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Stunwars: The old Impire


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Ewok'gh said.


It'll be fixed quick when subs drop. Subs dropped big time in WAR, CC was nerfed. Subs dropped in DAoC, Stunguard nerfed, then Hibs nerfed, then purge added, diminishing returns, etc. Some of the very same devs are now working on SWTOR. By the end of March. Take it to the bank.

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What really sucks is that the nerfed the champion bag,So most republic "who never win a match"Can never get enouph tokens to to ever get the good gear "unless u can stand to play 24/7 and get beat over and over again".So now the The empire has 10 times more geared players.If you lose you dont get **** for coms.So we are ****ed in both ends..Good job bio way to think it threw.Most all the players in my guild have already unsubed.That 45 + players lost on ther republic side.Before to long the empire side will get to enjoy playing with themselves..
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You do realize the republic side has the exact same stuns as the empire right?


No, no he does not.


The stuns, pulls, knockbacks etc can be annoying. I'll give you that. However, they create strategies, and I'm all for that. I think the people that are truly against CC in pvp are the ones that choose the highest damage class and expect to just run around farming squishies and laugh, and go into "its broken!" rage mode when that squishy light wearer CCs them and gets away.


I'm a healer, and the only time I ever find that I'm stunned in any prohibitive way is when me and my tank friend are at a node in CW against 5 republic, and even then, it's not something that instantly kills us.

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8 out of 10 imps are lvl 50 and repugs are 20's on average.


average of sithpire warfronts today was middle 40.


repugblic was low 20. no way they can fight together without imps winning all the time. bolstering needs to actualy ewo®k. also known as 50's shouldn't be able to 3 shot everyone else. in this state the game will be a pve game(i'll enjoy that, but then they should remove pvp altogether. so people wont be confused when they think it's a pvp game)


Permastun is a nono. matching low 10-20'ies with high 40-50's doesn't work because they have all 5 stuns each and the lowbies have 1 stun and one break. *your attack missed* *parry parry parry* dodge dodge dodge*

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What really sucks is that the nerfed the champion bag,So most republic "who never win a match"Can never get enouph tokens to to ever get the good gear "unless u can stand to play 24/7 and get beat over and over again".So now the The empire has 10 times more geared players.If you lose you dont get **** for coms.So we are ****ed in both ends..Good job bio way to think it threw.Most all the players in my guild have already unsubed.That 45 + players lost on ther republic side.Before to long the empire side will get to enjoy playing with themselves..


Started seeing this on my server last night. The same group of 4 Empire 50 geared Empire would win over and over, by a large margin.


I'm talking all 3 turrets in Alderran, 6-0 in Huttball, and getting the datacore in 2 min in Voidstar while pushing us back into our spawn. Not fun Bioware.


Get these grouped players cross-server PvP so the rest of us can enjoy it.

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No, no he does not.


The stuns, pulls, knockbacks etc can be annoying. I'll give you that. However, they create strategies, and I'm all for that. I think the people that are truly against CC in pvp are the ones that choose the highest damage class and expect to just run around farming squishies and laugh, and go into "its broken!" rage mode when that squishy light wearer CCs them and gets away.


I'm a healer, and the only time I ever find that I'm stunned in any prohibitive way is when me and my tank friend are at a node in CW against 5 republic, and even then, it's not something that instantly kills us.


Nope. Not playing a high damage class. And nope, if they just got away that would be mildly annoying. The problem is chain CCs that make your participation in PVP consist of being a punching bag for the opposing team until you are dead as fried chicken. This was lame when Rogue's did it in WoW. It is just as lame now.

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stunlocks are impossible, no class has abilitiy to stunlock you and i mean NO class does! every class gets a 4 second stun that...is....it is no other class gets more stuns outside of this. If your getting stunlocked then stop fighting 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 1 because that is ONLY way to be stunlocked!


every ranged dps has following CC abilities

4 second stun

aoe knock back


60 second CC that breaks on damage


this is pretty universal, melee usually have a spammable snare and stun as well. If your being stunlocked your facing multiable enemies. also resolve=CC immunity... i cant see where your being stunlocked because i have NEVER seen it happen to date.

