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Light Side/Dark Side points, do they matter?


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Hey there, hope this isn't a repeat but I can't seem to find the search function and I'm curious. I know that your Light or Dark Side points can affect what sort of equipment you can purchase at some points, but overall how do they affect the game?


If I'm on the Republic, and a Jedi, but I decide to be bad sort of guy and always choose the Dark Side option, will this affect the overall game? Will I go over to the dark side and become a Sith? Will I not get some quests or have NPC's turn up their noses at me? Does it really make a difference?


Same goes for the Empire side, what if you decided to be a Nice Inquisitor?


Any ideas?



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Not really.


IMO, the whole 'dark jedi' or 'light sith' is a cliche that is done to death. If you wanna play dark, roll empire, and if you wanna play light, roll republic. I think this is particularly true in this game where, outside of some gear, your light/dark rating doesn't seem to matter.

Edited by TheSwamper
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A fully Dark side Jedi will simply be a Dark Jedi. You're still part of the Republic. Think of it as a cultural choice (Republic/Empire). You don't know or follow the Sith traditions thus you are not Sith. You are still a member of the Republic, regardless of your alignment.


Yes, certain NPCs will react differently to you. Your whole story will play out differently if you pick certain dark side choices. Storywise it has a major impact.


Gameplay wise the only real different is the gear you can use and that going dark side will have a visual effect on your character (Typical dark side look)


Same goes for a light side Sith. They are still Sith, but they prefer to improve the situation for the Empire as a whole instead of just slaughtering their way through everything and only improving the situation for themselves.



Not really.


IMO, the whole 'dark jedi' or 'light sith' is a cliche that is done to death. If you wanna play dark, roll empire, and if you wanna play light, roll republic. I think this is particularly true in this game where, outside of some gear, your light/dark rating doesn't seem to matter.


Cliche that is done to death? That seems pretty ironic, considering most people still follow the stereotypical "SITH IS EBUL" deal.

Personally I think Light Sith has some of the best writing and story moments in the entire game and is a blast to play as. It's also refreshing with everyone else on the Empire being yet another evil guy with some sinister plan. I definitely recommend anyone to try out a light side Sith because it creates some of the most interesting situations.

Edited by Haasth
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Hey there, hope this isn't a repeat but I can't seem to find the search function and I'm curious. I know that your Light or Dark Side points can affect what sort of equipment you can purchase at some points, but overall how do they affect the game?


If I'm on the Republic, and a Jedi, but I decide to be bad sort of guy and always choose the Dark Side option, will this affect the overall game? Will I go over to the dark side and become a Sith? Will I not get some quests or have NPC's turn up their noses at me? Does it really make a difference?


Same goes for the Empire side, what if you decided to be a Nice Inquisitor?


Any ideas?




Actually, the worst part about the light/dark side choices is that the game's gear forces you to choose 1 way or the other. So eventually you stop looking at the actual choices in dialogue as you go through your quests and simply hit the dark or light button according to what you know you "must" click in order to progress your character through gear choices.


Its pretty poorly thought out.

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well, i dont know, but as a LS SW when getting my jedi companion jaeasa she looked into my "soul" or some crap and said i was good stuff about me, im guessing it happens different for DS SW.


There is also a quest where you see a reflection of your self, and the reflection says "turn away from your mercifull ways and embrace the darkside, otherwise you will be destroyed by baras"


but thats about it.

Edited by Jedi_molbani
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well, i dont know, but as a LS SW when getting my jedi companion jaeasa she looked into my "soul" or some crap and said i was good stuff about me, im guessing it happens diffrent for DS SW.


There is also a quest wher you see a reflection of your self, and the reflection says "turn away from your mercifull ways and embrace the darkside, otherwise you will be destroyed by baras"


but thats about it.


Those things play out very differently if you are Dark side, yes.

Story moments like that are very much based on previous light side or dark side choices, like I said before your story plays out quite differently depending on those.



It has no effect on story at all,


Except that it does?

I suppose companions reacting entirely differently to you is not a story consequence? Jaesa for example reacts completely differently if you go a light side route. Heck, certain points not happening because you opted to spare someone who later comes around to kill you is not a story effect?

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Not really.


IMO, the whole 'dark jedi' or 'light sith' is a cliche that is done to death. If you wanna play dark, roll empire, and if you wanna play light, roll republic. I think this is particularly true in this game where, outside of some gear, your light/dark rating doesn't seem to matter.


