough to say that the number of people preordered the game is going to be more then the people that decided to play on the 20/12. That being said BW didn't keep it a secret what they were going to do with the launch phases and noone should be surprised now or crying over it. It's a bit too late you had since July to do it.


Launch is not till the 20th. Early Access != Launch.

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they shouldnt allow peeps that start on launch day to be on same servers as peeps with 7 day head start. each day they allow peeps in they should only be able to join servers open the next day new servers open and people that get access taht day should have to choose new servers. So I would choose a light server so u knoiw you will not be out lvled to bad
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i see the 2 bioware founders calling this launch and a london launch event, sure seems like a game launch, keep white knighting. bioware seems to want to play favorites with certain paying customers over others.




All systems go for launch on the 20th.




Be part of the Launch on 12/20/2011


They're having a "launch event" today in London but the official Launch is not until the 20th. You can't enter a product code or buy a subscription till then so that is launch.

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It's torturing me!


I posted yesterday that we should all relax but I admit I was full of it.


The whole day I was refreshing email every 5-10 min.


Just too excited.


I don't even have the time to play it for hours on end but I need to know that I can play at all just for the peace of mind.

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Today , 04:32 PM


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It's torturing me!


I posted yesterday that we should all relax but I admit I was full of it.


The whole day I was refreshing email every 5-10 min.


Just too excited.


I don't even have the time to play it for hours on end but I need to know that I can play at all just for the peace of mind.


+1 give me my fix !

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telling players that they can't play when servers are light and you take a break after stopping your waves for 18 hours is just bad community management, stop white knighting for bw. what happens in ega gives the paying customers an idea how bw will handle the community at the retail launch not just the favorite player launch.


"Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues."


follow the dev tracker great info there

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Launch is not till the 20th. Early Access != Launch.


I do understand what your trying to say the problem lies in the simply fact you can say the game Launch in 20/12/2015 but it still doesn't matter at this stage. The game HAS launched already.

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