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I really tire of some threads about issues and then try to make them exclusive to one side. Your side has the same kinds of stuns. If you are getting stunned all over the place and dying, your teammates have the same capabilities to stun your foes and kill them, if they aren't good enough to do such things then it isn't a class issue its a player issue. Which is the issue of a lot of the complain threads lately.
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I forgot to mention the very noticeable imbalance between bounty hunter/trooper, grenade launcher/death from above. the animation for trooper is 1 second slower than bounty's version. and fullauto doesn't tick for 3 seconds as intended.. EVER


sorces instantly shoots lightning and kills a guy from a distance when he's almost capping a point.


consular does the mirror move that picks up a rock, and it has a travel time... throws rock at point and enemy caps it and dies shortly after *sounds like sniper from tf2* Good one mate*


if it has to be balanced. sorcerers has to "charge up" like a battery, strechs arms out and fires. and consulars currently have to, like now; pick up and rock and throw it. then it's actualy a mirror.


force push is slower than sorcerer's mirror move. but only by about 15-20%.

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From a marauder point of view I'm quite close to giving up on warzones due to the insane amount of knockbacks happening there. It's rediculous that I have a single gap closer but when I use it I get instantly knocked back, snared and killed. And no, you just can't save the charge becasue then you get "only" snared and killed. CC break on a 1m CD? Really?


BW does the same thing every MMO has done so far where ranged>melee. Everyone that tries to deny this is just delusional.

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While some of the cooldowns and animations are not equitable, the two sides have the exact same number of CC skills.


Which is completely irrelevant. Some of those cooldowns are so grossly different it's completely out of hand.

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From a marauder point of view I'm quite close to giving up on warzones due to the insane amount of knockbacks happening there. It's rediculous that I have a single gap closer but when I use it I get instantly knocked back, snared and killed. And no, you just can't save the charge becasue then you get "only" snared and killed. CC break on a 1m CD? Really?


BW does the same thing every MMO has done so far where ranged>melee. Everyone that tries to deny this is just delusional.


I could literally never be knocked back again and it would be too soon. Sometimes I spend more time flying around the battlefield then I do walking. Particularly the mass AOE knockback that the supposedly not OP Sorceror's have. It's hard enough to kill them in general, it is REALLY hard if you are melee.

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I really tire of some threads about issues and then try to make them exclusive to one side. Your side has the same kinds of stuns. If you are getting stunned all over the place and dying, your teammates have the same capabilities to stun your foes and kill them, if they aren't good enough to do such things then it isn't a class issue its a player issue. Which is the issue of a lot of the complain threads lately.


That would be true if the classes were actually mirrors. But they are not:



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What really sucks is that the nerfed the champion bag,So most republic "who never win a match"Can never get enouph tokens to to ever get the good gear "unless u can stand to play 24/7 and get beat over and over again".So now the The empire has 10 times more geared players.If you lose you dont get **** for coms.So we are ****ed in both ends..Good job bio way to think it threw.Most all the players in my guild have already unsubed.That 45 + players lost on ther republic side.Before to long the empire side will get to enjoy playing with themselves..


Tell me about it... I wouldn't complete daily 3 win if I wasn't sick and could spare about 5 hours of loosing WZ after WZ to maybe get that 3 lucky wins. But its rather the problem of...*look at my sig*

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I could literally never be knocked back again and it would be too soon. Sometimes I spend more time flying around the battlefield then I do walking. Particularly the mass AOE knockback that the supposedly not OP Sorceror's have. It's hard enough to kill them in general, it is REALLY hard if you are melee.


Exactly this. And IF you ever manage to get them, they just pop the shield and lol in your face.

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Totaly agree,The ward bubble and range the sage and sorc have is unreal.The cool down on my ward is 2 or 3 mins,the cool down on There ward is 5 secs.I just looked at my old ladies sith sorc.and what i see is unreal.I would even be happy if they make the range shorter on the lighing or rock damage.Or make the damage scale with distance.And for the love of god make the stuns and silences have DR.
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