You couldn't be more wrong dude. This game is about the journey not about the destination. If you wanna become a sith who has learned the true meaning of The Force and has become neither light or dark like Revan or has turned to the Light side. You should be able to venture as one. Not because oh I wanna use red light sabers when im maxed level -_-.

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It has no effect on story at all, so there are no actual consequences except arbitrary gear and crystal restrictions. Since you can grind light and dark points late in the game, your decisions don't even matter in the long term.


It should have in my opinion, I hope Bioware adds bit more depth to the storylines in the future. Currently the dialog options can affect mainly your companions affection gains/losses, and then theres the gear alignment requirements. Thats mostly it so far.


Of course the choices can affect the storyline, but its not only dependant on whether the choice is light/dark, but rather what the choice is actually about (killing/sparing/helping someone etc).


But of course then there are people who immerse themselves in the game and choose the options according to what their character is like. :)

Edited by Karkais
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Except that it does?

I suppose companions reacting entirely differently to you is not a story consequence? Jaesa for example reacts completely differently if you go a light side route. Heck, certain points not happening because you opted to spare someone who later comes around to kill you is not a story effect?


I don't consider companion reactions to be consequences to the story, just a sideshow. You can always switch alignments and backtrack...


Any examples of your last question?

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I think it's a great area to have progression of quests and such. They have options for story lines other than main class quests and world quests


Currently it is just appearance and gear that is effected. I don't always hit the "dark side" button tho. I has had many times where I've struggled and pushed light side because it felt like a better option. In many cases I feel like its significantly improved immersion

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I don't consider companion reactions to be consequences to the story, just a sideshow. You can always switch alignments and backtrack...


Any examples of your last question?


Small example, but relatively spoiler free,


Trooper Act 1 quest where you can opt to save someone or chase after one of the traitors.

If you do the first the traitor will escape and at the end of Act 1 reappear as a miniboss.

If you do the latter that will of course not happen as you kill said traitor (Not sure if you can spare that person) there. Not sure how much of an impact it has that the first person died.


There are quite a few of these consequences throughout.


And with companion reactions I also meant their regular dialogue on ships and such (You can't backtrack these can you?) Jaesa shapes out to be quite a bit differently based on your choices as an example.

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Thanks for the replies!


I am mainly curious about the storyline and companion effects. As I have both a Jedi Knight who is going heavily light side and a Jedi Counselor going into dark side, I'm going to see how it plays out. I do like that the storylines diverge a bit and keep it interesting, which I'm already seeing before 10th level, so kudos to Bioware for that.


Thanks again, folks, see ya in game.

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Small example, but relatively spoiler free,


Trooper Act 1 quest where you can opt to save someone or chase after one of the traitors.

If you do the first the traitor will escape and at the end of Act 1 reappear as a miniboss.

If you do the latter that will of course not happen as you kill said traitor (Not sure if you can spare that person) there. Not sure how much of an impact it has that the first person died.


There are quite a few of these consequences throughout.


That is a single choice, not based on alignment, unless the character only is a miniboss if you spare then and they are not hostile if you are X alignment.

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LOL, I am a petty light side guy in RL. So no surprise I play mostly Republic. I do have a baby SI (level 11 atm) that I am bringing along. To me some of the light side choices are simplistic but I find some of the dark side options a little disgusting and so my SI is about as light side as my Trooper and JC. It will be interesting to see how this plays out as the

SI progresses.

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Yea the idea that all empire is dark side and all republic is goody goody is kinda an absurd view to hold. One of the class quest for knight involve an encounter with a Sith Lord who is by every stretch an honorable man.
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well, i dont know, but as a LS SW when getting my jedi companion jaeasa she looked into my "soul" or some crap and said i was good stuff about me, im guessing it happens different for DS SW.


There is also a quest where you see a reflection of your self, and the reflection says "turn away from your mercifull ways and embrace the darkside, otherwise you will be destroyed by baras"


but thats about it.






Question: If you are playing a LS Sith Warrior does Jaeasa stay LS? In my game I was like Dark III at that point so when she looked in my soul she saw unimaginable evil (but was impressed that I never lied about my nature unlike her master). Once I turned her she became VERY VERY evil herself...So I reiterate, does she stay good if you are a LS SW?


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